39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for nadiam

hi, so i didnt know how to phrase this question in google to get some clue so im just gonna ask here. And im also not sure if this is the correct place to ask because im not sure what language id have to use. anyway, i have a popup …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for jpizzolato

I am trying to upload a csv file to a website that was created using a MySQL query in a php file. Here is the code: ************************************* // Fetch Record from Database $output = ""; $table = "customer"; // Enter Your Table Name $sql = mysql_query("select * from $table"); $columns_total …

Member Avatar for sikander123
Member Avatar for nurul_1

Hello.I have problem please help me. Thank you in advanced. I have radio button in my form. The data will be insert into MySQL based on the selected radio button. For example, I have A and B table. The radio button value also A and B. If I select A, …

Member Avatar for jj.dcruz
Member Avatar for everton.retweets

Hi Everyone... I have the following php to check against two vars... $minute & $second I am making a new var out of the above $fgt = $minute. "" .$second; if((strstr($fgt,"45:00"))) { $hint = 'Error'; registerError( $hint, $hint, $error_title, '<h3>Error - Goal Time Can Not Be Greater Than <strong>(45:00)</strong></h3>' ); …

Member Avatar for everton.retweets
Member Avatar for neha05

Hello all ,Please I required some effects on the image like Bleed gallery wrap,bleed mirror effect,select the edges like thin gallery(0.75") and Thick gallery (15"),Please guide me on that any jquery or script ,css for that.

Member Avatar for markii.borabon

Im developing e-commerce website wherein the costumer can leave comment in a specific product.. and im getting crazy how could i set the product id and user who leave comment on that specific product. the comment must be read by the other user. please help!

Member Avatar for Alberto Bucur
Member Avatar for Goutham_1

I have a new button in the view. I want to make it look in similar style like view/delete button. please help me. <!--Content--> <?php $details=$details; ?> <h3><?php echo $name; ?></h3> <div id="content"> <?php $form=$this->beginWidget('CActiveForm', array( 'id'=>'nimsoft-host-form', //'enableAjaxValidation'=>true, 'enableClientValidation' => true, 'clientOptions' => array( 'validateOnSubmit' => true, 'validateOnChange' => true, …

Member Avatar for patk570

I am not sure why this is not working, Its setting the flags perfectly but will not update events... if(isset($_REQUEST['del'])){ if($_REQUEST['del'] == 1){ $asset_id = $_REQUEST['assetID']; $sql = "UPDATE assets, events SET assets.del_flag=1 , events.del_flag=1 WHERE assets.id='$asset_id' AND events.asset_id='$asset_id'" or die(mysqli_error($mysqli)); if ( $mysqli->query($sql) ) { $addevent1 = "INSERT INTO …

Member Avatar for patk570
Member Avatar for RascelleGrepo

Hello guys, I am on my revision of my thesis and I am actually stuck on this thing. My thesis is Online Requisition of Document and the panel told me that when the student submits his/her request, the expected date or tentative date release of document will automatically display or …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for Priti_P

Hello All, In PHP file i have session variables like 'token'. When I am using the same PHP file in java script $_post("path_to_php_file.php",{ }`, function(data){ }); Then it is not giving me that token. Why so? Am not starting any session in that file again.

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for chaitu11

http://www.flipkart.com/mens-clothing/winter-seasonal-wear/pr?sid=2oq,s9b,qgu&otracker=hp_nmenu_sub_men_0_Winter%20Wear I want to intergrate filters for checkboxes. is there any jquery plugin avaliable ?

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for Fiorentino01^

Hi, I wonder if you can help me.I am doing a php tutorial. I am supposed to be able to open this file: <?xml version="1.0"?> <pet> <name>Polly Parrot</name> <age>3</age> <species>Parrot</species> <parents> <mother>Pia Parrot</mother> <father>Peter Parrot</father> </parents> </pet> and this is the php file: <?php //set name of xml file $file …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for jj.dcruz

Hi there I'm having a problem uploading my file with a progressbar. the problems are 1. i cannot upload any photos at all 2. i cannot find/promt errors **here is my full codes:** this is for php <?php if(!empty($_FILES['file'])){ foreach ($_FILES['file']['name'] as $key => $value) { $file = $_FILES['file']['name']; $allowed …

Member Avatar for ebanbury

Hi I had an field to upload pdf's only, which worked well. I want to add the option to add docs as well as pdf's and now it is not working: if (!empty($_FILES['pdf_main']['name']) && ($_FILES['pdf_main']['type']!="application/pdf" || $_FILES['pdf_main']['type']!= "application/msword")){ echo '<p class="white">Please check the certificate uploaded. It should be a PDF …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for justin22

<?php session_start(); include 'connect.php'; <?php session_start(); include 'connect.php'; if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { //$username = $_POST['username']; $password = md5($_POST['currentpassword']); $newpassword = md5($_POST['newpassword']); $confirmnewpassword = md5($_POST['newpassword1']); $user_id = $_SESSION['user_id']; var_dump($user_id); $sql = "SELECT * FROM user WHERE user_id=$user_id "; var_dump($sql); mysql_select_db($dbname) or die(mysql_error()); $result = mysql_query($sql); //mysql_fetch_assoc($result); while($data = mysql_fetch_assoc($result) ){ $userPassword = $data['password']; …

Member Avatar for Mike_danvers
Member Avatar for Владимир_1

Hi to all! May be it's a very very stupid question, but I am stuck on it... So my problem is the second - I have array $pacient[$val['pacientid']][] = $val['f_name']." ".$val['s_name']; And I want to compare values in this array, so how I go throught array: $pacient = array_unique($pacient); foreach($pacient …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for rajendher

dear programmers, how to show urls `(http://example.com/mtfiles/2014/2014.html)` from to `(http://example.com/2014.html)`. server at plesk panel anybody please tell me . thank you

Member Avatar for rajendher
Member Avatar for showman13

This may sound strange, but I'm having an issue I can't explain... and have been researching why for the past day and a half with no results. All of a sudden on Friday Morning I was unable to log into a members back office, which is based on session variables. …

Member Avatar for showman13
Member Avatar for fiddler80

Hello. I have a php script that will backup my databases and ftp them to another server. All works fine via a cron job - but the backups are piling up and I'd like to add some code to the script to delete all the old backups - and just …

Member Avatar for fiddler80
Member Avatar for rpv_sen

Hi I am trying to enable the fileds with help of radio button is selected below are my code, its working fine for inserting a value in database. I can able to fetch the datas from database for display except the radio button is not getting selected from the database …

Member Avatar for rpv_sen
Member Avatar for johnef_sh

I am trying to use PHP with Google map JavaScript this is my JavaScript code I have with the PHP the file name is face.php <?php if(isset($_GET['p'])){$p=$_GET['p'];} ?> <!DOCTYPE html > <head> <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" /> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/> <title>Property Map</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../../css/960.css" type="text/css" media="screen" charset="utf-8" /> …

Member Avatar for johnef_sh
Member Avatar for satbir4
Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for gtsuji

i have a problem with this i wanna update a profile i can update the title and the body but i can update the image here is the program i hope can help thank you so much

Member Avatar for pzuurveen
Member Avatar for CarterLangley

Hi guys, I have a mysql database with many tables. Instead of creating a page each to enter info into the relevant tables, is it possible to have a form created dynamically depending on what table I want to insert information into? Database has 20 tables in it at present, …

Member Avatar for CarterLangley
Member Avatar for Iikeloa

Hi I'm facing a problem with having two forms in the same page.The problem is that the action is taken from only the first form. For example : <html> <body> <form action='test.php' method='POST'> <input type='submit' /> </form> <form action='testme.php' method='POST'> <input type='submit' /> </form> </body> </html> when I hit on …

Member Avatar for Iikeloa
Member Avatar for showman13

There was a thread that covered part of this issue, but it never really got resolved completely. I now have everything working the way it is supposed to with the single exception of the transfer of the .csv file from my server to the secure server of my vendor. If …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for sikander123

i have much tried for this solution but not any well solution found.if any one know how can we compare two audio files by their voice and after comparing it give the result of matching voices.please if any one now the solution told me.

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for Amanpreet_1

i'll be gratified if anyone can help me thru this ..... my problm if that i have to retrieve data from my sql database ... bt itz stored thr from an app created in php .. so stored using preg_match function in php ....**&nbsp;hlo<div><br></div>** this is format i have it …

Member Avatar for Amanpreet_1
Member Avatar for game4tress

I'm creating a chat system and the problem is that when testing with two users, the secound user (entering the system) can see the first user (already loged in), but the first user will never see the next user(s) entering the system. I know that the problem comes from the …

Member Avatar for neha05

Facing issue when splitting a image ,when image size is bigger,it split only part of tht image or i want that any size of image show properly according to div size after splitting.`Inline Code Example Here` <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>jQuery PicStrips example</title> <!--<link href="http://www.jqueryscript.net/css/jquerysctipttop.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">--> <script …


The End.