39,326 Topics
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i am just start to learn php and using dreaweaver for practice, i just want to know that like other languages can we debug php code if can then how we debug php code in dreamweaver or any other editor for php? | |
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Registration Form</title> <link rel="stylesheet" media="screen" href="style.css" > </head> <body> <div class="head" style="background:#343434;width:auto;height:100px"> <br/> <h2 Style="color:white"><center>NAVAL DOCKYARD, VISAKHAPATNAM-530 014 </br> APPLICATION FOR ABSORPTION OF TRADESMAN(SKILLED)</center> </h2> </div> <form enctype="multipart/form-data" class="contact_form" action= "<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post"> <ul> <h4>Registration Form </h4> <hr/> <li> <label for="name">APPLICANT PHOTO :<sup style="color: … | |
i'm storing 2 images at a time in my database table in a single row. 1st image was Applicant Photo Name as Image In Db & Second Image Was Applicant Sign Name as Sign in Db. So I'm retriving Both At single shot.But I'Want To Display Images Both At a … | |
Hii I am trying to do that when i clicked on particula Category ,only subcategories of tht clicked category show and rest subcategories ll hide ....im getting problem because it is in loop ,if im applying any script it implement on all..so please any better way to do it ..so … | |
My brain won't work (in fact it doesn't often when it comes to comparing dates). I need to check whether a date returned from the database is 7 days or less from the current date (can't do it in database as it is used to highlight events where entries close … | |
Hi everybody, i have problem in my php code (it just showing nothing....means no error no results).......can anybody tell me what is wrong with this code.....i'm new to PHP........here is my code <?php try { $config=array( 'DB_USERNAME'=>'root', 'DB_PASSWORD'=>'' ); $conn=new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=scc',$config['DB_USERNAME'],$config['DB_PASSWORD']); $conn->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); echo rand_id(); } catch(Exception $e) { echo … | |
Good afternoon, I have an MP3 of a short presentation that I would like to make available on the index page of my members site. Actually it is already there... and it works. But, the problem that I have is that when you click on the link, it opens the … | |
Hello. I received some code that has a section in which the variable $DB is established. $DB =& new DB($db_username, $db_password, $db_dsn, false); It does this by calling a function named DB, which is shown here below. /** * Constructor * * will set $DB->error and return false if login … | |
any idea how I can get a string to return from an ajax call taking the href from an object using: (javascript) $('herpy').attr('href').toString() into a PHP controller as a string so it can be used as a parameter in sql code? Everything I try results in this bizzarre array being … | |
So I have a form customers fill out. When they check a few checkboxes t150 (t8) through t440 (t45) they will get the intended version of the quote with all of the checked models included in the quote, but if they check one of the models in the t150(t8) through … | |
Hello, I followed the tutorial from [this site here](http://www.html-form-guide.com/php-form/php-login-form.html) and have added the login/registration to my test site. The problem is I now need to add two currencies to each user. On the database I have created two rows for 'invested' and 'return' and need these to be unique to … | |
hi every one a problem in project i have admission page in that i need auto generating number,every time i refresh the page i need to get autogenerating number can any one help me | |
I am trying to delete pictures from the server that are associated with a specific item, that way when the user clicks on the delete button it will delete the item as well as all pictures associated with it, after doing a bunch of searching and experimenting I have this … | |
Hello I want to extract content of a website found between some specific html tags.How can i achieve that with php. For e.g consider viewing google.com soure code.I want to extract data with <title> </title> tags and store it in a variable(its "Google" in this case) Bascially script navigates to … | |
Hello everyone, I am once agian running into a problem with something that's normally simple, yet lovely cakePHP has to make all so very hard. I'm once agian tasked with improoving the bookmarking application on our website. This time I am suppose to have the url save the date: start … | |
hey guys im trying to update my database here, the code is running fine session_start(); $school_id = $_SESSION['school_id']; $faculty_id = $_SESSION['user_id_fac']; $subject_id = $_POST['subject_id']; $year_grade_level = $_POST['year_level']; $subject_handeler_id = $_POST['subject_handler_id']; $student_grades_boy = $_POST['student_grades_boy']; $student_grades_girl = $_POST['student_grades_girl']; $values_boy = array(); foreach ($student_grades_boy as $key=>$data) { $student_id_B= $data['studnt_B_id']; $grade_B = $data['studnt_grade_B']; $values_boy[$key] … | |
Hey all, cant get this very very simple query to work but I have been going 26 hours and my thoughts are numb. Please assist? I have error reporting on and request mysql errors but I'm getting nothing. Contents of config.php $db_host = 'localhost'; //IP of database server (most likely … | |
Hi everyone, I would like to ask a question about MySQL. Say, I have a database like this: database 1: articles |- id |- title |- description database 2: tags |- id |- articleID |- tag I needed to search from articles.description and tags.tag and while doing so, the searched … | |
> Hi guys, how to get **date modified** document in process upload? ex: test.txt 30/11/12 02:13 how to get this date **30/11/12 02:13** while upload this document? > i've try like this but the result not matching with real date modified $filename = $_FILES['uploadedfile']['name']; echo date("d m Y H:i:s",filemtime('/' . … | |
Hi Guys, I'm starting on a new project, it's a login page, let say I have a sql column[dateReg], it is the time the user registered or change his password, then everytime he login, I want to compare his login date to the dateReg and if the next time he … | |
This site was made by a previous designer and the client needed some updates. The header and nav were an image file before and I recreated them as include files with CSS. I have tried different variations to input the includes and it still not showing up live. Here is … | |
I run a text based game and I am having some trouble. I have a hospital section of the game where if you loose a fight you go here for a period of time. Now you see the time is supposed to go down say if you go to the … | |
Hi I have modified the dropbox script with the following <script type="text/javascript"> $(function(){ var dropbox = $('#dropbox'), message = $('.message', dropbox); dropbox.filedrop({ // The name of the $_FILES entry: paramname:'userfile', maxfiles: 10, maxfilesize: 50, url: '<?php echo base_url();?>ajax/post_file.php', uploadFinished:function(i,file,response){ $.data(file).addClass('done'); // response is the JSON object that post_file.php returns }, … | |
I'm new to php and im running xampp and the apache server is running, i created an html (phptext.html) form below which inputs the user's name and sends it to a php file called phptext.php. now the problem i'm getting is the html form sends data to the php file … | |
So, I have a small site for the highschool I'm currently in, a pretty simple site connected to MySQL for a simple HelpDesk app (I used a lot of scripts that I found here to make the site work, thanks for the contributors btw!!), and some useful links for school … | |
I got everything working on the edit information page even the delete picture and insert a new picture. However when I delete or insert a picture, every field in the details table dissapears, if it turns out to be a field that is editable then it gets replaced with a … | |
***Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/crysta21/public_html/hospital.phpon line 53*** <?php /* MCCodes FREE hospital.php Rev 1.1.0c Copyright (C) 2005-2012 Dabomstew This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the … | |
I have an array having unique 'table_id' that will find 'parent_id' and goes under parent index. My Array: Array ( [0] => Array ( [table_id] => 7 [table_name] => Macro [parent_table] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [table_id] => 4 [table_name] => Dise [parent_table] => 7 ) [2] => … | |
is it possible in php java scrip and jquery that we give a condition and redirect page to another pages on depending on those condition like if($id==1) { header(location:page1.php); } else { header(location:page2.php); } the value of id comes from database. something like that using jc jquery enything please help … |
The End.