39,388 Topics
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Hello, pls help me to do this. i m saving my image in php mysql and retriving with js - base64 i cant get code exactly. i m retriving. like this code <img src="LzlqLzRBQVFTa1pKUmdBQkFRQUFBUUFCQUFELzJ3.....<continue code>" /> I want src like below: <img src=" /> | |
Hello, I want ask you, how can i get the value of the select in the same page to use it to loop by it ? for example: <select name="abc"> <option value="1" >1</option> <option value="2" >2</option> <option value="3" >3</option> </select> and to use the $_POST['abc'] in a loop like this: … | |
form not posting to database instead its redirecting me to another page with heading "object not found!" <?php $connect= mysql_connect("localhost", "username", "password"); if (!$connect) { die("could'nt connect to db:".mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db("myapp", $connect); $sql="INSERT INTO form(fname,lname,email,password,telephone,sex,dob) VALUES ('','$_POST[fname]', '$_POST[lname]', '$_POST[email]' '$_POST[password]', '$_POST[telephone]', '$_POST[sex]', '$_POST[dob]')"; if (!mysql_query($sql, $connect)) { die("Error:" .mysql_error()); } … | |
I got a list like that "Name: John, Age: 20, Phone number: 12343223" How can I make up an array of which indexes are 'name', 'age', ....... Thanks for your help. | |
I have a variable called `$file`, this is from a GET query. I need the variable `$file_humanread`to be equal to whatever file is with humanname appended. For example, if file is equal to 'test', I need the variable $file_humanread to be equal to $test_humanread, which is set already. I've tried: … | |
![]() | Hi, I'm getting this error: **Column 'id' cannot be null**. I can't figure it out why. I always **Import** the tables by using **.sql** into **MyPHPAdmin**. I only have **2** tables. One is **mypost** and the other **username**. For my **.sql** file I always have the same format with **NOT … |
Okay so I have a PHP script that creates user acounts and encrypts the password then saves it into the database. The login form just compares the users password with a password in the database. The database has a password to connect to and user name. Is this enough security … | |
Hello there. Sorry that I don't really know much about drop down button in php. I was assign to do a booking system as my final project but somehow I don't know how to make the button works. It suppost to be like this. The user needs to choose which … | |
Hye, Anybody can give me an idea on how to get the name of the folder that contain the downloded file? I want to do like this. For example, after the user have download the file, they will be redirect to a page where it will display the location of … | |
hi everyone im trying to integrate reoccuring payments in a website using paypal...setting up the initial payment is easy enough, but i cant find anything anywere that shows me how paypal will tell my site when a reoccuring payment is made?? the site is offering membership, users need to pay … | |
mysql_select_db('snack', $con); <form action="action.php" method="post"> mysql_query("INSERT INTO Produk VALUES ('Produk')"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO Jumlah VALUES ('Jumlah')"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO Tanggal_Masuk VALUES ('Tanggal_Masuk')"); <input type="submit"> </form> Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '<' in C:\xampp\htdocs\Innovation\script_shop\stock.php on line 56 line 56: <form action="action.php" method="post"> | |
Hi, I have these methods in my user class which check whether a username already exists and if not, inserts it into the database: //This function checks to see if the username entered already exists Private function check_user_exists() { $stmt = $this->_db->prepare('SELECT * FROM client_login WHERE Username = ?'); $stmt->execute(array($this->_username)); … | |
Hello guys, Does anyone know exactly how to make a comparison script for car insurance? Would be great if someone could make one for me (£), or could teach me! Cheers, Sam | |
Hello Community, I was wondering if i can get some help with the 4shared php api. [Here](http://www.4shared.com/developer/docs/samples/#PHP) is a sample on how to upload a file. But now i need to know how to delete a file, by the way i have never used an api. Please Help... | |
hay I have this code to upload images it works OK bu there is 2 things not working 1- when the image has the same name it doesn't display the message "A file of the same name already exists" it just give me this Notice "Notice: Undefined variable: success in … ![]() | |
Hey guys, as part of my project I am trying to make it so each record in my database has it's own page in a fashion similar to: http://domain.com/Customer.php?customer_name="John Doe" And this will echo all the information in the table about John Doe. (In the future I would like to … ![]() | |
**how can i pass an associative array and fetch that same array in submitted page with key=>value format. ** <?php //I SUBMIT a.phhp PAGE IN THIS PAGE// $f=$_REQUEST['1'];//1st input field value of a.php page $s=$_REQUEST['2'];//1st input field value of a.php page $t=$_REQUEST['3'];//1st input field value of a.php page $sub=$_REQUEST['s']; $arr=array($f,$s,$t); … ![]() | |
Hi Everyone, I am helping a good friend of mine to design a website, but we have got a bit stuck - Hoping someone can help us out. We are trying to add a var from our database into the header location. like this - header( "Location: resend.php?activate=$mobnumid"); Here is … | |
how to save value from drop menu by using php. <select name = 'color'> <option value='black'>Black</option> <option value='gray'>Gray</option> <option value='white'>White</option> </select> i am saving the value from text field by doing this. i am thinking if i can do some thing like this in drop down menu. <input type="text" name="username" … ![]() | |
Hi, I have a problem with the encoding of the Russian language in the transfer xlsx file into MySQL database. On the this page http://gefestholding.ru/modul/ you can see my efforts. Can anyone advise me how to set encoding? To convert using php class (SimpleXLSX.class). Thank you for your answer. ![]() | |
I want to send mail from my php site. But i dont have any idea about how to configur it. I am using BigRock Hosting service. And the code below shown is using now as the sendmail.php page to send mail.. <?php $to = $to; $subject = "My subject here"; … ![]() | |
Hey everyone I am trying to create a function in php that will take the question that the user enters on the website and store it in an array. here is my code but I highly doubt its right: <?php class Enligne_Model_DbTables_Users extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract { protected $eilgne_Questions = null; protected … ![]() | |
Hi, Can anybody please me, how to increase the performance of the web server? Thanks ![]() | |
Hey guys, I want to know how to program a search engine that looks for keywords from different websites. I know how to program search engines themselves if you're searching specific items from your website. What I want to know is searching for specific words all over the internet. E.g. … | |
Hi to All Just wondering how cn i achieve something like this example i select **January** for the first list menu and select **2013** for the second one now what im trying to achieve here is how to show all the data for the said month and year without submitting … ![]() | |
I'm trying to do a simple contact form and have it send to an e-mail but its giving me an error after clicking submit. Here's my code: <form action="contact.php" method="post"> <fieldset> <legend>Contact Information</legend> First Name: <input type="text" name="fname" id="fname" value="" /><br /> Last Name: <input type="text" name="lname" id="lname" value="" /><br … | |
not sure why this mail isnt working. when i run this code i get a error: Mail error SMTP Error: Could not connect to SMTP host. i set up a if test which is failing. doesnt any one know how to connect to smtp host? does this smtp means the … | |
![]() | I'm attempting to make a web-based scheduling system, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to make it work in the best manner. First, the current table structure: **shifts** Shift_ID (pk) Event_ID (fk) Dept_ID (fk) Start End **shifts_assigned** Entry_ID (pk) Shift_ID (fk) User_ID (fk) DateAssigned Position Notes Where pk is … ![]() |
Dear All, i want to make a program through which, our chairman gets a prompt message one day before a deadline of a specific event comes. In database, il make a database fields like, **serialno, file, intial date, deadline date, status** how a user to get a deadline prompt message … ![]() | |
Hello! I need help about how can i do my content show just first time, when i click secocond time in that page have a blank page ,and latter appeard that after 1 hour, how can i do whith php code ?Can somebody help me please about it? Thank you … ![]() |
The End.