39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for sugikrish

i want to create cart system in php. it need maintain invoice number. customer select many items each time they click "add to cart". When they click "finish purchase" then only invoice number wil be increment. how to do this..

Member Avatar for scaiferw
Member Avatar for balagod

Hai, I am using MySQL table to store session values. i am getting sid as 'deleted' for some sessions in live server . but i am not able to simulate it in development server . what scenario it will occur. sample data. +---------+-------+-------------+ | sid | value | expire_time | …

Member Avatar for balagod
Member Avatar for gregoirelegros

Hi I would like to capture data from my friends. I'm going to use a page on my website with a form. I'll send my friends a link to the page such as [url]http://www.mysite.com/surveypage.htm?friend=john[/url]. When the friend hits my page using this url I would like firstly to show a …

Member Avatar for microspective
Member Avatar for stbtwitter

Hey Everyone, I know how to right a php script to send out an email. But I want to write a script that will send out an email at a certain time, The crux is, I need the email to be sent out even if nobody is accessing the page …

Member Avatar for stbtwitter
Member Avatar for UzuNarU

Hi I am trying to write a script that puts a Horizontal Line between MySQL query results but doesn't show up after the last row. eg: First Line ---------------- Second Line ---------------- Third Line I'm using PHP, MySQL and JavaScript AJAX. Don't know if that's relevant for this instance or …

Member Avatar for UzuNarU
Member Avatar for jhonnatas

hello again!well...I'm developing a Content Management System and I have a form where the user write a text then i'll store this text in my database and i'll write it on a page using the "echo",I store the text with the html tags like: <p> blablabla</p>.but the user doesn't know …

Member Avatar for jhonnatas
Member Avatar for Th3nutz

I was wondering, is it possible to get specific data from another website ? Let's say i want from page X the content from a div. How can i make write in php a script that automaticaly gets and echo into my site what is inside that div from page …

Member Avatar for JRM
Member Avatar for bsewell

Hi everyone, basicly I have a CSV file which uses ^ as a delimiter. I have a textarea which is populated by the contents of the CSV file, and after editing it the user is redirected to the edit page. For some reason, everytime I save the file there is …

Member Avatar for bsewell
Member Avatar for harry88

Hi, How can i return the server date? using [CODE]<?php $my_t=getdate(date("U")); print("$my_t[weekday], $my_t[month] $my_t[mday], $my_t[year]"); ?>[/CODE] gives me errors :( Thanks in advance, I know it probably has a very easy solution, but I just dont know what as I'm so totally new to php..

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for severman

hi all does anybody here knows a good safe way to work with sql stored function with zend framework? i can do so with prepared statement but i'm sure that there is safer way to do so... i'm using postgreSql but i don't think that there's any different. thanks!

Member Avatar for sourcebits
Member Avatar for Monster Killer

I am trying to make a function that gets the name of a user from their user id. The function needs to search a database for the matching id. However, when I try the function i get the following error: [B]Warning: mysqli_real_escape_string() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, null given …

Member Avatar for Monster Killer
Member Avatar for as005

[CODE] $result = mysql_query(" SELECT q.*, IF(v.id,1,0) AS voted FROM quotes AS q LEFT JOIN quotes_votes AS v ON q.id = v.qid AND v.ip =".$ip." AND v.date_submit = '".$today."' "); $i=1; $str=''; $script=''; while($row=mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { // Looping through all the quotes and generating the list on the right of the …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for as005

Sorry I think I posted it on the Wrong Forum, Please Delete this Post... :( [CODE] $result = mysql_query(" SELECT q.*, IF(v.id,1,0) AS voted FROM quotes AS q LEFT JOIN quotes_votes AS v ON q.id = v.qid AND v.ip =".$ip." AND v.date_submit = '".$today."' "); $i=1; $str=''; $script=''; while($row=mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for dss

Hi, I need help on understanding the content managment system. What is cms? How to build it. Is there any book through which i can know how to make php webb content managment system. I just know that joomla and drupal are content managment system. I had a php book …

Member Avatar for jwd.adodis
Member Avatar for sarithak

Hi frnds... I am new to Joomla... My next project is in Joomla..Where can i put PHP code in my new joomla page.How can i do it? plz tell me some idea regarding this.. Thanks Saritha K

Member Avatar for jwd.adodis
Member Avatar for jhbalaji

Recently i was Writing a Preg replace Function in PHP Here is the Code below [CODE]$suchmuster = "/".$textlinksname."/i"; $replace = "<a href='".$textlinksurl."' target='_blank'>".$textlinksname."</a>"; $body = preg_replace($suchmuster,$replace,$body,200);[/CODE] Since the variable $body contains links begins with http:// when it replaces the matched text in URL it becomes a problem Similarly for the …

Member Avatar for SikoSoft
Member Avatar for sinyi

[CODE]<script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"datetimepicker.js\"></script> print "<script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"datetimepicker2.js\">"; print "</script>"; [/CODE] [CODE]print "<input name=\"EffStartDT\" type=\"text\" size=\"25\" value=\"".trim($_POST['EffStartDT'])."\"><a href=\"javascript:NewCal('EffStartDT','ddmmyyyy','true','24')\"><img src=\"cal.gif\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Pick a date\"></a>"; print "<input name=\"EffEndDT\" type=\"text\" size=\"25\" value=\"".trim($_POST['EffEndDT'])."\"><a href=\"javascript:NewCal2('EffEndDT','ddmmyyyy','true','24')\"><img src=\"cal.gif\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Pick a date\"></a>"; [/CODE] I want to create two date time pickers for …

Member Avatar for sinyi
Member Avatar for niths

hi all, i need to disable the back button if the url address is login.php. so i am having the code for restricting the back button. so if in url the address is login.php then the browser back button should not work. here is my code for restrcting back button. …

Member Avatar for charvie
Member Avatar for refilltuffy
Member Avatar for GameCherry

Hello All, I'm trying to modify some code for an auction site but my lack of PHP knowledge is preventing me from doing so. I bought an "Essential Guide To CSS, AJAX,& PHP" book and have been doing the PHP exercises at the W3 site, but it seems that it'll …

Member Avatar for GameCherry
Member Avatar for charvie

These are the steps in registering a new user. 1. A new user is registered (provide name, address, email etc.) 2. An email is sent to the email he/she provided, which contains his login information. the problem now is the emial code. I've never done this before so I don't …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for niths

hi all, i had a logout page wer i am destroying the session value. so now i am logging out from a page and if i click browser back button it is going back to that page, so i placed a code in that page[CODE]<?php if(!isset($_SESSION['username'])) header("Location:"); ob_end_flush(); ?>[/CODE] it …

Member Avatar for niths
Member Avatar for maunica

hey, please can anyone help me to add new row or a column to the table whenever a user clicks on the add button? thanx in advance

Member Avatar for vibhaJ
Member Avatar for sugikrish

hi friends, i want calculating values in two text box , result display in another text box and this result will be stored in database. if anybody know this say to me..

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for ohgee

Hey, Here is the situation: I have a gallery of images that are being displayed with javascript that requires the image files to be saved as img1, img2, img3, etc. I am currently trying to write the php code that keeps track of the number of image files and allows …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for vwdmt

Alright guys, bear with me, im a noob when it come to PHP. When a user clicks I am currently redirecting users the following way: [code] echo '<li class="edit"><a href=updateInfoForm.html?id='.$siteInfoId.'><img src ="images/edit.png" class="editImg" height="23" width="23"/></a></li>'; [/code] The problem is I would rather not have this data in the URL, I …

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Member Avatar for Spider X

I can do this in Objective-C: [CODE]newNotewUTF8 = (NSString *)CFURLCreateStringByAddingPercentEscapes(NULL, (CFStringRef)oldNote, NULL, (CFStringRef)@"!*'\"();:@&=+$,/?%#[]% ", kCFStringEncodingUTF8 ); [/CODE] Ex: oldNote looks like this: This is a note newNotewUTF8 comes out like this: This%20is%20a%20note And it works out fine. I can receive the above Note in a url: "http://www.siteurl.com/input.php?note=This%20is%20a%20note" in my PHP …

Member Avatar for Spider X
Member Avatar for drewpark88

Hey Guys, Before I start working on this I figured I would see if any of you knew the best place for information on building a Digg style function. I am not talking about the Digg button, I am talking about the "Submit a New Link" function that diggs through …

Member Avatar for drewpark88
Member Avatar for hindlist

Hai i am struggling to find out what is wrong with this code. the next and prev buttons are not working. So any guy can look at this the url is http://www.hindlist.com/subc/Administrative%20Jobs/ I am giving out the code for further detail. Pls look at it and reply. <?php // session_start(); …

Member Avatar for aburningflame
Member Avatar for samsons17

[B]Hi people.. I got a problem which i cannot delete a a subject from my database through a page that i created. I've made a page called edit_subject.php where there is a form which i could then delete/edit any subjects that i want.and this is the code : [/B] [CODE] …

Member Avatar for JRM

The End.