39,388 Topics
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I am in need of incrementing through a php array with the javascript variable "i" instead of where i have 0 in the $members array call var i = 0; while (i<5) { if (<?php echo json_encode($members[0]['department']); ?> == "CHE"){ contacts.push({"NAME":"Sir Saula","TITLE":"John","CONTACT":"bab","RESEARCH":"Ph.D."}); } i++; } | |
I am using mysql to fetch this result from the database.I need to caluclate the rank of a prticular user id from this result.What is the easy and smart way of doing it? SELECT a.UserId,d.AreaId,d.SubjectId, SUM( a.Marks ) AS sum, COUNT( a.Marks ) AS count, SUM( a.Marks ) / COUNT( … ![]() | |
Hey Guys, I am having some trouble... I have the following XML from Google: <GeocodeResponse> <status>OK</status> <result> <type>street_address</type> <formatted_address> 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA </formatted_address> <address_component> <long_name>1600</long_name> <short_name>1600</short_name> <type>street_number</type> </address_component> <address_component> <long_name>Amphitheatre Pkwy</long_name> <short_name>Amphitheatre Pkwy</short_name> <type>route</type> </address_component> <address_component> <long_name>Mountain View</long_name> <short_name>Mountain View</short_name> <type>locality</type> <type>political</type> </address_component> <address_component> <long_name>Santa … | |
i have a lot of mysql data (2 Lakhs data) how to collect data with in a seconds ? any idea thanks in advance ![]() | |
Hi, I have 7 variables...each vriable is having either of two values "0" or "1" e.g. a=0, b=1, c=1, d=1, e=0, f=1, g=0 Now I need the total of all these 7 variables but only which are having value "1" (in the above case b+c+d+f) My problem that it's dynamic...i.e … | |
![]() | Hi I'm having an issue SELECT to database, I been working on it all day. I'm still new to MYSQL. I created a table: Records Table: **Records** Fields: ***id*** (INT(25), primary key, No Null, auto-increment) Fields: ***title*** (VARCHAR(256), No Null) Fields: ***content*** (TEXT, No Null) <php if (isset ($ _POST … ![]() |
Hi every one I have a very simple form and it just will not submit to the db. Could some one please tell me where I am going wrong? <?php if ( $_SESSION['logged_in'] ): ?> (1) <?php endif; ?> <?php if($_POST['formSubmit'] == "Submit") { $errorMessage = ""; if(empty($_POST['social_media'])) { $errorMessage … | |
Hi, please first you visit this site http://www.webdo.x10.mx/ this is my practice site.I just starting my php carrer.here i create a search option with button but its not working as my expectation.i think its code is OK".here the code.. <?php $connect=mysql_connect('localhost','root',''); $mysql_db=mysql_select_db('my_database',$connect) or die(mysql_error()); //db name:my_database if (isset($_POST['search_name'])) { $search_name= … | |
Hi, This is my first post.I just starting php Hope everyone reply me as possible as. I have signup problem.When i filled the form and click sign up button then it nothing show any result i mean its not home.php "welcome" message and also not store date in my mysql … | |
Hello all, i get this error while inserting and udating some tables.Duplicate entry '9105224' for key 'PRIMARY'error no:1062error:1062 .number 9105224 is randomly generated and set in u_id field in one of the tables in MYSQL, which is set to unique and primary.The sql querries are working fine and the rows … | |
Hi please help, im new at this stuff!! I cant find the error here!! I have the following error on the top of my website: Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in C:\xampp\htdocs\ITAffair\templates\md-corporate\index.php on line 15 The first couple of lines of code in my index.php file … | |
do you know how can i put a hyphen (-) after 3 digits of a number(starting from the end) in php? example: the number 9787897878 to be shown as 978-789-7878?? | |
I need to fetch questions with 4 optional answers from dtabase.... tables are questions | options...html code is below... <table width="536" height="54"> <tr> <td class="deco">Q<?php echo $index.") ".$questions; ?> </td> <td width="15"></td> </tr> <?php while($row_wrong_ans = mysql_fetch_array($res_wrong_ans)){ $op_index = $row_wrong_ans['fbo_index']; $op = $row_wrong_ans['fbo_ans']; ?> <tr> <td width="473"><input type="radio" name="radio[<?php $index;?>]" … | |
Hello, I'm having a weird problem with some PHP when outputting some HTML. For example: echo "<h1>There are errors!</h1>"; foreach($errors AS $error) { echo $error . '\n'; } exit(); I want the output to actually show the text in H1 style, however the output is like this: <h1>There are errors!</h1> … | |
require_once(LIBRARY_PATH . "phpmailer.php"); require_once(CONFIG_PATH . "emailconfig.php"); class email { public function sendMail($from,$fromname,$subject,$content,$to){ $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->SMTPAuth = SMTPAuth ; $mail->IsSMTP(); $mail->SMTPSecure = SMTPSecure; $mail->Host = Host; $mail->Port = Port; $mail->Username = Username; $mail->Password = Password; $mail->From = $from; $mail->FromName = $fromname; $mail->Subject = $subject; $mail->Body = $content; $mail->AddAddress($to); $mail->IsHTML(true); … | |
Hi guys I'm just starting to built dynamic php site but while testing (pasted url/embed) videos from youtube I get this error. 403 Forbidden Access to this resource on the server is denied! I use a form to post to the database. It works for everything else except embedded video … | |
![]() | Hi all, just walked into a door with a problem I recently helped out with. I was testing whether a value was a positive power of 10 (1,10,100 ...) -> (0,1,2 ...). So I thought I'd use log10(). Now I know that log10() returns a float type. But testing this: … ![]() |
[kn3rdmeister.com/feed/](http://kn3rdmeister.com/feed/) I'm going to admit that when I made my website and feed, I was very much copying the styles and structures of [mega64.com](http://mega64.com), especially the way their RSS feed was built. I know that it's made by WordPress, and not Mega64 themselves, but still, it's their feed. I'm a … | |
Hi, I am having a bit of trouble with a login scritp I have written. I have a script setting some cookies (so i know when the user is logged in) and on my other pages i use a scrip to see if they are logged in, If they are … | |
In PHP using isset() function for checking the form value is set or not? Like wise which methed is used in java? Any one can help ASAP..? | |
P.S i know title sucks but i couldn't think of an appropriate title to explain this:( Well i tried to think over this matter for days but couldn't found the logic of how it is done, so i guess only you guys can help me understand this some of you … | |
Hi! Just wanted to know if there is any special syntax to get values in <option> with a space between words. For example: <form action="abc.php" method="post"> <select name="study_class"> <option value="Class 1">CLASS 1</option> <option value="Class 2">CLASS 2</option> </select> </form> Can php recognize "Class 1" or "Class 2" or will it recognize … | |
I would like to know how to avoid the OUTPUT of var_dump($abc); from showing in the output screen and instead use it to feed a variable. Well, I am trying to put the output of `<form><select name="study_Class"><option value="word1 (space) word2">word1 word2</option></form>` into php program as an array as shown below … | |
Hi, I am new in web design.So,I need your help. Because i build my carrer as a web developer. please visit this site: http://www.webdo.x10.mx/index.php please go catagory link and i want my *header section*, *Add purpose section* and *footer section* in catagory page just look like home page with *content* … | |
Here is the php code that I have. I am trying to take the average of the array and then take the avearge and the display numbers from the array that are less then the average using a foreach loop then an if statement inside the foreach loop. <?php $total … | |
Hi, I am trying to make a sound play on a keypress in php. I want it to sound when the user presses the enter button. But I have been having no luck with JavaScript, among others. I would be glad if you helped. Thanks. | |
Here are my two pages I am using to edit. One is the HTML form and the next is the code to insert the changes. I have looked overthis code for a few hours and have not seen anything wrong. I hope it is not something super simple or I … | |
hi all! lame programmer here again.Please explain this thing..seems like it has truth table and stuf.anding oring etc..plz explain how this will execute.need simple explanation so i wont forget throughout my life..:D if (!(mysql_query($sql,$con)) || !(mysql_query($sql_pin,$con))) { if(mysql_errno()==1062) { $error_flag=1; echo mysql_error(); echo "error no:".mysql_errno(); die("error:".mysql_errno()); } $error_flag=1; } else … | |
Hi all, I realise that this has been asked probably many times. I have searched but have not been able to find the relative answer - most likely not searching properly?? Anyway, what I would like to do is to display multiple images relating to one topic, ie. One member … | |
Hello everyone we search many days to create a php mail contact form in flash 8 and after all we cannot make this Acually we want to add more fields in my flash contact form please anybody help How to more fields we use this Action Scripts in Flash and … |
The End.