39,326 Topics
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ok have a problem in a chat i have made, everything is working but the user list , in my assets file in swf i have the following under a config xml <?xml version="1.0"?><config musicPlayer="true" multipleCamBroadcast="true" webcamToWebcam="true" userHasList="true" userListDefaultOpened="true" autoAcceptPrivateInvitations="false" showTipInChat="true" showTipToViewersInPopUp="true" topicEnabled = "true" > then in the same … | |
I'm using Wordpress with Woocommerce and using Affiliates Woocommerce Light This plugin has a limitation: you can setup only a fixed comission for all products. I need different comissions for each product. I thought creating a custom field for product in product page when inserting a product. Then I will … | |
Hey evryone. For some reason, I can't seem to insert anything into this table that I have in a database It connects just fine and the variables that I'm retrieving are just fine, which leads me to believe that my INSERT statement is incorrect. Any ideas? Here's the code: function … | |
I am getting data from my order table in a html form, with its id under checkbox, now i want to select some id by checkbox & want to get the total quantity from the mysql table in a new html form/page. I hope, i am able to make u … | |
Im not seeing it but its not working here is the code: mysql_select_db("my_db", $con); $sql = "CREATE TABLE stream ( waveID int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, PRIMARY KEY(gameID), userID int, wave varchar(25), waveTime TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NOW() )"; // Execute query if(!mysql_query($sql)) { echo "Couldn't do it"; } else { echo "alright"; … | |
Hello, i am working on PHP and jQuery trying to do a post with jquery. It seems to work in FF but IE is giving me several error: The follwing is the code i am using: <script> $(function() { $("#mainForm").submit(function() { dataString = $("#mainForm").serialize(); $.ajax({ type : "POST", url : … | |
<?php function fun1($a,$b) { echo $b; } @fun1(123); //want to store 123 in $b without changing position of any argument...... ?> | |
I need somting like this [Click Here](http://www.thewordfinder.com/scrabble.php) , but a want to type letters in separate <input> one <input> one letter. My script find just words with 4 letters if i type 'g','o','l','d' he find me just 'gold' but don't find 'old' and if have the same letters. I don't … | |
Hi I know this can be done, just don't know where to start. I am creating a site and have a multiple select box in a form I am going to pass to this form data from a database to be displayed as values. I can do this no problem. … | |
Hi, I want to generate a unique id but stuck at one point where I need a max 10char long output like A2987F2EWS, 234EGT56GT..... unlike SHA1 or MD5 so human can read it. Code is below but the better way is accaptable by me though. Thanks $mysql_id = 1; $mysql_id_padded … | |
Hi All, here's the query.... $risk_section=$row_risk_category['risksectid']; mysql_select_db($database_auditing, $auditing); $qry_selfsites = sprintf("SELECT tblself.siteid AS selfsite, tblsite.sitename AS sitename, tblsite.address AS address, tblpct.pctname AS pctname, tblresultsnew.total, tblresultsnew.auditid AS auditid, tblriskcategories.risksectid AS risksectid, tblriskcategories.risksection AS risksection FROM tblself LEFT JOIN tblresultsnew ON tblself.auditid = tblresultsnew.auditid LEFT JOIN tblsite ON tblself.siteid = tblsite.siteid LEFT … | |
Hi! I tried to find an answer to this everywhere but no success. But it must be a common issue I guess .... We have a english PHP web project with many PHP source code files Now we want to translate the whole project inte 3 new languages (swedish/italian/spanish) I'm … | |
Hello, I'm building an application in PHP and when outputting HTML tags, it shows the tags.. So for example: <?php echo "<b>Hello world</b>"; ?> I would expect Hello world to be in bold.. But no, I get: <b>Hello world</b> as the output Any ideas please? | |
Hello, I have seen some apps in facebook the applications are lika a questions competition, I would like to ask how can i do like this ? Thank you | |
So I stumbled upon this question and I wanted to figure out how to find the mean, median, mode, highest number, lowest number, how many evens, and how many odds are in each row... I honestly can't figure this out... I want it to display next to the table I … | |
I am in need of incrementing through a php array with the javascript variable "i" instead of where i have 0 in the $members array call var i = 0; while (i<5) { if (<?php echo json_encode($members[0]['department']); ?> == "CHE"){ contacts.push({"NAME":"Sir Saula","TITLE":"John","CONTACT":"bab","RESEARCH":"Ph.D."}); } i++; } | |
I am using mysql to fetch this result from the database.I need to caluclate the rank of a prticular user id from this result.What is the easy and smart way of doing it? SELECT a.UserId,d.AreaId,d.SubjectId, SUM( a.Marks ) AS sum, COUNT( a.Marks ) AS count, SUM( a.Marks ) / COUNT( … | |
Hey Guys, I am having some trouble... I have the following XML from Google: <GeocodeResponse> <status>OK</status> <result> <type>street_address</type> <formatted_address> 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA </formatted_address> <address_component> <long_name>1600</long_name> <short_name>1600</short_name> <type>street_number</type> </address_component> <address_component> <long_name>Amphitheatre Pkwy</long_name> <short_name>Amphitheatre Pkwy</short_name> <type>route</type> </address_component> <address_component> <long_name>Mountain View</long_name> <short_name>Mountain View</short_name> <type>locality</type> <type>political</type> </address_component> <address_component> <long_name>Santa … | |
i have a lot of mysql data (2 Lakhs data) how to collect data with in a seconds ? any idea thanks in advance | |
Hi, I have 7 variables...each vriable is having either of two values "0" or "1" e.g. a=0, b=1, c=1, d=1, e=0, f=1, g=0 Now I need the total of all these 7 variables but only which are having value "1" (in the above case b+c+d+f) My problem that it's dynamic...i.e … | |
| Hi I'm having an issue SELECT to database, I been working on it all day. I'm still new to MYSQL. I created a table: Records Table: **Records** Fields: ***id*** (INT(25), primary key, No Null, auto-increment) Fields: ***title*** (VARCHAR(256), No Null) Fields: ***content*** (TEXT, No Null) <php if (isset ($ _POST … |
Hi every one I have a very simple form and it just will not submit to the db. Could some one please tell me where I am going wrong? <?php if ( $_SESSION['logged_in'] ): ?> (1) <?php endif; ?> <?php if($_POST['formSubmit'] == "Submit") { $errorMessage = ""; if(empty($_POST['social_media'])) { $errorMessage … | |
Hi, please first you visit this site http://www.webdo.x10.mx/ this is my practice site.I just starting my php carrer.here i create a search option with button but its not working as my expectation.i think its code is OK".here the code.. <?php $connect=mysql_connect('localhost','root',''); $mysql_db=mysql_select_db('my_database',$connect) or die(mysql_error()); //db name:my_database if (isset($_POST['search_name'])) { $search_name= … | |
Hi, This is my first post.I just starting php Hope everyone reply me as possible as. I have signup problem.When i filled the form and click sign up button then it nothing show any result i mean its not home.php "welcome" message and also not store date in my mysql … | |
Hello all, i get this error while inserting and udating some tables.Duplicate entry '9105224' for key 'PRIMARY'error no:1062error:1062 .number 9105224 is randomly generated and set in u_id field in one of the tables in MYSQL, which is set to unique and primary.The sql querries are working fine and the rows … | |
Hi please help, im new at this stuff!! I cant find the error here!! I have the following error on the top of my website: Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in C:\xampp\htdocs\ITAffair\templates\md-corporate\index.php on line 15 The first couple of lines of code in my index.php file … | |
do you know how can i put a hyphen (-) after 3 digits of a number(starting from the end) in php? example: the number 9787897878 to be shown as 978-789-7878?? | |
I need to fetch questions with 4 optional answers from dtabase.... tables are questions | options...html code is below... <table width="536" height="54"> <tr> <td class="deco">Q<?php echo $index.") ".$questions; ?> </td> <td width="15"></td> </tr> <?php while($row_wrong_ans = mysql_fetch_array($res_wrong_ans)){ $op_index = $row_wrong_ans['fbo_index']; $op = $row_wrong_ans['fbo_ans']; ?> <tr> <td width="473"><input type="radio" name="radio[<?php $index;?>]" … | |
Hello, I'm having a weird problem with some PHP when outputting some HTML. For example: echo "<h1>There are errors!</h1>"; foreach($errors AS $error) { echo $error . '\n'; } exit(); I want the output to actually show the text in H1 style, however the output is like this: <h1>There are errors!</h1> … | |
require_once(LIBRARY_PATH . "phpmailer.php"); require_once(CONFIG_PATH . "emailconfig.php"); class email { public function sendMail($from,$fromname,$subject,$content,$to){ $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->SMTPAuth = SMTPAuth ; $mail->IsSMTP(); $mail->SMTPSecure = SMTPSecure; $mail->Host = Host; $mail->Port = Port; $mail->Username = Username; $mail->Password = Password; $mail->From = $from; $mail->FromName = $fromname; $mail->Subject = $subject; $mail->Body = $content; $mail->AddAddress($to); $mail->IsHTML(true); … |
The End.