39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for phplover

Hi I am wondering if one of the PHP pros on here could answer this question for me. When validating user input to be put into a database like mysql, i use mysql_real_escape_string() but i also use strip_tags(), htmlentities() and trim() . My question is should i just be using …

Member Avatar for phplover
Member Avatar for 1corrie2

I'm having trouble finding help on this specific problem and I'm new so please forgive me. I'm trying to add a drop-down or checkboxes that allow my client to send the information to a secific email address. I'm trying to get this to work within my existing form and I …

Member Avatar for Triztian
Member Avatar for macdonald12

Hello people, I'm trying to collect some data stored between <body> and </body> tags inside a string. Here's a piece of the code i'm using: [CODE] $regex = '/<body>(.*?)<\/body>/si'; preg_match($regex, $content, $content); $content = $content[0];[/CODE] This works perfect, except that it also includes the above mentioned tags. I would just …

Member Avatar for macdonald12
Member Avatar for lapunluyang

Hello, First of all thanks to the admin who given us this platform to get help and give help.. Secondly i want to someone help who knows php+mysql i am nill in it but if someone guide main i will do as he say.. i got sms script from my …

Member Avatar for Triztian
Member Avatar for Kadafiz

heyy... i need to print a form and validate data . for both actions i need only one submit button. i did like this.[CODE]<input name="btnSubmit" type="submit" onclick="return validate(); window.print() " value="Print Bill" />[/CODE] bt it is not working.. please can some one give me a help..

Member Avatar for saideepthi.bits
Member Avatar for dev.vini

can u help me by sending me some example of validation tha how we can put server side validation in php just one example.........?

Member Avatar for Triztian
Member Avatar for super_noobie

hey all I have a standard php form and I want a to add paypal purchasing action to it as well. is there an easy way to do this? thanks in advance

Member Avatar for sheltonjb
Member Avatar for krrr25

I am trying to convert a rtf file to html file in php. The below code is not working, not giving any error also. <?php $handle = popen("/usr/bin/abiword --plugin AbiCommand 2>&1", "w"); fputs($handle, "server"); fputs($handle, "load /var/www/abiword/test.rtf"); fputs($handle, "save /var/www/abiword/test.html"); ?> when i do this conversion through terminal with the …

Member Avatar for bjeffries

How do you get URLs like below when using php? [url]http://domain.com/photos/022010/01/[/url] Where it normally is written like this: [url]http://domain.com/photos.php?date=022010&id=01[/url] I see sites like this all the time now and am curious how this is accomplished. I do have an idea though... When creating a directory for example photos. Do I …

Member Avatar for bjeffries
Member Avatar for sami.asanga

Hi, I was having only one admin in my system.Now I want to add one more,where the new one is having lesser privileges.For that I want to hide some menus from him where he is not aware about that linking pages. Is there anyone who can help me to do …

Member Avatar for vibhaJ
Member Avatar for raju_boini525

hi all, i want to learn wordpress. where do i start. can anyone tell me the best wordpress tutorial. thanks,

Member Avatar for morkat
Member Avatar for EvolutionFallen

Hi, I'm somewhat new to jQuery/JavaScript, so any help would be greatly appreciated. I have a few textboxes that need to be populated when a user clicks a hot spot on an image map. Each hot spot has an alt tag representing the ID number of the object I need …

Member Avatar for MooGeek
Member Avatar for lapunluyang

I was asked to create an adult content filter system as my final project and am actually thinking of using php. So i would like to know how possible this is. Any useful suggestions on how to go about it is welcome as i am new to php itself. Thank …

Member Avatar for marvolo1300

Hi, I want my script to redirect the visitor to the another script which is in another folder under the same parent directory. And i cannot use the "header()" redirect method. [QUOTE]/www/index.php/ (where i want the visitor to be redirected to)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]/www/upload/upload.php/ (where i want the visitor to be redirected …

Member Avatar for MooGeek
Member Avatar for areese685

Hi everyone I am new here. It has been a few years since I have done any php coding and need help. My website is basically static and constant throughout the entire site except for the main content on the page. I know there is some way to use the …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for OpenBSD

Hi, I have 2 level for signup memebr . 1-member 2-supermember now i send for each user value 1 or 2 to permission. SQL Table : id | name | lastname | permission | date | desc | username | password so in user profile page i have 6 link …

Member Avatar for CyberSpatium
Member Avatar for wendeus

Hi everybody, I wanna make a simple leads form in php, this form has three fields. the first field is "code", the second one is Name and third is e-mail. the issue is that i have two tables in my database and i want in one hand store all this …

Member Avatar for CyberSpatium
Member Avatar for gchurch

hey i desperately need to know the answer for a project if anyone can help... i and retrievin info from a DB and desplayin it in a dynamic table. then if the <select value='1'> in the form i need to send a variable accross to another page. the code is …

Member Avatar for gchurch
Member Avatar for ceeandcee

Good Afternoon, I have this line of code: echo $sum['PTS1011_wk1']; Earlier in my page, I have set a variable to: $wk="wk1"; What is the syntax to use the Variable $wk instead of spelling out wk1. I want to be able to change $wk once and have it change throughout a …

Member Avatar for Fbody
Member Avatar for dschuett

Ok, So I found a pagination class fro ma tutorial and decided to try and impliment it into my mysql search query I use here at work to search past Parts Ordered records. I got it working to the point that it only shows 10 results on a page, and …

Member Avatar for CyberSpatium
Member Avatar for SiobhanyScot

Alright kids, I know next to nothing about PHP but I'm interested in geolocation scripts. A couple of months ago, I got a presentation from a company that can target content down to the zip code level (and much more, but that's beside the point). However, what they charge a …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for slap01

i code this without the delete function, but when i started using it, there's and error. need help with this code[CODE]<?php $_GET['id']; $username = "root"; $password = '123456'; $hostname = "localhost"; $db = mysql_connect($localhost, $username, $password) or die ("Unable to connect to mySQL".mysql_error()); mysql_select_db('mynewdbase'); $del = "DELETE FORM newdbase WHERE …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for gchurch

well i have a form on the one page of my site that sends some variables accross using POST to another page. then some other things get calculated however the same variables from the first page need to be sent through to the next page. and when i click a …

Member Avatar for gchurch
Member Avatar for patrioticcow

hello, i have something like this search:_______ search1:___________ submit btn how can i search for something from the same table in the database considering both search fields? I've tried this code nut it doesn't work. thanks [code=php] if($search == '') { $smarty->assign('Error','Please enter any string!'); $z=1; } elseif($type == 'like') …

Member Avatar for patrioticcow
Member Avatar for stanley87

hi,guys,i m new to php.now i gonna link a group of check box to mysql database which link among form.php and process.php.my page in to do the search from category that i check with the category,means maybe i can check 1 box,or money box together when i press the search …

Member Avatar for sugikrish

hi.... I want populate combo box based on another combobox selection in php. for eg: If we select 'tamilnadu' in one combobox then tamilnadu district are displayed in another combobox. If you know send that coding. Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for Daiva
Member Avatar for sami.asanga

Hi, Can anyone tel me how to get values from the database to work with mail to function?? I mean rather than giving like mailto:xxxxx@xx.com ,I want to take email ids from the database.How should I do it? I did like this.. <a href = "mailto : $row['sup_email']."></a> But its …

Member Avatar for Razer_Thomas
Member Avatar for zeuz

Hi everyone My intention is to enable NTLM authentification when using the native PHP SOAP client, Most of the code is copied from an php.net manual example and it is said to be working. I'm trying to override the __doRequest function in the SoapClient class and let it use cURL. …

Member Avatar for designershiv

HI All I am relatively new to PHP and am in the processing of developing a site making use of PHP and MySQL. The problem I am experiencing is that when I refresh Internet Explorer, the data that was processed by a form is resubmitted to the database - can …

Member Avatar for designershiv
Member Avatar for ceeandcee

Good Evening, I have a table that has a field with 15 entrys in it. I would like to output it from a query in a table that has 3 rows of 5. However, whenever I put a <tr> inside the loop, I get 15 rows. Any idea how I …

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The End.