39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for LloydFarrell

Hi all, can someone help me here - I ave a regisration script where I am uploading an image to mysql, The problem im having at the moment is this..... The script creates a new folder by using the mysql_last_id function as shown below - The problem im having is …

Member Avatar for LloydFarrell
Member Avatar for capoon

Hi experts, i developed javascript code that connects to ms acess database 2003. Everything work fine as it can insert,update and delete information from database. But my problem is that when i try to validate all my input text so as to ensure that my user must fill all the …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for reidar

I'm just starting with PHP and I was given a rather difficult task. I need to search through multiple XML files in different directories, then return the name of the files that contain a given search input. Will it be easier to write a script that reads all XML files …

Member Avatar for SikoSoft
Member Avatar for scaiferw

I wrote this code because I wanted the members of my volunteer organization go have a place they could easily get the most current list of email addresses to send a message. This code reads the names and addresses from the database, and creates a comma delimited list of addresses …

Member Avatar for YuriyHorobey

Hi all, thanks for reading my post ) My name is Yuriy Horobey, I am developing web for more than 10 years. There are some same geeks like me arround me, so I am forming my company, registering it and searching for partners. What do we offer? -- Full cycle …

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Member Avatar for Roses89

Hey guys, Back again, I needed to ask two very quick questions: Number 1: In a login form,how do you make sure that the user doesnt type their username or password in Caps? Number 2: How do you display error messages after the user has tried to login with the …

Member Avatar for scaiferw
Member Avatar for runjel

hello .. there is a weird problem in a website that im developing.. the problem is i cant a call external javascript if its located in a folder.. but if i put that in the directory where the index.php is located also i am able to call the javascript.. sample …

Member Avatar for scaiferw
Member Avatar for Keidi

Hi all I'm trying to learn php by myself I got as far as creating my first data base and table using the following code: [code=php]$con = mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); if (!$con) { die('Could not conect: '.mysql_error()); } //Create database if (mysql_query("CREATE DATABASE FATBYTES",$con)) { echo "Database created"; } else { echo …

Member Avatar for scaiferw
Member Avatar for offsense

Hi Guys, I got a problem with updating images in mysql database wih php form. It succesfully inserted the images into the database, but it can't do any updates/changse on the existing image record. Thanks [CODE] <? session_start(); include("database.php"); include("login.php"); $pro_id = $_POST['pro_id']; $pro_name = $_POST['pro_name']; $pro_cat = $_POST['pro_cat']; $pro_desc …

Member Avatar for offsense
Member Avatar for AJIMX

i have been having this error massage tying to do certain registration on Nigeria army website [url]www.nigeriaarmyms.org[/url], and i keep on getting this massage: "you have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your mySQL server version for the syntax to use near 'AZEEZ', surname= …

Member Avatar for SikoSoft
Member Avatar for muralibobby2015

hello.... my current url is [CODE] categories_name.php?cname=at&t rewritten url like this. carriers/at&t this is htaccess url. RewriteRule ^carriers/(.*)$ categories_name.php?cname=$1 [L][/CODE] above url is working for all like [CODE]categories_name.php?cname=all-tel[/CODE] when variable has '&' symbol then problem occuring. so how to write htaccess url?

Member Avatar for SikoSoft
Member Avatar for sjeggels

Can anyone please assist how to retrieve data for dropdown menu from database. I have dropdown menu in mysettings.php of login script v2. The array i am using retrieves the all contents from the database for selected dropdown menu but it does not retrieve the specific saved data selection (dropdown …

Member Avatar for SikoSoft
Member Avatar for liamfriel

Hello I was helping a fellow daniwebber and I noticed that I have no idea if it is possible and how the syntax works for it. Any help appreciated. example of how I think it works. [CODE] function retTrue(){ return true; } //code in if if(retTrue()){ //do some php } …

Member Avatar for SikoSoft
Member Avatar for reanopp

Hi guys, We have a custom-written online invoicing system, written in PHP. Right now, it generates an HTML invoice (with CSS etc) and sends that to the clients as an HTML mail, but since a lot of mail clients regard it as spam, disable functionality and images, or just completely …

Member Avatar for abeltenny0210
Member Avatar for potatoe

Hello there, As described in my thread's title.. Here's the situation: On this CRM I am currently developing to migrate a desktop CRM. I have planned to separate the database for my core and still use the current desktop CRM database to prevent any more file size increase the CRM …

Member Avatar for james.newell
Member Avatar for jisnack

i need to upload images in imagegallery throuhg plugin in '/wp-content/images' folder. for that i need to set this path in 'Miscellaneous Settings' given in wordpress. if i give '/wp-content/images' there, all the images i upload in wordpress will be going tho this folder.. otherwise if i give the option …

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Member Avatar for ajwei810192

Hi, It is kind of difficult to explain what I am trying to do here, I will provide the form here to give a better idea. <ul> <li>Select the type of your starting point of interest:<br/> <div id="start_menu"><form action="test_getrss.php" name="form1" method="post"> <span><input type="radio" value="Apartment" name="start" onclick="check(document.form1.start)"/> Apartment </span> <span><input type="radio" …

Member Avatar for ajwei810192
Member Avatar for Krstevski

Hello friends, I have a stupid problem, I can't find example or tutorial "How to embed mpp in HTML", so... Can anyone give me an example or code for this ? Thanks.

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for haribo83

I have created a recordset to show the top 5 values in a database - this is then displayed as an include on a few pages. Is it possible to refresh these results every few seconds without having to refresh all of the page?

Member Avatar for sergb
Member Avatar for emhmk1

Hi Everyone, i have a query regarding checkboxes. i have got a 'check all' checkbox on my form but what i need is to uncheck all if the check all is not checked This is the check all script [CODE]function checkAll(field) { for (i = 0; i < field.length; i++) …

Member Avatar for scaiferw
Member Avatar for pentolanmenteng

Hi, im sort of trying to insert an array value as an argument, illustrated in the following code: [code] for($j=0;$j<count($number);$j++) { <input type='text' size='1' name='inputno' id='inputno$j' onchange='check_input(this.value, (i wanna get the value of $j here) )'>"; } [/code] any idea? thank you

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for rabzzz

hi, in the below code i have made a variable $htmll, in my php file.In dat var i have stored the html code,in dat html code im writing some php code which in unable to execute....Kindly help me out to resolve it. Thanx.... [code=php] <?php $htmll=' <table align="centre" border="1" cellpadding="0" …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for ben.matthews18

So when I plan to set up a register form on my site I need to know how to automatically assign an ID to the user once they press the 'Register' button. I guess I would be using this type of table setup; Table name: Users ID int 11 Email …

Member Avatar for coreyavis
Member Avatar for PaulMoore12

I create my code on my own machine and tested it on my own machine and everything worked perfectly fine but as soon as I uploaded it to my server it seems to have stopped working. None of the code has been changed except for the database user, pass and …

Member Avatar for PaulMoore12
Member Avatar for raju_boini525

hai all, i am working on shopping cart project, i need globalpay integration . i got the sample code and run in my localhost it shows me error this.[QUOTE]Warning: SoapClient::__construct() [function.SoapClient---construct]: I/O warning : failed to load external entity "https://certapia.globalpay.com/GlobalPay/transact.asmx?WSDL" in C:\wamp\www\exampls\PHP Web Service Sample (Credit Card) 4.0.0\PHP Web Service …

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Member Avatar for greeneyesiq

I have a really big problem. I'm using a joomla platform to make a website and I cannot install any form module (something about synchronization)so I have to make the script from scratch. I created a form article with the action welcome.php, the question: where do i put the welcome.php …

Member Avatar for jwd.adodis
Member Avatar for gptArun

Hello everybody, I have to edit joomla left panel contents but didn't find code. how would do this? i chk administrator part where i cant change/add links. But not found code other than "<jdoc:include type="modules" name="left" style="rounded" />" in index file. somebody help me out !!

Member Avatar for jwd.adodis
Member Avatar for ghoststick

Hello. I'm wondering if anyone has knowledge or a code that will refresh a script without a full page load. Just a widget/box on a site. What I have is a script which displays random posts in wordpress. Just calls 5 posts from the database with a simple random call. …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for jayesh4414

Download.php not working.. i was just making a download.php file which accepts the song_id from the url and fetch it from database.. example: download.php?id=111 this will download the song with id=111 from the database.. but the song is not being downloaded.. no response just blank screen. the details i am …

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Member Avatar for Alexii

So I recently made a website, and I have two questions I need answering. The first is I have a form with multiple things in it (text fields, checkboxes and buttons). Now I want the form to check if the checkbox has been checked or not, and I have come …

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The End.