15,192 Topics

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Member Avatar for monstercameron

i had an idea to make my own file formats but... have nearly zero coding experience. the image is just text which a program would parse and receive relevant pixel data from it(like xml based stuff). i wrote up some plan for the file: [CODE] `meta data [(title)test image] [(date)1,1,2010] …

Member Avatar for acrocephalus

Hello! I have created a dialog to select a file with wxpython and FileBrowseButton with this code. [CODE]fbb = wxfbb.FileBrowseButton(panel,labelText="Select an image file:", fileMask=mask, fileMode=wx.OPEN, size=(800,30)) markFile = fbb.GetValue()[/CODE] I need to use the selected file for further actions. How can I do it? I have tried [CODE]return markFile[/CODE] but …

Member Avatar for acrocephalus
Member Avatar for flebber

I am looking at a project that will import and modify an XML file and then export it to a table. Currently a flat file table system should be fine. I want to export the modified data to the table and then perform a handful of maths(largely simple statistical functions) …

Member Avatar for Beat_Slayer
Member Avatar for Krstevski

Hello friends, I have a small problem, I don't know how to configure the server to run python scripts automatically every 1 hour. I use Ubuntu LTS OS, Apache2 server and now I want every 1 hour to run read_rss.py Python script automatically. Do it possible with apache (and if …

Member Avatar for ryan461
Member Avatar for Tommymac501

Pyscripter seems to be hard coded to use versions 2.3 to 2.6, and skips over 2.7, moving on to 3.0 and 3.1 - niether which seem to play nice with Unix data. Considering 2.7 is Python.org's current stable release, does anyone know how to get Pyscripter to use it? I've …

Member Avatar for pyscripter
Member Avatar for KirkK

In this scenario, I have two issues; 1) Why is selection 4 not taking me to exit the program variable? 2) Why is selection 2 telling me I went backward? Thank you in advance! #start and display menu def main(): #fuel fuelUsed = 0 fuel = int(200) feet = int(0) …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for JDuch

I would like to save the output of the python help() function to a file eg the output of >>> help("modules") [CODE] amongst others i used modfile = open("env:.P_ModList","w") mods = help("modules") print >>modfile , mods modfile.close() [/CODE] to no avail. Is there a solution?

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for Beat_Slayer

Aproach to the implementation of K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) using the Euclidean algorithm. Sample Usage: [CODE]mywork = Words_Works() lit = 'literature.txt' mywork.add_category(lit, 'Literature') # adding files as category comp = 'computers.txt' mywork.add_category(comp, 'Computers') phy = 'physics.txt' mywork.add_category(phy, 'Physics') # saving categories dictionary to file mywork.save_categories() # can be loaded calling load_categories() …

Member Avatar for Beat_Slayer
Member Avatar for plasticfood

[CODE]import wx class bucky(wx.Frame): def __init__(self,parent,id): wx.Frame.__init__(self,parent,id,'Frame aka window', size=(400,300)) panel=wx.Panel(self) status=self.CreateStatusBar() menubar=wx.MenuBar() first=wx.Menu() second=wx.Menu() first.Append(wx.NewId(),"new window") first.Append(wx.NewId(),"Open...") menubar.Append(first,"File") menubar.Append(second,"edit") self.SetMenuBar(menubar) if __name__=='__main__': app=wx.PySimpleApp() Frame=bucky(parent=None, id=-1) Frame.Show() app.MainLoop() [/CODE] when i run this program, i get a "self is not defined in status=self.CreateStatusBar()". so i erased that part, and it …

Member Avatar for plasticfood
Member Avatar for student_

I am trying to make a program which so i can put in orders and have shopping and handling calculated the problem is, each time i run the program there will be a different number of people placing an order, how would i set up a loop that on each …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for JDuch

""" Hi i intended to list the built-in function using this function. It seems however to give me the results corresponding with a dictionary. Why is that ? """" [CODE] def showbuiltins(): """ saves the list of built in functions to a file you chose """ blist = dir(__builtins__) print …

Member Avatar for JDuch
Member Avatar for nekogda

Here's a simple question. Need: => to use scipy special package function in my python prog (python2.6). 1. Downloaded & intalled numpy for python2.6 2. Downloaded & intalled scipy (scipy-0.8.0-win32-superpack-python2.6.exe) tested: import numpy import scipy - everything's ok According to scipy docs, a package needs to be loaded before a …

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Member Avatar for fekioh

Hello, I need to store data in large lists (~e7 elements) and I often get a memory error in code that looks like: [code=python] f = open('data.txt','r') for line in f: list1.append(line.split(',')[1]) list2.append(line.split(',')[2]) # etc. [/code] I get the error when reading-in the data, but I don't really need all …

Member Avatar for ultimatebuster
Member Avatar for acrocephalus

Hello! I am trying to creat an "About box" with wxpython. I have defined this function [CODE]def OnAboutBox(self, event): info = wx.AboutDialogInfo() info.SetIcon(wx.Icon('icons/exit.png', wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG)) info.SetName('Watermark Image Processing') info.SetVersion('1.0b') info.SetDescription(info) info.SetCopyright('(C) 2010 Daniel Valverde') info.SetWebSite('http://www.acrocephalus.net') licenseFile = open('license.txt') info.SetLicence(license) info.AddDeveloper('Daniel Valverde') info.AddDocWriter('Daniel Valverde') info.AddArtist('Daniel Valverde') info.AddTranslator('Daniel Valverde') wx.AboutBox(info)[/CODE] I know that …

Member Avatar for acrocephalus
Member Avatar for hondros

Well, since there was no option for "tutorial" in the type of post, it has been created as a simple thread... Obfuscation - confusion resulting from failure to understand obfuscated code - Code that is hard to read In this tutorial, I will show you how to convert something readable, …

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Member Avatar for Tarkenfire

Okay, so in all honesty, I began learning Python about 2 days ago, so this is a rather noobish question(well, I've programmed in other languages, so it's not THAT noobish), but I'm making an IRC bot and can't figure out how to make it so that a line of code …

Member Avatar for Tarkenfire
Member Avatar for lewashby

In the following program can someone help me figure out why the close button [X] at the top right corner isn't working? [CODE] # imports from Tkinter import * from sound_panel import * import pygame.mixer # create gui app = Tk() app.title("Head First Mix") # create mixder mixer = pygame.mixer …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for jenzilla

What am I doing wrong? [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/forums/post1298887.html#post1298887"]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/post1298887.html#post1298887[/URL]

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for PythonNewbie2

Hey guys, I'm parsing some XML using minidom and whenever a comment has a "--" within it, I get an ExpatError. For example, a file may be like this: [CODE] <Label> Hello!</Label> <!-- The above label says Hello. -- It is clear, no? Let's try spicing it up a bit. …

Member Avatar for snippsat
Member Avatar for Viasur

Hello all. First I have to let you know that Im a total newbie trying to understand Python using the book 'A byte of Python'. I'm following everything on that book and is been kind of fun until OOP (object orient programing). Im getting an error in most of the …

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Member Avatar for Aiban

Hi With every piece of code i download to check out, i often find with python 3.1/Windows Vista that the code will start with from Tkinter import * but i need to change it to from tkinter import * as it seems to be case sensative, i tried renameing the …

Member Avatar for jgomo3
Member Avatar for pdini

Hi all, I developed a GUI application using PyQt which comport a QGraphicsView. In this QGraphicsView I have a QGraphicsScene with a lot of items (more than 10'000): polygons, rectangles, texts, etc. How can I save it as an image like it appears on the screen (.png for example)? I …

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Member Avatar for dr_zoidberg1

Hi everyone, i’m new to this board, and i’m having a bit of trouble plotting lines inside of a function, perhaps someone knows what i’m doing wrong! I’m trying to plot an X where the points have been clicked, this is all for a wider picture that is going to …

Member Avatar for bettersaid

hello! i've been trying to create an automated task which it should: 1. open Print 2. choose Printer 3. change Paper Size ( i want to print my doc in all paper size) but i find my code too long and oh i dont know, and i want to simplify …

Member Avatar for pythonbegin

Hi all How can I create a csv file with header. I have a text file with several number of blocks staring from "//" and ending a block with "//". I have attached a sample file. I want to use first column of this text as a header of csv …

Member Avatar for pythonbegin
Member Avatar for Kruptein

I'm fetching a list with all files/folders on a ftp-server, I want to put a [F] before a folder, and leave files like they are, but I can't find a way to check if it's a file or a dir... I already tried: [code=python]from ftplib import FTP import os ftp …

Member Avatar for Sunjay03
Member Avatar for PythonNewbie2

Hi guys, I want to add a custom footer to all of my word documents like "This document was written by PythonNewbie". Let's say all of the reports are in a single directory. Here's some code that I have which can do through and find files... Now I need a …

Member Avatar for Beat_Slayer
Member Avatar for sandhya1202

[QUOTE]Actually i would like to do steaming,stopword removal,word count and punctuation marks removal from my text data i found code for this in DaniWeb[/QUOTE] [CODE]import string def RemovePunc(): line = [] i = 0 text_input = "" total_text_input = "" #This part removes the punctuation and converts input text to …

Member Avatar for Beat_Slayer
Member Avatar for PythonNewbie2

Let's say I have my own installer for a product that uses a lot of other components. One piece of my product is a python script. However, most of my end-users don't have python installed already. Is there any way I can include the python installer as part of my …

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Member Avatar for reviloera

Guys I need help am using fedora 13 KDE desktop I want to install Qscintilla and its pyqt4 wrapper when a run [CODE]qmake qscintilla.pro [/CODE] I get an error message.........(bash: qmake command not found) thanxs

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The End.