39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for da(code)da

here my username is know as callsign there is a problem somewhere that i cant find and i present the code: $callsign = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST["CallSign"]); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE CallSign = '$callsign'"); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); echo $row['CallSign'] . "<br>"; $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users WHERE CallSign = …

Member Avatar for phorce
Member Avatar for wildplace

let say i have an expression like the one below, I guess it goes from left to right? if(exp1 && (exp2 && exp3 || exp4) || exp5)

Member Avatar for wildplace
Member Avatar for da(code)da

my code is messing up. help: if (mysql_query("CREATE DATABASE $dbname",$con)) { echo "Database Created<br>"; $dbase = $_POST["CallSign"]."char"; mysql_select_db($dbase, $con); $sql = "SELECT * FROM $dbase"; $result = mysql_query($sql); if ($result) { echo "CallSign Accepted<br>"; mysql_select_db("my_db", $con); $sql="INSERT INTO users ( CallSign, Email, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, Gender, BirthMonth, BirthDay, BirthYear, Location, …

Member Avatar for da(code)da
Member Avatar for smoothe19

I am trying to push to the javascript array after looping 200 times through the member array to push every member that matches the department selected description into the javascript array., However it fails <? $i = 0 ; while( $i < 200) { if ($members[$i]['department'] == $depttts){ break; echo …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for aianne

Hello everyone! :) Could you please help me? I am still a noob and I'm having a hard time about displaying selected values from mysql database into popup window? This is my code where user can see the table of the electoral officials: -----CUT----- <div id="page"> <div id="blanket" style="display:none;"></div> <div …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for da(code)da

So im trying to make a password login and im getting errors. i got past my Unable to jump to row 0 error with this: **mysql_num_rows($result) >= 1** but now it wont jump to the row when the password is correct ether :/ here is the code; whats wrong with …

Member Avatar for da(code)da
Member Avatar for rjony321

Hello,I cant access my two table date together in one search option.like table name: name_search & skill_search.here is the code.please check it and if possible solve it. <?php $connect=mysql_connect('localhost','root',''); $mysql_db=mysql_select_db('my_database',$connect) or die(mysql_error()); if (isset($_POST['search_name']) && isset($_POST['search_skill'])) { $search_name= $_POST['search_name']; $search_skill= $_POST['search_skill']; if(!empty($search_name) && !empty($search_skill)){ if(strlen($search_name,$search_skill)>=4){ $query = "SELECT name FROM …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for my3h

Hi, I am using `$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ;` to get the complete URL address, but in that i want to take only the half, example in `$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ;` i get http://www.mystore.website.com/index.php?fkdsjklfjdskldfd=id... but i want to take only till http://www.mystore.website.com, how can i do it? In PHP is there any function called LastIndex …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for cscheck

Hello all, Correct me if I mis-post or should have posted this somewhere else. This is my first thread here so bear with me. I have had a lot of luck just browsing other issues to get my problems solved in the past, but this time I am stumped. More …

Member Avatar for cscheck
Member Avatar for spowel4

I have a class with a required file: require_once 'includes/constants.php'; That required file contains the following: <?php // Define constants here define("DB_SERVER", "localhost"); define('DB_USER', 'xxxxxxxxxx'); define('DB_PASSWORD', 'xxxxxxxxxx'); define("DB_NAME", "customerInfo"); define("ERROR_FILE", "c:\wamp\www\customerinfo\Errors.txt"); The class has a constructor: function __construct() { $dbServer = DB_SERVER; $dbName = DB_NAME; $dbUser = DB_USER; $dbPWD = …

Member Avatar for spowel4
Member Avatar for raminr63

Hi guys i first thank you for helps. and i have a script i use that for application authentication In fact the users must use your user name and password to use that App then after authentication of they user and pass passed they allow to use that application. and …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for israillaky

hi everyone im new in ajax and i currently studing ajax. my problem is $('#current').click(function() { var id = $(this).attr("id"); var sellitem=$('#spid').val(); $.ajax( { type: "POST", url: "updatecurrentsp.php", data:{ 'itemid' : id ,'sellitem' : sellitem }, success: function(data) { $('#sellprice').css("display","block"); //Changes the style of table from display:none to display:block $('#sellprice').html(data); …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for HasNor

Dear all, I'm here just for asking your suggestion.. I would like to develop application that display listing but the list item is not in database. It is create in excel and convert to html file. My question here, is it able to me to develop application that allowed user …

Member Avatar for willson1
Member Avatar for CarterLangley

Hi guys, OK, here is what I have in mind. I have to be able to edit membership information, so I propose populating a form with the relevant information. But, I would like to populate the form depending on what member is chosen using a select box. Now, the form …

Member Avatar for phorce
Member Avatar for rfrapp

Hi, I am recieving these two errors when attempting to upload an image file to my server: Warning: move_uploaded_file(images/) [function.move-uploaded-file]: failed to open stream: Is a directory in }[I removed the path, this is not part of the error] on line 13 Warning: move_uploaded_file() [function.move-uploaded-file]: Unable to move '/tmp/php2bBihw' to …

Member Avatar for rfrapp
Member Avatar for titansrealm

ok have a problem in a chat i have made, everything is working but the user list , in my assets file in swf i have the following under a config xml <?xml version="1.0"?><config musicPlayer="true" multipleCamBroadcast="true" webcamToWebcam="true" userHasList="true" userListDefaultOpened="true" autoAcceptPrivateInvitations="false" showTipInChat="true" showTipToViewersInPopUp="true" topicEnabled = "true" > then in the same …

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Member Avatar for Ribamar23

I'm using Wordpress with Woocommerce and using Affiliates Woocommerce Light This plugin has a limitation: you can setup only a fixed comission for all products. I need different comissions for each product. I thought creating a custom field for product in product page when inserting a product. Then I will …

Member Avatar for Ribamar23
Member Avatar for goody11

Hey evryone. For some reason, I can't seem to insert anything into this table that I have in a database It connects just fine and the variables that I'm retrieving are just fine, which leads me to believe that my INSERT statement is incorrect. Any ideas? Here's the code: function …

Member Avatar for goody11
Member Avatar for mehidy

I am getting data from my order table in a html form, with its id under checkbox, now i want to select some id by checkbox & want to get the total quantity from the mysql table in a new html form/page. I hope, i am able to make u …

Member Avatar for dpste
Member Avatar for da(code)da

Im not seeing it but its not working here is the code: mysql_select_db("my_db", $con); $sql = "CREATE TABLE stream ( waveID int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, PRIMARY KEY(gameID), userID int, wave varchar(25), waveTime TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NOW() )"; // Execute query if(!mysql_query($sql)) { echo "Couldn't do it"; } else { echo "alright"; …

Member Avatar for da(code)da
Member Avatar for extjac

Hello, i am working on PHP and jQuery trying to do a post with jquery. It seems to work in FF but IE is giving me several error: The follwing is the code i am using: <script> $(function() { $("#mainForm").submit(function() { dataString = $("#mainForm").serialize(); $.ajax({ type : "POST", url : …

Member Avatar for MarPlo
Member Avatar for rrajgor

<?php function fun1($a,$b) { echo $b; } @fun1(123); //want to store 123 in $b without changing position of any argument...... ?>

Member Avatar for veledrom
Member Avatar for djuran89

I need somting like this [Click Here](http://www.thewordfinder.com/scrabble.php) , but a want to type letters in separate <input> one <input> one letter. My script find just words with 4 letters if i type 'g','o','l','d' he find me just 'gold' but don't find 'old' and if have the same letters. I don't …

Member Avatar for svfox2000
Member Avatar for Mve83

Hi I know this can be done, just don't know where to start. I am creating a site and have a multiple select box in a form I am going to pass to this form data from a database to be displayed as values. I can do this no problem. …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, I want to generate a unique id but stuck at one point where I need a max 10char long output like A2987F2EWS, 234EGT56GT..... unlike SHA1 or MD5 so human can read it. Code is below but the better way is accaptable by me though. Thanks $mysql_id = 1; $mysql_id_padded …

Member Avatar for Biiim
Member Avatar for davesmith437

Hi All, here's the query.... $risk_section=$row_risk_category['risksectid']; mysql_select_db($database_auditing, $auditing); $qry_selfsites = sprintf("SELECT tblself.siteid AS selfsite, tblsite.sitename AS sitename, tblsite.address AS address, tblpct.pctname AS pctname, tblresultsnew.total, tblresultsnew.auditid AS auditid, tblriskcategories.risksectid AS risksectid, tblriskcategories.risksection AS risksection FROM tblself LEFT JOIN tblresultsnew ON tblself.auditid = tblresultsnew.auditid LEFT JOIN tblsite ON tblself.siteid = tblsite.siteid LEFT …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for DanErik

Hi! I tried to find an answer to this everywhere but no success. But it must be a common issue I guess .... We have a english PHP web project with many PHP source code files Now we want to translate the whole project inte 3 new languages (swedish/italian/spanish) I'm …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for phorce

Hello, I'm building an application in PHP and when outputting HTML tags, it shows the tags.. So for example: <?php echo "<b>Hello world</b>"; ?> I would expect Hello world to be in bold.. But no, I get: <b>Hello world</b> as the output Any ideas please?

Member Avatar for phorce
Member Avatar for titosd

Hello, I have seen some apps in facebook the applications are lika a questions competition, I would like to ask how can i do like this ? Thank you

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for <M/>

So I stumbled upon this question and I wanted to figure out how to find the mean, median, mode, highest number, lowest number, how many evens, and how many odds are in each row... I honestly can't figure this out... I want it to display next to the table I …

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The End.