39,388 Topics
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Hi guys, My project is chatting system in PHP and I need some help in delete friend from friend list I have already add friend function but remove friend does not work I don't know can any one help me quick this is add friend code: this code in utile … | |
I am unable to understand how to use email address of user at another place in same page of code [CODE]$message2 = Swift_Message::newInstance() ->setSubject($row3['subject']) ->setTo(array($user['email'] => $user['username'])) ->setFrom(array($core->site_email => $core->site_name)) ->setBody($newbody2, 'text/html');[/CODE] | |
Hi everyone, thanks for reading this. I am trying to write some code so that a vote button won't allow a person to vote unless they are registered and logged in. I have this written, but it's not outputting properly. I'm pretty sure I am not encoding the URLS properly … | |
What am I doing wrong? I've stored the date in american format (yyyy-mm-dd) and want to output it in european format (dd-mm-yyy). This is my code. [code=php] //ZENDING $result = mysql_query("select ID, Bestemming, Afkorting, Datum FROM Zendingen WHERE ID ='" . $znding . "' ORDER BY ID, Bestemming ASC") OR … | |
Can any one make a documentation of the query for me the query code is [CODE]"SELECT t.*, SUM(t.item_qty) as count, t.created, t.status, t.ip, t.active as tactive, SUM(t.downloads) as file_downloads, FROM_UNIXTIME(t.file_date,'%M %e %Y, %H:%i') as registered, t.id as tid, MAX(t.file_date) as file_date," . " \n p.id as pid, p.title, p.description, p.expiry, … | |
Hi all Microsoft has what I want. When you write to their forums and you type the title for your thread, a list will appear under the input box. It looks like the image attached. Well, I have a MySQL database which contains a name field. There is something like … | |
I would like to add an advanced print form into a customer web site. They have an online web form but they also want to have the form break apart into sections as PDF files so it's distributor print out only the sections they need. The full order form is … | |
Hi All, Kindly note that I'm new to this forum. Hope that you can help me. I have a VB.Net application that must connect to online MySql database. I already have a MySql database and I connected to it from VB.net using the MySql connector (new instance and direct connect). … | |
Hi, I downloaded a code for creating a pdf via php. It is called [URL="http://www.tcpdf.org/examples.php"]tcpdf[/URL] I would like to change the header with other text, But I can't find the file I have to modify. Also I would like the line of header lower Could you help me ? Thanks … | |
Hello guyz, I need some help about downloading MULTIPLE files on php. I've used while loop by checking if the checkboxes were checked but when I continued on clicking the download button, all the system downloads is just 1 file. Why is that?.. any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks. I've … | |
I have a script that looks at a database of hours for stores. The table is set up by ID, Day, Hour Open, Hour Closed. The time is in military hours, 1pm = 13:00:00 hours. Currently it doesn't work correctly. Wondering if anyone could just give me a pointer on … | |
How can i add a pop-up window with below code? [CODE]<a href="inventory_images/<?php echo $id; ?>.jpg">View Full Size Image</a></td>[/CODE] | |
How I can do: 1. Upload multiple files into folder. 2. Then fetch those files that had saved in a folder. (I have to upload once but fetch again and again ) 3. and Then attach those files one by one and send to specified email/s. | |
I have finished doing PHP from w3schools in about a week.Here are the topics that were covered. PHP Basic PHP Syntax,PHP Variables,PHP String,PHP Operators,PHP If...Else,PHP Switch,PHP Arrays,PHP While Loops,PHP For Loops,PHP Functions,PHP Forms,PHP $_GET,PHP $_POST PHP Advanced PHP Date,PHP Include,PHP File,PHP File Upload,PHP Cookies,PHP Sessions,PHP E-mail,PHPSecure E-mail,PHP Error,PHP Exception,PHP Filter … | |
hi i create a page that select 6 item form certain table in database and then in each page it shows 6 item of them order by id desc and now i decided to increase the number of item for displaying in each pages to 12. so the question is … ![]() | |
Hi all i am new to kohana 3.2.x i used to work on kohana 2.3.x the directory structure is not same in both cases so i am getting problem while posting my form to any controller. [CODE] <form action="<?php echo url::base();?>admin/validateLogin" method="post"> <h3>Enter Your Credentials:</h3> <fieldset> <p><label>Email:</label><input type="text" name="email" /></p> … | |
[CODE] $appr2 = mysql_query("SELECT from_date FROM mrfs WHERE `mrf_id`='$row[0]'") or die (mysql_error()); $appr3=mysql_fetch_row($appr2); $appr4 = mysql_query("SELECT to_date FROM mrfs WHERE `mrf_id`='$row[0]'") or die (mysql_error()); $appr5=mysql_fetch_row($appr4); $date=date("m/d/Y"); $date1=date("m/d/Y", strtotime("$appr3[0] -8 days")); if($date>=$date1 && $date<=$appr5[0] ) [/CODE] The code above says to compare two dates present date and from date and present … | |
Hi guys i am new to this forum facing some issues with my php code. The code below says on click go to cart.php I want to add a condition to the same-- if(reasons==Internal) { go to="cart1.php" } else { go to="cart.php" } Kindly help me with the same.... <td> … | |
hi all i am unable to download files from live server. but it works fine on development server. is there any server issue with it? do i have to unable or set any extension in phpmyadmin or php.ini? | |
Right, first of all I'm new to PHP and I was trying if I could update information in table via a form. So here's the problem: I was unable to UPDATE my existing data in a table through a form using this code: $updateFN = "UPDATE person SET firstName='$_POST[updateFN]' WHERE … | |
hi, i have a problem in login form, whene i try to see if it works, but there is an error, so hope if you can help me and thx ;) [COLOR="Red"]Warning: mysql_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in C:\wamp\www\test\login.php on line 11 Username or password[/COLOR] [CODE]<?php … | |
I would like to do something rather complicated for a type of classifieds site. Basically, after a user creates a post in a certain category, that category is added to an SQL table. Let's assume the category is called "Books." I want the title of the user's post to be … | |
Hi all, I installed Ubuntu Server with the LAMP package and there is behavior I don't understand. If I access the web server by its local IP, my browser will display the index.html file located at /var/www/index.html, and PHP apparently works. But if I try to access it over the … | |
[url]http://www.iso-ne.com/markets/hrly_data/selectHourlyLMP.do[/url] I'm trying to parse a CSV generated from the above link. From what i gather the link is : [url]http://www.iso-ne.com/markets/hrly_data/selectHourlyLMP.do?locationType=HUB&node=4000&startDate=12%2F20%2F2011&endDate=12%2F20%2F2011[/url] My problem is it seems half the tiem it downloads, half the time it doesn't, almost as if it gets cached in my system. Is there a way to … | |
[CODE]<form method="POST" action="prosesMultiple.php"> <?php include 'connection.php'; $sql="SELECT defect_code,totalDaily FROM grandTotal ORDER BY totalDaily DESC LIMIT 10 "; $row = mysql_query ($sql); while ($check=mysql_fetch_array($row)){?> <input type="checkbox" name="defect_code[]" id="defect_code[]" value="<?php echo $check["defect_code"];?>" /> <?php echo $check["defect_code"];?> - <?php echo $check["totalDaily"]; ?> <input name="text" name="totalDaily[]" id="totalDaily[]" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $check["totalDaily"]; ?>"><br/> <?php } … | |
[ICODE]I have two date fields in my db, one is a CURRENT_TIMESTAMP and the other Date. I use a date picker to input the date into the date fields in my form. All other date in the form is input into my db, except the two date fields. But when … | |
I am working on a project which needs to expire session after 24hr how it is possible. | |
Hey guys, Was really fed up with this problem .please check it out. I have a PHP page which calls and retrieves a text from other PHP page. Now using the Normal textarea element the value is showing in the textarea. Now I wanted that text area to be as … | |
guys,,need help :( I cannot upload file using this script [CODE]<?php if($_FILES["zip_file"]["name"]) { $filename = $_FILES["zip_file"]["name"]; $source = $_FILES["zip_file"]["tmp_name"]; $type = $_FILES["zip_file"]["type"]; $name = explode(".", $filename); $accepted_types = array('application/zip', 'application/x-zip', 'application/x-zip-compressed', 'application/octet-stream', 'multipart/x-zip', 'application/x-compressed'); foreach($accepted_types as $mime_type) { if($mime_type == $type) { $okay = true; break; } } $continue = … | |
Hello there.Looks.I want to know how exactly to insert an image from the controller itself. I actually want to use this in my application controller where admin can download user applications. I try to get it done using $this->Html->image() . but it said something about call to a non object … |
The End.