15,192 Topics
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So for this program im trying to print out the max height the projectile reaches and when i run the __str__ on the object it dosent change the value to the string and just gives a garbage result. the program als o prints some other vaulues but my problem is … | |
import turtle import os import math import random import pygame #set up the screen wn = turtle.Screen() wn.bgcolor("black") wn.title("Space invaders") wn.bgpic("space_invaders_backgrounds.gif") pygame.init() #Register the shapes turtle.register_shape("ship.gif") turtle.register_shape("Enemy.gif") #Drawing my border border_pen = turtle.Turtle() border_pen.speed(0) border_pen.color("white") border_pen.penup() border_pen.setposition(-300,-300) border_pen.pendown() border_pen.pensize(3) for side in range(4): border_pen.fd(600) border_pen.lt(90) border_pen.hideturtle() #Set the score to … | |
If you're in one of those predicaments where `cls.__private` attributes just aren't enough since they can easily be accessed through `inst._cls__private`, and you need something a little more secure, here's a method I've been playing with for a while that fills that gap. Note that this uses `__slots__`, more info … | |
Hi guys have a python software that i want to freeze for distribution. The problem is after freezing it with cx_freeze and i run it, it works fine on my development computer but when i sent it to my testing computer (window XP sp3 32bit) it give me this error … | |
Write a python script for mass renaming music files according to labels. The script takes an existing format of files in current directory and an expected output format and prints a list of old -> new file name tuples. Format can be any string that contains any number of the … | |
from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets # Import the PyQt5 module we'll need import sys # We need sys so that we can pass argv to QApplication import design # This file holds our MainWindow and all design related things # it also keeps events etc that we defined in … | |
Hi everyone, I struck with this code for few day , please help me and thanks in advance . Write the class AddressBook so the following code works: c = AddressBook() c.add(name='ynon', email='ynon@ynonperek.com', likes='red') c.add(name='bob', email='bob@gmail.com', likes='blue') c.add(name='ynon', email='ynon@gmail.com', likes='blue') c.find_by(name='ynon') # returns: # [ # {'name': 'ynon', 'email': 'ynon@ynonperek.com', … | |
i couldnt install numpy in python3.3 windows 7 i have installed setuptools bt easy_install is unavailable if i try to install NumPy i get an error like "Command "python setup.py egg_info" failed with error code 1 in c:\users\20149308 \appdata\local\temp\pip-build-b5n89o\NumPy\" | |
Hello, so im trying to use PyQt5 on my windows 7 but I might not be doing it right or something. So ive done `pip install SIP` and `pip install pyqt5`. Following [this](http://projects.skylogic.ca/blog/how-to-install-pyqt5-and-build-your-first-gui-in-python-3-4/) post, Ive done `from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidget` and I should have a **designer.exe** somewhere for … | |
numbers = [2,3,1,5,7,8,9,5,4,6] print(numbers) tool_1 = int(input()) tool_2 = int(input()) x = numbers.index (tool_1) y = numbers.index (tool_2) numbers[x] = (tool_2) numbers[y] = (tool_1) print(numbers) So I want this code to run until the numbers list is in this exact order 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 Is there a Do until loop or someway … | |
I was looking around the web for a "selectable label" in tkinter, everyone seems to point to a disabled text entry. I wanted to share mine thus far. I plan to modify this so that when the label is selected, you can click an "edit" button elsewhere in the program … | |
Where or can someone help me on using Visual Studio Code; as I installed a Python extension and I can't get the console / debugger to show the results of the code ? | |
https://pypi.python.org/pypi/autosub/0.3#downloads How do I run this code? Can someone please help me out | |
For some reason the make_great function is not affecting the output of the show_magicians function. I'm trying to alter the list but it's not working. # the make_great function is not affecting the show_magicians function as # intended magicians = ['david', 'caroline', 'benjamin', 'alex', 'steve'] def make_great(magicians_to_change): for magician in … | |
python code implementation of firefly algorithm for feature selecting the hepatitis dataset | |
Hi guys, I developed JIT compiler for Python. It compiles simplified Python code directly to x86 native code. Focus here is usage on SIMD instructions. With SIMDy you can easily outperform C++ in compute intensive tasks like monte carlo simulations, rendering, fluid simulations, etc... Web(WIP): www.tahir007.com I would like to … | |
I have the following code I wrote on windows 7: canvas_width = 150 canvas_height = 150 brush_size = 3 color = "black" def paint(event): global brush_size global color x1 = event.x - brush_size x2 = event.x + brush_size y1 = event.y - brush_size y2 = event.y + brush_size w.create_oval(x1, y1, … | |
I need a function that will create and store usernames and passwords for different students. Their programme should ask the user for their name and age and a username should be created, consisted of their name and age eg. Jack16. They then can make up their own password which then … | |
Shows how to create a basic slide show with the Python Tkinter GUI toolkit. | |
Hello there! I'm wondering what are the options I have. My skills are not adequate for this kind of task. But I'm thinking now about either seeking for a partner with sufficient skills or hiring team of developers. In both cases what could you advise? What competence is needed for … | |
I am creating a client server program on which client downloads server's files. it works fine in localhost, but the problem occurs in except localhost connection. I've tried googling but none of the solutions(from previously suggested to the same problem) works. Here is my code: def upload(sock): # server.py filename … | |
I've been reading through a beginner's book for Python, and I can't quite get this example to work perfectly. active = True age = "" while active: age = input("Please enter your age ") if str(age) == 'quit': active = False elif int(age) < 3 and int(age) != 0: price … | |
Hello. I'm learning tkinter and trying out the opening file bit and im obviously doing something wrong. def init_window(self): self.txt = Text(self) self.txt.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1) def open_file(self): filetypes = [('All files', '*')] dialog = filedialog.Open(self, filetypes=filetypes) showD = dialog.show() if showD!= '': text = self.readFile(showD) self.txt.insert(END, txt) def readFile(self, filename): with … | |
Hey there, I am trying to create a register code. So basicly im making a quiz and every time a user starts up my program he/she needs to register (making a unique username/pass) -When registered it will ask to login. Could anyone help me make the code? My code so … | |
Hi guys i need some help i am tryig to code a python fake bank system. The program needs to be able to deposit withdraw,check the balance and quit the program however my code doesnt seem to be working for some reason can someone please help me. Please find attached … | |
Guys, I am trying to change the background color of my window in WxPython. Here is what I got: Why doesn't it work? [CODE]import wx class my_window(wx.Frame): def __int__(self, parent, id): wx.Frame.__int__(self,parent,id,'My Window', size=(300,200)) self.Colours() def Colours(self): self.pnl1.SetBackgroundColour(wx.BLACK) if __name__ == "__main__": app=wx.PySimpleApp() frame=my_window(parent=None,id=-1) frame.Show() app.MainLoop()[/CODE] | |
So I have to write a program that takes the amount and weight of pumpkins entered by a person and then outputs them back with their corrisponding weight class that i specify. I keep getting a syntax error on the elif statement and I was wondering if i could have … | |
Using Python, tokenize using space as a parameter. Count the total number of words in the document and the frequency of each word. Also, identify the word with least frequency appearance and most frequency appearance | |
Hey been practicing coding using Python 3 tutorial,my question is how to put what learn into a project,or should I say how or what information is their to get this mindset |
The End.