39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for pamdooley

I have the following code:[CODE] if ((isset($_POST["MM_insert"])) && ($_POST["MM_insert"] == "form1")) { $insertSQL = sprintf("INSERT INTO inventory_software_request (Software, Name, NISD, Room) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)", GetSQLValueString $_POST['software[]'], "text"), GetSQLValueString($_POST['name'], "text"), GetSQLValueString($_POST['nisd'], "text"), GetSQLValueString($_POST['room'], "text")); [/CODE] to send data to a MySQL database. the form includes a list of software …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for SunnySideUp

Hi, How do I go about creating a XML document from information requested from multiple tables ? Do I need to split the queries up or can I just run it as one complete query ? Then how do I set it up so that information is output into an …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for nurul_208

hye guys.. i've got a problem on inserting the data from mysql database into the textbox in php.. i dont get any error reply..but im still cant retrieve the data from the mysql database into text box in php.. below are the print screen and my sourcecode: this is the …

Member Avatar for nurul_208
Member Avatar for vaibhav1983

Hi All, I am trying to implement a directory like url rewriting in php. My URL goes like this [url]www.xyz.com/Parameter1/Parameter2/1[/url] This request is forwarded to a php script, getParams.php Parameter1 and Parameter2 in the URL are GET parameters. "1" in the url indicates the page number. The URL rule that …

Member Avatar for vaibhav1983
Member Avatar for teedoff

Hi new to php and I'm trying to learn how to set up connections to the database on my remote server. I'm using dreamweaver to create recordsets, then dispaying the results. Dreamweaver creates a connection file(I named student.php) automatically based on your database connections and login info. However, this poses …

Member Avatar for teedoff
Member Avatar for joshisumitnet

Dear Friends, I am following the bestuff.com's active member session. I am doing the following thing... 1. when user logs in, I update my database's field with value 'O' (means user is logged in and fires query which has flag value 'O') But the problem is how to check user's …

Member Avatar for joshisumitnet
Member Avatar for debasishgang7

im new to php i have a problem.. i wanna design a website that will have index.php as the Home page. The index.php will include header.php(the universal header) menu.php(unuversal menu) topics.php(topics of my websites like global warming,child labour etc..) content.php(a welcome note for Home page.) ___________________________________________________ header.php ___________________________________________________ | menu.php …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for slap01

im working on something that will display the title and the author, but i have seperate table for the title and author, my code displays the title but not the author, what should i do? heres my code [CODE]<html> <body> <form method=post action="find.php"> <h2>Search For:</h2> <p> Academic Year : <input …

Member Avatar for slap01
Member Avatar for vivekdizzal

[code]<?php $host = "localhost"; $user = "root"; $pass = ""; $db = "register1"; $conn=mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass); $db3=mysql_select_db($db,$conn) or die("Unable to connect to local database"); $caption = " Add "; if($_GET['id'] != '') { $sel_qry = "SELECT * FROM details WHERE id = ".$_GET['id']; $rs = mysql_query($sel_qry); $result_data = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs); $caption …

Member Avatar for shrikant12
Member Avatar for zeeshan_kust

hi everyone i am having a problem in my mysql class to retrieve the stored data in database. i want to retrieve data in view class calling controller class and then model class for select query. plz help me the code is bellow. call from view to controller in line …

Member Avatar for n3red

Anyways i have a gourp that i created called Wholesale and anotherone called VIP. So when user registers as wholesale he gets to see prices of products and when he is moved by admin to vip customer group he gets to see special category i managed to do that as …

Member Avatar for nextdate

[CODE]if ($_POST['req_cash'] == 'requested' && $_POST['submit'] == ' Request Cashout ' && is_numeric($_POST['amount']) && $_POST['amount'] >= $min_cashout && $_POST['amount'] <= $roi_cash) {[/CODE] What is WRONG! Thank you!!

Member Avatar for vibhaJ
Member Avatar for Smudly

When I upload new files, their file name is stored into my database. I have been told that a couple of the file downloads weren't working. Upon further investigation I figured out that the file the person wanted to download was nowhere to be seen in my downloads directory. How …

Member Avatar for P0lT10n
Member Avatar for keok
Member Avatar for h0neydip

I can't seem to figure out why it keeps showing me this error,where am i doing wrong?, can someone help me please [CODE] <?php include_once "cinc/Tbox.php"; # include the class file for textbox validation // BEGIN PROCESSING HERE // this version uses POST so we will see the data in …

Member Avatar for =OTS=G-Man
Member Avatar for danswater

Hi! can someone help me to figure out with this code? [CODE=php] <form method="POST" action="insert.php"> <input type="checkbox" name="id[]" value="32">Article #32<br> <input type="checkbox" name="id[]" value="38">Article #38<br> <input type="checkbox" name="id[]" value="45">Article #45<br> <input type="checkbox" name="id[]" value="59">Article #59<br> <input type="hidden" name="referer" value="123"> <!-- This is the ID of the "referring" article --> <input …

Member Avatar for danswater
Member Avatar for Viruthagiri

Hello friends, I have a table called rates. It contains the following [QUOTE]id membership_id title desc amount term term_c automaic[/QUOTE] It has the following values [QUOTE] 9 4 Shipping & handling Only for subscribed members 9.95 0 D 0 8 4 LifeTime Subscription LifeTime Supply 79 1 Y 1[/QUOTE] To …

Member Avatar for quibbie
Member Avatar for quibbie

I want to allow people on my site to post html inks in the text box where they submit their articles. Here is the code for the text box: [CODE] <td width="75%" align="left" class="heading"> <textarea cols=75 name=article_summary rows=25 class=textarea style="overflow:hidden;"><?=$_POST["article_summary"];?></textarea> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2 bgcolor=white></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2 …

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Member Avatar for akvlko

Hi Friends Currently I'm Developing a CMS in which I used JQuery for validation of form. In the State and City I have used Ajax to Fill the States after selecting the Country. All other validation are working fine but the validation I applied on the State field is not …

Member Avatar for hongle
Member Avatar for davecoventry

What I have is a list of file paths: dir0/file0.txt dir0/dir1/filea.txt dir0/file1.txt dir0/dir1/fileb.txt dir0/dir1/dir1/filec.txt dir0/file2.txt What I'd like to get is something like the following: [code] $paths=Array( file0.txt=>file0.txt, dir1=>Array( filea.txt=>filea.txt, fileb.txt=>fileb.txt, dir1=>Array( filec.txt=>filec.txt ) ), file1.txt=>file1.txt, file2.txt=>file2.txt ); [/code] It strikes me that this must be a fairly common requirement …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for The5sisters

Although my server has php memory allocation of 64MB I get [QUOTE]Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 311296 bytes) in /home/kasey/public_html/Create/wp-includes/class-simplepie.php on line 4186 [/QUOTE] in my dashboard for WP/buddypress combination blog. I re-installed buddypress.WP won't allow a re-install despite the fact that it …

Member Avatar for The5sisters
Member Avatar for dschuett

I have a form that users fill out to send denial letters to customers. I have been struggling to figure out how to pass CHECKED checkboxes from a form to be passed to the $mail_body of the email. Here is what i'm working with: [CODE] <?php require_once "formvalidator.php"; $error_hash = …

Member Avatar for guyinpv
Member Avatar for jonasjo

I have error in tis code.any help will b appreciable.tanks in advance. if(isset($_POST['btnsave'])) { for($i=0;$i<count($_POST);$i++) { if(!empty($_POST["hdntxtRow".$i])) { echo $_POST["hdntxtRow".$i]."<br />"; } } $question=$_POST['txtquestion']; $choice1=$_POST['txtchoice1']; $choice2=$_POST['txtchoice2']; $choice3=$_POST['txtchoice3']; $choice4=$_POST['hdntxtrow1']; $choice5=$_POST['hdntxtrow2']; $answer=$_POST['txtanswer']; $a=mysql_query("INSERT INTO question(questions,choice1,choice2,choice3,choice4,choice5,answer) VALUES('$question','$choice1','$choice2','$choice3','$choice4','$choice5','$answer')"); } ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> New Document </TITLE> <META …

Member Avatar for ko ko
Member Avatar for paresh5221

Hello Everybody Specially for php How can i extract hyperlink URL from exel sheet I want to know How can i extract hyperlink URL from exel sheet cells.

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for programmer12

Hello, Im trying to show my images with a limit of 2 but the while loop show the codes correctly in the source on the browser but the items are not showing on the web page.. How can i fix this issues... HERE is the codes [CODE] <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC …

Member Avatar for programmer12
Member Avatar for miss_indie

Gudeve. sorry for posting again. i was making a simple quiz machine with PHP and a bit of database, i made this code. [CODE]<form action="record.php" method="POST"> <tr> <td><b>Your score is: </b> <br /><input type="text" disabled="disabled" name="score" value="$total"></td> </tr> <tr> <td><b>Date: </b> <br /><input type="text" name="date"></td> <td><b>Student Id: </b> <br /><input …

Member Avatar for sudeepjd
Member Avatar for ceeandcee

Good Morning, I am writing code for a Hockey Pool site and I am working on the Standings page...typical divisional standings page. My code runs through a loop for the four teams in each division and yields results for each team and outputs fine. Here is my problem...I want to …

Member Avatar for ceeandcee
Member Avatar for fatpages

Hi All, can anyone suggest the e-commerce engine which is well adopted to sell virtual content (e.g. downloadable content, subscriptions, promo codes)? I tried Virtuemart for Joomla and Ubercart for Drupal, but they both are really limited and don't provide the "off the shelf" flexibility for virtual goods.

Member Avatar for dennishall
Member Avatar for Aydot22

I need a PHP expression to validate a field value against a list predefined in mysql database So that anything different from that in the database will not be submitted to the database. Looking forward to your assistance.

Member Avatar for sudeepjd

The End.