39,317 Topics

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Member Avatar for lovell_82

Hi there, I'm trying to setup a website with a database. I want my php code to create the database and then input the data into it, however a get the error on my register page: Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Access denied for user '*****' (using password: YES) in /fg_membersite.php on …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, I did an example to see the time it takes to run a query and cache it but it doesn’t work and I cannot find why. Please give me a hand. No cache file gets created as well. In config/database.php: I’ve set $db[‘default’][‘cache_on’] = FALSE; because I don’t want …

Member Avatar for veledrom
Member Avatar for lovell_82

I'm trying to write php code to access my sql database. pretty new at this and was wondering for my hostname and username and that, do i prefix the web address to the username and password or what is it? I geta error saying my credentials are not correct. Can …

Member Avatar for lovell_82
Member Avatar for arshadshaikh

I have downloaded files from [url]http://sergey89.ru/files/ffmpeg-php-win32-all.zip[/url]. I add four files in c:\\windows\system32\ folder these files are : avcodec-51.dll, avformat-51.dll, avutil-49.dll and pthreadGC2.dll. And one file php_ffmpeg.dll i add in \xampp\php\ext\ folder. After restarting system and server i get following error: --------------------------- Warning --------------------------- PHP Startup: ffmpeg: Unable to initialize module …

Member Avatar for twiss
Member Avatar for abhi10kumar

I am printing checkbox's value on combobox value using AJAX, but showing undefined. First time it ok, but When checkbox is clicked then value is set to be off, showing undefined. Here is the code. [B]Checkbox[/B] [CODE]<input type="checkbox" name="course_inactive" value="off" id="course_inactive" onclick="check(this.value); value2(this.value)">[/CODE] [B]Combobox[/B] <div style="float:right; height: 26px; padding-top:2px;" id="div_courses"> …

Member Avatar for twiss
Member Avatar for foxwizzy

[CODE]<?php require_once('Connections/TSFH.php'); ?> <?php // *** Validate request to login to this site. if (!isset($_SESSION)) { session_start(); } $loginFormAction = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; if (isset($_GET['accesscheck'])) { $_SESSION['PrevUrl'] = $_GET['accesscheck']; } if (isset($_POST['username'])) { $loginUsername=$_POST['username']; $password=$_POST['password']; $MM_fldUserAuthorization = "aclevel"; $MM_redirectLoginSuccess = "/users/" . $loginUsername . "index.php"; $MM_redirectLoginFailed = "/login.php"; $MM_redirecttoReferrer = false; mysql_select_db($database_TSFH, …

Member Avatar for codewall
Member Avatar for wova

Is using php with MS SQL server over MySQL a good practise? Ive been using MySQL for quite sometime and what I like about it is that it is free. Are there any advantages of using MS SQL server over MySQL? Or any challenges.

Member Avatar for codewall
Member Avatar for keval_hack

Can any one suggest me where i can get free blog templates similar to below template. [url]http://blog.artoflegendindia.com[/url]

Member Avatar for codewall
Member Avatar for rhiang1984

i am wondering where i am going wrong, i have a uploader image in php and html, it all works as in it goes into the set folder, but i have a problem, because i want the program to do the folder then do another folder inside,as in using the …

Member Avatar for codewall
Member Avatar for Nybuler

Greeting to all :) i wanted to store a selected option in to mysql database My senior said must in this format" option 1 option 2 option 3 I was stuck with this couple hours ago! i have think of nl2br but i'm not familiar with it Can anyone help? …

Member Avatar for Nybuler
Member Avatar for techsavi

I downloaded the php. MySQL and the apache but, I am facing a problem in which the code is being displayed and not the web page. There must be a configuration problem. Any help would be much appreciated.

Member Avatar for sainigks
Member Avatar for tkapadia1102

Hii, I am new to PHP world. I need to convert the video files into flv format. I am having a problem in the code. Its not working. I dont know whats the problem. It gives error " Parse error: parse error in \script\uploadvideopro.php on line 63 " Here is …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for cuonic

Hi, I am creating a script to show stock information, but the images showing the price difference (down and up arrows) are not appearing in page or in source. They do exist on the server and the src url is correct, so I think it is a PHP problem. Here …

Member Avatar for cuonic
Member Avatar for mpc123

Hi If somebody can point me in the right direction for what i require that would be great. I will give an example rather than exactly what i require just to make it simplier to get the information across 1.I have a csv file which has around 400 rows in …

Member Avatar for mpc123
Member Avatar for gambit_1607

hi i'm using drupal. when i'm on my blog page and when i'm signed in as admin i'm getting a list of all the og groups in a selectbox and when i'm signed in as a normal user i'm getting checkboxes for only the groups i belong to. i want …

Member Avatar for klemme

I need to process/send this form [CODE] <?php <form name=\"form1\" method=\"post\" action=\"send_contact.php\"> <p>Emne:</p><input name=\"subject\" class=\"input\" type=\"text\" id=\"subject\" size=\"64\"><br /><br /> <p>Forespørgsel:</p><textarea name=\"detail\" cols=\"50\" rows=\"7\" id=\"detail\"></textarea><br /><br /> <p>Navn:</p><input name=\"name\" class=\"input\" type=\"text\" id=\"name\" size=\"64\"><br /><br /> <p>Email:</p><input name=\"customer_mail\" class=\"input\" type=\"text\" id=\"customer_mail\" size=\"64\"><br /><br /> <input type=\"submit\" name=\"Submit\" value=\"&nbsp;Send&nbsp;\"> <input type=\"reset\" name=\"Submit2\" …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for AMADH

Hello, I have a query, that I am trying to have a conditional statement for a variable that I will pass into the query. If I use one of the conditions it works, but if I try both I can't get it to work. I would appreciate any help. Thanks, …

Member Avatar for AMADH
Member Avatar for newbie14

Dear All, I have a page at this link [url][/url]. The problem now if you click on the Driver Employment tab and press Add button at the bottom the content will change to Driver Details. But the tab Driver Employment is still highlighted not the Driver Details. Below is the …

Member Avatar for newbie14
Member Avatar for sainigks

Dear all i have created a from to receive data from users. and data will store in sql table. all is going well. BUT NOW i have installed a module so users can type in Hindi fonts to fill details in form. when users will type data in hindi font …

Member Avatar for bibleaudio
Member Avatar for klemme

Hi, I have found a REALLY simple contact form, which i am trying to mail to my own email for testing. But I havent tried this before so i am not sure how to set it up. Hope someone can help me out! I get this error: [CODE] ( ! …

Member Avatar for tiggsy
Member Avatar for jacob21

Hi, I am working on this code.I am trying to redirect the [B]URL[/B] coming from database. i am using target="_blank" but its opening in reverse order. i.e. main.php is opening in new page & uRl page is opening on the same page but i want URl coming from database should …

Member Avatar for twiss
Member Avatar for scoobie

Hi, i was wondering if anyone can help me. i am new to php and was wondering if it was possible to embed javascript in php. i was trying to get an alert/msg box up to explain an error to the user. i have written the following code <?php ............. …

Member Avatar for shridharshenoy
Member Avatar for umesh daiya

hi, i would like to know how to use server side validation in php i mostly use client side validation using javascript but now i want to validate my form using php. thanks

Member Avatar for vibhaJ
Member Avatar for karthik_ppts

how to add circle marker on google map by giving latitude,longitude and radius in KM?

Member Avatar for karthik_ppts
Member Avatar for minart

Hi, I've seen similar problems to this posted here but nothing exactly the same so apologies if this question is repeated elswehere... I've got PHP/HTML page which shows a table of users and their e-mail addresses, retrieved from a MySQL DB. Part of the code builds the e-mail addresses returned …

Member Avatar for minart
Member Avatar for klemme

Hi all, I have installed Tinymce on my textareas, which are working fine. I have more than one textarea, and the Tinymce attaches itself on ALL textareas, where I only need it to display on one. It starts like this, and logically it will show on textareas, anyone who knows …

Member Avatar for vibhaJ
Member Avatar for begueradj

Hello people I used TinyMCE for my "textarea" inputs. When I display that text the colors of TinyMCE don't work meanwhile my script works fine, including other features of TinyMCE who work fine also (such as Bold, Italic fonts ...etc) Only colors don't work, I just add that similar script …

Member Avatar for vibhaJ
Member Avatar for rotten69

Hey all, I'm just hoping to receive great help from you people.. I'm tryin to fix my PHP coding and it looks good,but the server says that a particular line is broken.. [CODE] <?php $hd = fopen('content.txt', 'r'); $line = fgets($hd); $content = array(); while($line) { $word = explode(',', $line); …

Member Avatar for vibhaJ
Member Avatar for ben.matthews18

Hi, I have a contact form which is laid out like the following; [CODE]<form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="send.php"> <table width="362" border="0" align="center" class="tbltxt"> <tr> <td height="30" colspan="2" style="color:#174AA8; text-decoration:underline;"><b>Send us a message!</b></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="95" height="30"><label for="Name">Name</label></td> <td width="257"height="30"><input name="Name" type="text" id="Name" style="width:200px;" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="30"><label for="Subject">Subject</label></td> …

Member Avatar for vibhaJ
Member Avatar for dyingatmidnight

Hi all. I'm working on a database for school and I'm working between two computers, my laptop at home and my desktop at work. Now my code works fine on my desktop but when I moved it over to the laptop the two drop down select boxes aren't being created. …

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The End.