39,326 Topics
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I have a special problem over in terms of sorting out those words like a keyboard type. For example: the user inputs these words into the textarea HOUSE DOLL KITE NICE Then, the result should be DOLL HOUSE KITE NICE this is sorted out according to the qwerty order. <?php … | |
my website page url is mysite/use.php?v=123(it is dummy entry basically it come from another page) i want to convert my url into mysite.use-123.html. i got a code for this purpose from http://roshanbh.com.np/2008/03/url-rewriting-examples-htaccess.html but problem is that when i paste below code in .htaccess it is not working Options +FollowSymlinks RewriteEngine … | |
I am running easyphp12 running mysql as a local db server for a some software. This software can also connect to a remote db where it doesnt give this error while performing the exact mysql query, so I only get the error when using the local db. Ive tried increasing … | |
**downloading file form specifice site using php+curl** Hi ervery one this is my question is here i hope you will help me I am trying to download file form this site http://www.emobilez.com/apps/app-samsung-i8520-beam-381-tawkon- and my link is that file i want to download ` http://www.emobilez.com/apps/download.php?image_id=115963` using this tutorial http://www.daniweb.com/web-development/php/threads/78356/creating-cookies-using-curl-php but no … | |
I'm trying to write a script to restart my wamp server with the click of a button. I am trying to use `exec("c:\\\\wamp\wampmanager.exe -restart");` to run the command. Seems to be not working. I have used system(), and passthru(); functions to get the results I am looking for but got … | |
How to use paybox payment method in php application | |
I have created admin panel with admin having rights to create users now i want to give user privileges through admin to view selected columns in mysql table.How can i do that code in php? | |
i have 'topic' and 'comment' fields in table of database ,when some one give comment on topic no 1 ,it save in dabase with topic number and comment, i want show topic number with higest comment. tell me sql query to show result | |
Hi all, My head is about to explode and I was wondering if anyone has ever found a solution to my problem. Using MYSQL and PHP I need to gather those people under 5 years of age and break up the ages into 6 month periods whilst keeping a count … | |
hey..how can i add a time picker in php/html??? where in i can edit or adjust the hour and minutes?? and when i already adjust the time, the succeeding text boxes will automatic increment the minutes by one. i need this urgent for my project. thanks | |
Hi, Based on what learned from my readings on web and forums, I'll go for DOM with DOMDocument. "SAX is better for memory efficiency but a bit complex and chalenging." "DOM is uses loads whole xml into memory but easier and widely prefered and used." The question is, based on … | |
Hi. I am having trouble with this: <?php $host="localhost"; // Host name $username="username"; // Mysql username $password="password"; // Mysql password $db_name="database"; // Database name $tbl_name="table"; // Table name // Connect to server and select database. mysql_connect("$host", "$username", "$password")or die("cannot connect"); // Line with the error (Line 8) mysql_select_db("$db_name")or die("Error. MySQL … | |
I am using PHP to output an HTML table but when it does the pictures refuses to display. The php array $members['smallimg'] linkts to the .jpg file for example [url]http://www.powerme.edu/me/images/faculty/70_70/gkumar_2012.jpg[/url] // If there is at least 1 member listed as Faculty, then we are going to get the header and … | |
Hi, i'm working on page, where I need to add contact-form. I've used code from NiceAndSimpleForm, i mean [code=php] <?php $EmailFrom = "blablabla"; $EmailTo = "blablabla"; $Subject = "blablabla"; $Name = Trim(stripslashes($_POST['Name'])); $City = Trim(stripslashes($_POST['City'])); $Email = Trim(stripslashes($_POST['Email'])); $Message = Trim(stripslashes($_POST['Message'])); // prepare email body text $Body = ""; $Body … | |
Hi, Am building a web application and i would like to integrate it with the internet payment gateways like paypal or moneybookers. Plz can anyone explain to me how i can go about it. Thanks | |
Hi I am having trouble with this code: <? $host="mysql6.000webhost.com"; // Host name $username="removed"; // Mysql username $password="removed"; // Mysql password $db_name="removed"; // Database name $tbl_name="direct"; // Table name // Connect to server and select database. mysql_connect("$host", "$username", "$password")or die("cannot connect"); mysql_select_db("$db_name")or die("Error. MySQL Not Responding."); $SQL = "SELECT * … | |
Hi, I have used the following code to load data from a php page using AJAX with JQuery.The script running well in all browsers except Firefox. The script I used is as follows. test_ajax.php <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Untitled Document</title></head> <body> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.3.1.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> function … | |
Hi I know that multiple checkbox values has been discussed earlier but I have't got any wiser starring at them. This is how I want the database entries to look like: id ... drillID ...kommentar ==================== 1559...1...........NULL ------------------------------- 1559...2...........NULL ------------------------------- 1559...3...........NULL With the code below I can print out both … | |
Hi! I have a dynamic checkbox group to chose drills for golf players. When finished there might be 100 or so drills to select from and every player might have 20 drills selected. The code below works fine but prints a long vertical list of ckeckboxes straight down. Is it … | |
Hey I created this application, where a user needs to enter a code (which he has bought from me, offline), after filling up the form, he is redirected to a form. The form checks the mysql database where a coloumn "barcode" has been where all the codes already inserted, if … | |
I saw many website user page is like www.xyz.com/hhh From these complete information can be retrive of "hhh" user. I want to know that how www.xyz.com?username=hhh can be convert to www.xyz/hhh Any help | |
Hi, Code below doesn't work for a file contains HTML content? How do we solve this issue? Result must be *<span* but it dispays blank screen. Thanks in advance **Content of index.txt** <span class="mw-headline" id="Zero"><a href="/wiki/Zero" title="Zero">Zero</a></span></h2> **PHP to read the file** <?php $handler = fopen('index.txt','r'); while ($line = fgets($handler)) … | |
Hi there, I have a form with some fields. Address is one of them. I used textarea tag for address. Now the problem is, when i search something according to one address, it only works for the one line addresses. I mean if i entered a newline (Paragraph format) in … | |
Hi, FYI. I have very very little knowledge of PHP & MYSQL. i am trying to create a simple webform with insert statement what i am trying to do is that, when i enter a new data into this form this will show the message "1 record is added" and … | |
| Hi, I'm trying to learn how to create an upload file form. I'm stuck on a couple of things. This is something I learn in the past but I forgot how to create one, so it's new to me now. I got the script from http://www.w3schools.com/php/php_file_upload.asp 1) I want to … |
I am having kind of stupid problem:P <?php echo $url; // In my php files $url contain multiple values ?> This works fine The different values of url get displays properly For e.g http://www.google.com http://www.daniweb.com That's perfect Now when i tried to echo the variable in some html <?php $url … | |
Hey, I've been trying to generate a pdf file using html2pdf library (http://html2pdf.fr/en/example). What I need to do is to print a table with PHP in that pdf file, so I stored the table in a variable called $contain with all html tags. My code goes this way: 1) It … | |
Hi, I want to have my Short Register Form's content go to the main registration page. So like I type some information into a short register form like username and email but when I click the submit button I get transfered to another page which already has the information entered … | |
Hey all, Am working with anothers script on a Wordpress plugin. There is a menu added to one page in the admin area of the plugin using this: <div class="menu-cat"> <h2>select category</h2> <div class='submenu' > <a href="<?= $curaddress ?>" >home</a> </div> <? foreach($cat as $n=>$c): echo " <h3>{$c['info']->name}</h3> "; foreach … | |
if (preg_match('%(?:youtube(?:-nocookie)?\.com/(?:[^/]+/.+/|(?:v|e(?:mbed)?)/|.*[?&]v=)|youtu\.be/)([^"&?/ ]{11})%i', $url, $match)) { $video_id = $match[1];.... How do I get all the youtube video links ona page as well as their IDs? Please help! |
The End.