39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for Loren7000

Can someone tell me why the print is not showing up on the page and the email is not be sent to the receipient with the information. HELP [code] <?php if (!isset($_POST['submit'])) { // if page is not submitted to itself echo the form ?> <h5>Vairalbe Information to be Embossed</h5> …

Member Avatar for fizanos
Member Avatar for ayesha789

Hi I am working on Project. I want value from MySQL DB in Second input field on input of code in first input field. Is it possible?

Member Avatar for ayesha789
Member Avatar for whitestream6

This is my pagination script: [CODE] <?php /*********************************** * PhpMyCoder Paginator * * Created By PhpMyCoder * * 2010 PhpMyCoder * * ------------------------------- * * You may use this code as long * * as this notice stays intact and * * the proper credit is given to * * …

Member Avatar for Monster Killer
Member Avatar for genieuk

Hi, I just started a free trial with a new webhost as my current one is useless. I have always had my website working on the old webhost fine. I have a folder called sessions outside the public_html folder so it cannot be accessed in a browser and not accessed …

Member Avatar for genieuk
Member Avatar for denvious

Hey all! I've been working on a website but have been having a bit of trouble with dynamic linking using php. I've tried (and failed) with different methods to get it working but i need the help of some very talented coders :) I currently have a webpage which extracts …

Member Avatar for mhahnel
Member Avatar for neethu balan
Member Avatar for mhahnel
Member Avatar for umandajayo

What is the method of passing user inputs to database in Joomal or where the places handling the user inputs to send to the database. eg: localhost\Joomla\components\com_user\views\register in this directory have a module for handle new user registration. I need to know how joomla carry the user input values for …

Member Avatar for jwd.adodis
Member Avatar for Barefootsanders

Hey guys. Im new to PHP but I know the basics and I know C++ pretty well. Im trying to develop a marketplace module for the Joomla CMS. I was wondering if any of you could help or had experience with Joomla. Any suggestions? Thanks.

Member Avatar for jwd.adodis
Member Avatar for floresj4

Hey guys, Can someone please take a stab explaining PHP!!! I upload files through dreamweaver and get a huge mess. How does it work? What makes it better or worse? I'm not completely code illiterate, I've worked in c++, java, I know basics in HTML and some actionscript as well. …

Member Avatar for jwd.adodis
Member Avatar for robynne

Good afternoon. I was hoping to get some query optimization tips. I am writing a php script to retrieve data from a mySQL database. Table A, which contains most of the fields that I need, contains just under 11,000 rows. Table B, which contains 3 fields that I need, contains …

Member Avatar for tyson.crouch
Member Avatar for PixelatedKarma

Hello everyone; Forgive me if I'm posting in the wrong forum. I have scoured the web playing with 20+ CMS systems all with great pros and horrible cons - nothing has completely worked for me. I have limited but some php experience and I want to take the next step. …

Member Avatar for PixelatedKarma
Member Avatar for LloydFarrell

Hi, im still pretty new to PHP and I have just started looking into classes / functions and OOP - I have done loads of searching and watching tutorials and learning from others here on daniweb with great pleasure, I was hoping that someone could fix the problem im having …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for sachin.quadros

Hi Friends, I want to search a table with 25 columns using multiptle fields, i.e. Multiple column search Please help me with the query, i have tried using AND but no luck Field to search 1.Date 2.Name 3.Surname 4.Fathername 5.MotherName Rgrds Sachin

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for hectorb

I am trying to make a checkers game for php two players on the same computer here is what I got and was wondering if there's anything wrong with this code note: piece movement would be based from text move A1 to B2 [CODE]function drawBoard() { global $cBoard; $R = …

Member Avatar for hectorb
Member Avatar for Spider X

I have a need to do this: Receive a URL that looks something like this: [url]http://www.somesite.com/[/url][something]?title=ABCTitle&name=ABCName Then the [something] takes the key/value pairs and redirects them to: [url]http://www.someOTHERsite.com/?title=ABCTitle&name=ABCName[/url] Basically I want to take the data after the '?' and send it on to another site. What would the code look …

Member Avatar for Onisutra
Member Avatar for sesaz1

hey hello this is my first time..... i wan't to ask in php, how we can update a table without a submit(button)...is that possible?if yes tell me how?tq everybody

Member Avatar for scaiferw
Member Avatar for ayesha789

hi every body , i wonder which one is best , Union Query or Temporary Table actually i have 5 tables from where i have to select data and they have the same structure as well . Now i am confused that i use union All or union Query to …

Member Avatar for griswolf
Member Avatar for sme30

I have created a class Vacancy which has some variables : public $salary; public $id; ... I am looping through the result of a query and creating a vacancy for each match Then I adding the vacancy to an array. [icode] $tempVacancy=new Vacancy(); $tempVacancy->salary = mysql_result($result,$i,"salary"); $tempVacancy->id =mysql_result($result, $i, "yid"); …

Member Avatar for SikoSoft
Member Avatar for zimmo

Safari browser will not accept my cookie it is ignoring it? have I done something wrong with how the cookie is presented for safari??? The cookie I try to set: setcookie('peg', 'YES', 'time()+190', '', 0); Also all browsers are starting my phpsession off when its not even declared until after …

Member Avatar for SikoSoft
Member Avatar for dragonlee

hello every one, i have a problem to execute the second SQL query, its working fine on my local machine and when i uploaded it to the server but suddenly stoped functioning and keep showing error on the numRows after the query in line 213, any suggestion will be appreciated[code]<?php …

Member Avatar for dragonlee
Member Avatar for SerjSagan

So I have a problem. On my site I have a Facebook Likebox the problem is when I run the Firefox extension Page Speed, I am told that the Facebook images that are loading with the Likebox (mostly 50x50 images of avatars of people that already like my company and …

Member Avatar for SerjSagan
Member Avatar for dietdew12z

Basically what I'm doing is an if.then.else and depending on a value in the DB it's supposed to load one page or another. Right now I have it kluged together with a submit button but I'd like it to load automatically. This PHP script sits alone with no HTML output, …

Member Avatar for dietdew12z
Member Avatar for LloydFarrell

Hi all, can someone help me here - I ave a regisration script where I am uploading an image to mysql, The problem im having at the moment is this..... The script creates a new folder by using the mysql_last_id function as shown below - The problem im having is …

Member Avatar for LloydFarrell
Member Avatar for capoon

Hi experts, i developed javascript code that connects to ms acess database 2003. Everything work fine as it can insert,update and delete information from database. But my problem is that when i try to validate all my input text so as to ensure that my user must fill all the …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for reidar

I'm just starting with PHP and I was given a rather difficult task. I need to search through multiple XML files in different directories, then return the name of the files that contain a given search input. Will it be easier to write a script that reads all XML files …

Member Avatar for SikoSoft
Member Avatar for scaiferw

I wrote this code because I wanted the members of my volunteer organization go have a place they could easily get the most current list of email addresses to send a message. This code reads the names and addresses from the database, and creates a comma delimited list of addresses …

Member Avatar for YuriyHorobey

Hi all, thanks for reading my post ) My name is Yuriy Horobey, I am developing web for more than 10 years. There are some same geeks like me arround me, so I am forming my company, registering it and searching for partners. What do we offer? -- Full cycle …

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Member Avatar for Roses89

Hey guys, Back again, I needed to ask two very quick questions: Number 1: In a login form,how do you make sure that the user doesnt type their username or password in Caps? Number 2: How do you display error messages after the user has tried to login with the …

Member Avatar for scaiferw
Member Avatar for runjel

hello .. there is a weird problem in a website that im developing.. the problem is i cant a call external javascript if its located in a folder.. but if i put that in the directory where the index.php is located also i am able to call the javascript.. sample …

Member Avatar for scaiferw
Member Avatar for Keidi

Hi all I'm trying to learn php by myself I got as far as creating my first data base and table using the following code: [code=php]$con = mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); if (!$con) { die('Could not conect: '.mysql_error()); } //Create database if (mysql_query("CREATE DATABASE FATBYTES",$con)) { echo "Database created"; } else { echo …

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The End.