39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for kischi

Hi, Yesterday I downloadet and installed wamp, it worked quite fine most of it. I could put it on Offline and online mode if I wanted to, but when I tested my php page on the localhost by typing [url]http://localhost/index.php[/url] in the adress bar it would get directed to wamp's …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, Is this structure correct guys because I get this error message "Fatal error: Class doL contains 2 abstract methods and must therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining methods (AbstractData......." Thanks in advance [code] abstract class AbstractDatabase{ ... Some function ... abstract public function setLogin(); abstract protected function …

Member Avatar for sergb
Member Avatar for Deepak_Rajpal

please list down [B]5 basic things about joomla [/B]such as: 1) joomla installation works for single site (is it true?) :-O 2) we can easily modify structure of a site as a modules. what ohters thing to keep in mind about joomla ????

Member Avatar for jwd.adodis
Member Avatar for dandixon

Hi all, i have m y search setup which brings back a part number, a description and then underneath any associated manufacturers name and part number which could range from 1 to 20, my problem is i just want to populate my table if there is something there and if …

Member Avatar for liamfriel
Member Avatar for ahmadzz

Hello All, I am a new Ajax learner... i am trying to do one simple script to handle the following.. Adding, deletion and modification of records in one mysql table using php and Ajax. I have created following code so far... if anyone could lead me to a better simple …

Member Avatar for rutaba

hie.. i want to need the process and requirment for integrating API of google checkout with php code? i dont have to make something sell. but want to hire labour and for that user has to make payment , but there are option such as buy now etc option can …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for shaya4207

I have a "while loop" on a PHP page with stuff coming from a DB, how do I make that the content should come as a table with a few row and columns?

Member Avatar for hemgoyal_1990
Member Avatar for gandhikr

Hello, I have this inquiry form. I wish to capture the fields and email via php script. Can anyone help me in doing that? It uses html text field, select and textarea form elements.. In select name I wish to capture and email the option selected. <form action="#" method="get" name="form1"> …

Member Avatar for hemgoyal_1990
Member Avatar for gymangel812

I'm having a problem creating a dropdown list and populating it with information from a database. When I display the page below I get this PHP code displayed in place of the drop down menu: " \n"; while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { $str .= '' . $row['systemName'] . ' ' …

Member Avatar for qualitybrains
Member Avatar for haywars

Hello everyone Im new to this forum as well as new to MySQL. Ive read countless forums about using blobs and referencing. Im the type of person who learns by seeing. I kinda understand the referencing but I would like to see an example if I am doing it correctly. …

Member Avatar for haywars
Member Avatar for GAME

Im am trying to create a custom PHP code on SMF v1.1.1 My task: To get my HTML to be the same as the attchment What I am asking I am asking for anyone to help me create PHP codes to make the HTML be the same as the attchment. …

Member Avatar for Charls Frdinand

Hello everyone! This is my first post, been a long time reader though. First of all, it's been a while since I don't program and I'm rusty (very). The problem is: I just can't learn how to use the JOIN or UNION commands, everything I read is confusing. I'm simply …

Member Avatar for Charls Frdinand
Member Avatar for sickly_man

hello all. i am writing a php / mysql script that does various things, but in addition to those things i need it to get the username of whoever is using the front end. any help is greatly appreciated! also i can post some code snippets if you want a …

Member Avatar for blex41
Member Avatar for klsatellite4

[code] <? ob_start(); ?><?php //session_start(); include('ziplib.php'); //require 'database.php'; //require 'zip/gnu-lgpl.txt'; require 'zip/pclzip.lib.php'; // if($_POST['download']) // from button name="delete" { $checkbox = $_POST['checkbox']; //from name="checkbox[]" $countCheck = count($_POST['checkbox']); for($i=0;$i<$countCheck;$i++) { $del_id = $checkbox[$i]; if(isset($_GET['del_id'])) { $id = $_GET['del_id']; $query = "SELECT * FROM updatenews WHERE id = $del_id"; $result = mysqli_query('$query') …

Member Avatar for Usernamex235
Member Avatar for Hypalink

I'm wondering is it possible to echo out an entire media player, such as windows media player,in a similar method to echoing out all other tags such as tables and divs? The code i want to echo out, only if certain variables dictate, is this: [CODE]<OBJECT id='mediaPlayer' width="300" height="250" classid='CLSID:22d6f312-b0f6-11d0-94ab-0080c74c7e95' …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for masoudnia

hello firends. I am learning php and I install wamp but now i dont know what i must do for using wamp server and how i must execute my projects?

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for JSegal

Hi! Ok thats it. Bye.. no jk My names Joe Segal. I develop websites and live for the thrill of innovation and creativity. I just launched a new website called SNIP that helps any site owner publish instant surveys and feedback forms on their sites and make money in the …

Member Avatar for maceman
Member Avatar for Lapixx

Hi, I'm creating a simple analytics script to use on my website(s). I started of very simply by just creating a new record for every session, and updating the sessions (i.e. incrementing the number of pageloads for that session) when a new page is loaded. I also save the browser/version …

Member Avatar for Lapixx
Member Avatar for Ambislm

Since am new to php i have the following doubt. I have a combo box within a form in my home page.The combo box will display data from mysql database. When the user chooses an item, i have to pass it to an query and display the result in a …

Member Avatar for meffe
Member Avatar for phpdev13

My company has a IIS server which is hosting a PHP intranet application. The IIS basically authenticates the user by using Windows Integrated Authentication so once the user is logged on his/her machine he doesnt have to provide credentials again. One of the employees is using Remote Desktop to logon …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for sugikrish

Hi friends, I get some error for storing into database. I given that coding.any body know pls say to me. accep.php <?php $check=$_REQUEST['submit']; mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); mysql_select_db("menus") or die(mysql_error()); $projectid=$_REQUEST['pid']; $projectname= $_REQUEST['pname']; $projectcat= $_REQUEST['pcat']; $scope=$_REQUEST['psco']; $location=$_REQUEST['plo']; $rate=$_REQUEST['prate']; $query="insert into order values('$projectid','$projectname','$projectcat','$scope','$location','$rate')"; $dbase=mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); if($dbase==TRUE) { include("congrat.php"); } ?> Detail.php <body> <h3> …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for ressaince

i have an ASP web services to change byte array that given from the client and change it to a file the code is like this : [WebMethod] [CODE=asp] public string UploadFile(byte[] f, string fileName) { try { MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(f); String path="/images/"; String location=HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(path); FileStream fs = …

Member Avatar for Roses89

Hey guys, I need an idea on how to determine wether a user that has been logged in is a supervisor. Ive made my login.php file and my choosereview.php.I have a very slight idea on how to do it but i just cant get it right.I want to determine whether …

Member Avatar for Roses89
Member Avatar for ben.matthews18

Ok here is the situatation, I have three tables set up; 'Users' 'Profile' 'Linkingtbl' The 'Users' table holds the following data; [LIST] [*]Email (PK) [*]Password [/LIST] The 'Profile' table holds the following data; [LIST] [*]ProfileID (PK) [*]Firstname [*]Lastname [*]DOB [/LIST] The 'Linkingtbl' table holds the following data; [LIST] [*]ID (PK) …

Member Avatar for madison12
Member Avatar for jazz_vill

I want to know how will I pass this table values using a form. I have a list of products and each item belongs to a section and each section has different attributes. The attributes section are columns where the user can input a number of products he wants to …

Member Avatar for Designer_101
Member Avatar for prem2

Hi DaniWeb Team, I need to split the below contents by using the mobile number and email id. If the mobile number and email id found the content is splitted into some blocks. I am using the preg_match_all to check the mobile number and email id. For example : [U]The …

Member Avatar for mayuri_desh

hi all, thanks in advance m new to php,ajax, i want to create a grid and ftech data into it from mysql please help me with the code

Member Avatar for muralibobby2015
Member Avatar for WaleedaaN

Dear all, i have project for invoice system. i use in this project php,mysql,html,javascript first mysql table's Products: id,name,price billing: id,products,total_price now i have create php file with tables to get all product from products db to show in invoice file javascript [CODE] <script type="text/javascript"> function toogle(element){ var c = …

Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, I need a script to resize JPG, GIF, BMP, TIFF so on. [B][COLOR="Red"]NOT only[/COLOR][/B] for JPG please. I'll be happy if anyone can help me out. Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for muralibobby2015
Member Avatar for dan_ord

Hi all, I'm currently having an issue with an array, which when i loop through it, it returns random results, or only 1 result even though it should contain more. What i doing atm is calling some information from a database and displaying it. im outputting a hidden field with …

Member Avatar for dan_ord

The End.