39,388 Topics
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Hello friends, this code/snippet is nothing special, just a simple rss reader class written in PHP. Many times in my projects I use this script to get an RSS feed from some website and now i decided to share with you. This script can be useful for your projects or … ![]() | |
I want make list years in PHP.List contains years of 1900 to 1992. Second problem is send my list to another adress in GET metods. | |
Hi I have this table name age John 14 Katy 14 Mark 15 and I want the number of rows where the age is equal to 14 , so in this example the result should be (2) but my problem is that I dont know how to start , so … | |
Hi guys, back again! OK, this is what I am sitting with now. I have to select a person from the database and in the select box display their first, middle, and last names. The data returned should be the fields id to insert into the foreign key id of … ![]() | |
Hello, I have installed apache 2.2 but when I try to make it listen to 80, I can browse the target page and access denied error is displayed. But when I change the listening port to say 8080, I could browse using this port. I have already tried to check … | |
Can anybody tell me briefly and in details the procedure to create a system where a logged in user can create multiple photo albums and can upload images in ecah of them.just like we do in any social networking sites. preferably:-if an user is logged in then he will be … | |
hi guys, well, i was looking at some stuff in my laptop and found the following encoded code it is from a wordpress template but its decoding mechanism is very interesting and i would like to know how it is made so here is the full code: <?php $_F=__FILE__;$_X='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';eval(base64_decode('JF9YPWJhc2U2NF9kZWNvZGUoJF9YKTskX1g9c3RydHIoJF9YLCcxMjM0NTZhb3VpZScsJ2FvdWllMTIzNDU2Jyk7JF9SPWVyZWdfcmVwbGFjZSgnX19GSUxFX18nLCInIi4kX0YuIiciLCRfWCk7ZXZhbCgkX1IpOyRfUj0wOyRfWD0wOw=='));?> i … | |
hi evrey on ineed your help in php &jquery im working in news site in news blok the image should be chang when a mouse move to defrent news title this is the templat <section class="box-nwes-con"> <a href="#"> <img src="images/sport-img.jpg" title="{title}" alt="{title}" /> </a> <div class="news-box-con"> <div class="title-news-block"><a href="#">{title}</a></div> <!-- … | |
![]() | Hello, Hopefully this is the right forum to post this on. I'm trying to include a few of the latest WP posts on an external homepage. The homepage is in the root folder of the website and WordPress is in it's own directory. I'm using WordPress 3.8.1 with a Twenty … ![]() |
i am using the below script as my basis for my ajax requests However whenever i run them i keep getting the error Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token hr.onreadystatechange and Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Location] has no method 'load' hr.onreadystatechange Here is the code $('#ind_login_submit').on('click', function (e) { var vars = … | |
I'm try to make javascript onclick function in php file.the result is make an alert window in my page. but nothing happen.please help me. this is my code: <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> $('#printdata').click(function() { datastring = {customer :'val', person :'val', address :'val', phone :'val'}; $.ajax({ type:'POST', url:'print.php', data:datastring, cache:false, success:function(){ alert('?????'); … ![]() | |
I am using the following script for listing the files in a particular directory as a hyperlink list. The files names which i have mentioned must not be displayed (like index.php), How do i change the code for this? <?php $directory = ''; foreach (glob($directory . "*.php") as $file) { … ![]() | |
i already searched about displaying the data fields, my problem is how to retain the checked item and then set its value as 1. please help. i tried some code but didn't work: <html> <form action='' method='post'> <?php $database = 'sample'; $table = 'checklist_stud_columns'; $mysql = mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', '') or … ![]() | |
Hi, I am new in php i want to cahnge this url with mod rewrite localhost/web/index.php?a=profile&u=user to localhost/web/user i try with this rewrite but it does not work.. RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^([^/]*)$ /web/index.php?a=profile&u=$1 [L] Plz help me to rewrite this url... | |
i want to fetch data from date and time with limit for latest data in database ..how to fetch..? | |
I am struggling with this, I have a database (mysql where i am trying to delete a single row. The idea is a list of items populated from the database. I am trying to add an additional column where there is a graphic and it reloads the page and runs … | |
hello, How I can Display Featured product and Special product in Home page in my site. Thanks in Advance, Nits | |
Hello Guys. I am fetching some results from database and show into a page. This is a CodeIgniter Project. Here si the code for that: This is the view: <div class="product_view"> <form action="" method="POST" name="form" id="form"> <?php foreach ($get_product->result() as $key => $result) : ?> <h4>Product Name: <?php echo $result->product_name; … ![]() | |
hi ! Friends can anyone tell me how to compare date which stored in database with current date and how display latest date in php plse help me ????????? ![]() | |
hi, i need some help here . this year i should make a system that called teacher attendance system . in this project i want to added pie chart into my system and i use dreamweaver mx and mysql. i have been try to make pie chart from data in … ![]() | |
<? $connection = mysql_pconnect("***","***","***"); mysql_select_db("***"); $id = mysql_real_escape_string(strip_tags(stripslashes($_GET['id']))); $getUser = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM user WHERE id='".$id."'"); $gU = mysql_fetch_object($getUser); $Background = $gU->Background; if (empty($Background)) { $Background = ""; } $Hat = $gU->Hat; if (empty($Hat)) { $Hat = ""; } class StackImage { private $image; private $width; private $height; public function … ![]() | |
login.php <?php session_start(); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="main.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"href="menu.css" /> <title>iWebTechnik</title> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="image/favicon.ico" type="x-icon" /> <link rel="icon" href="image/favicon.ico" type="x-icon" /> <style type="text/css"> <!-- .style1 {font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif} --> … ![]() | |
Hi all. who know how create page like this gameminer ? ![]() | |
Hello, I am trying to create a page for gallery (picture) input: input_gallery.php <?php include('../includes/koneksi.php'); $post_id = isset($_POST['post_id']) ? $_POST['post_id'] : ''; $confirmation = isset($_POST['confirmation']) ? $_POST['confirmation'] : ''; $kategori = isset($_POST['kategori']) ? $_POST['kategori'] : ''; $post_image = isset($_POST['post_image']) ? $_POST['post_image'] : ''; $page = isset($_POST['page']) ? $_POST['page'] : ''; … | |
I am trying to populate a select box from my database. The value chosen must be the id of the item, and the text shown the name of the item so that once selected it will insert the id into the table column and not the name so that the … | |
I have created an account an account on insightly web to get contacts from my web to the CRM throught which I created an HTML form to do so. But on a page i also want to get information to show on the page which is entered by the user … | |
Hi all I am making a website. I want to use linkshare on my website so that all the publishers registered with linkshare are listed on my website. Any suggestions? [Link Share](http://www.linkshare.com/) | |
Hello, In my contact us I just add project combo box, yet I do not feel the programming for information form capturing is correct (after I add the project combo box), if anyone can help me would be great. Thanks before. contactus.php <div id="contactform"> <?php require_once('recaptchalib.php'); $name = strip_tags(@$_POST['name']); $email … | |
What is the best Way to start working on projects if u already familiar with php and mysql? | |
Hi i am new in this site and want to know PHP properly.I also visited w3schools.com for this but it is not enouh for me .So if any one can help me to learn PHP. |
The End.