15,190 Topics

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Member Avatar for Faro_1

so i tried adding a defintion for the reset command but it doesn't seemed like it works other method was moving the defintion around the localfunction which didn't work and also affects other elements # Guessing Game from tkinter import * from tkinter import ttk import random number = random.randrange …

Member Avatar for Faro_1
Member Avatar for Hillzy

At the moment i ahve a task where i have to make a guessing game in GUI python. So it will generate a random number and also when a certain number of tries have been reached it will stop. The problems i am having as of now is that: 1) …

Member Avatar for Faro_1
Member Avatar for V3N0M

Hi I am learning python and there is these two code snippets but I keep getting an error when I try to run the program. # survey.py class AnonymousSurvey(): # Collect anonymous answers to a survey question. def __init__(self, question): # Store a question, and prepare to responses. self.question = …

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Member Avatar for Sean___

I've recently been learning on how to write Python. I'm still a beginner. I've read multiple times that creating a text based adventure game in Python is a good exercise to learn the in's and out's. I've finished the basic structure of the script. I've already run the script and …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for Nazneen_1

Hi All, i need to convert this Python code to C# .Tried Some online converters nothing Worked out so far.Please Help. import openpyxl from PIL import Image, ImageTk import Tkinter as tk import subprocess import time import os import RPi.GPIO as IO import sys import glob def Image_dis(img, delay): root …

Member Avatar for alc6379
Member Avatar for sekmani

Hi guys; I'm new in python and thread ,i start learning by create a simple code but i find some defficult this code below have some function and thread also Queue function to share data between thread this is a part of my code: def PutChar(Ch): #ask user to put …

Member Avatar for sekmani
Member Avatar for Siberian

If the user enters only one character, I want it to prompt for the name again; otherwise print the persons name in ASCII. Instead what is happening is it's printing the name depending on how many characters are in the name ? nameAsk = raw_input("What is your name?") for name …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for Howard_2

How to install pygame on Python? pygame is on my laptop ,I try the script setup, install pip, What am I missing??

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for itian.kongu

Hi all few free tutorial sites for beginners are given below. C PROGRAMMING http://learnermode.com/c-tutorial/ C++ pROGRAMMING http://cplusplus.com Java https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/ C# https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa288436(v=vs.71).aspx Python https://www.tutorialspoint.com/python/ Java Applets http://learnermode.com/java-tutorial/applets/

Member Avatar for cahendi
Member Avatar for Robbert

Hi Any one know how I can get the following function to return a value - thanks. [CODE]import threading import time def stringFunction(value): str = "This is string no. " + value return str thread1 = threading.Thread(stringFunction("one")) thread1.join() thread1.start() while threading.activeCount()>1: time.sleep(1) print thread1 [/CODE] Currently returns "<Thread(Thread, stopped)>" Not …

Member Avatar for sekmani
Member Avatar for TrustyTony

This is one small snippet of after event usage. You could express if you find this kind of simple code to be usefull as snippet. Notice also vegaseat's sticky message threads in begining of Python forum in addition to code snippets.

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for mohammed_41

how to import datafile using numpy ? i did the following : import numpy as n filename='data_file.txt' data=n.loadtxt('data_file.txt') but it is bot working ?

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for monsterTUT
Member Avatar for Rasmus_2
Member Avatar for funfullson

hi.I want play linux shells command with python.for example i did it: [CODE] def add(userName, pasword): import os os.system("useradd -d /home/%s -m -p %s %s"%(userName, pasword, userName)) [/CODE] but some where i have problem. for example when you want change the users password you have to send the command for …

Member Avatar for Krystor
Member Avatar for Krystor

Hello everybody! Today i am writing a program to connect usées without database, with only one function: `createaccount(username,password)` That you must write on the beginning if the program. But i don't know how to finish it, with the "connect" function : class User(): def init(self, inputusername="a", inputpassword="b"): self.username = str(inputusername) …

Member Avatar for vegaseat

PySide (public license PyQT) is my preferred Python GUI toolkit. Here we explore how to test some of the widgets available and create a digital clock.

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for karmstrong

0 down vote favorite I have created a network scanner, that looks for a specific port on a range of IP's. I would like to thread the application but I am getting and error message ERROR: for worker in range(network.hosts): TypeError: 'method' object cannot be interpreted as an integer Now …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for V3N0M

I am trying to write some code for project euler problem 10, in which you are required to find the sum of all the prime numbers less than 2 million. Now the code is taking too long to execute. I would like to know how can I improve my code …

Member Avatar for filtre
Member Avatar for Haranadh

I would like to know Which are the python data structures uses divide and concur algorithm? Please explain me?

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for adanaz

I am making a text adventure and would like the command line window to be a specific size when you run the .py file in the command line window. eg. 300 wide by 250 height. I found a thread on here that shows how to specify the text colour which …

Member Avatar for DubWine
Member Avatar for ben.juarez.773

Hello! I am looking for some help, and have provided the code. I'm just trying to do some simple stuff. I'm trying to create a simple game without using classes (but using lists). What I'm trying to do is create collision detection among list objects ("bullets" and "baddies"), as you'll …

Member Avatar for a_9
Member Avatar for Eric_8

I have a folder with 40 files in it which I want to loop through. When I print out the name of the file my code works fine: import os source = 'pathtofile' for root, dirs, filenames in os.walk(source): for file in filenames: print file It will print : File1 …

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Member Avatar for Eric_8

Hi, I am fairly new to Python. I am familiar with the concept to pass data accross functions. In theory, def c(): r = raw_input("Ask Something? ") .. return r def p(x): ... do something r = c() p(r) The code below works just fine via Terminal ( python filename.py …

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Member Avatar for manyatha

input1: create external table db.emp(id int,name string) row formatted fields terminated by ',' location 'hadfs:.../'; create external table db.emp1(id int,name string) row formatted fields terminated by ',' location 'hadfs:.../'; input2: create table db.emp(id int,name string) location 'hadfs:.../';; create table db.emp1(id int,name string) location 'hadfs:.../'; requeried output: create external table db.emp(id …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Hubert_2

Hello Need help. I try to insert a background sound in my program but I get ImportError message Below line 8 and 9 of my program import random, time, pygame, sys from pygame.locals import * Below the error message when running my program #C:\Users\user pc\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python35-32\python "C:\Users\user pc\SkyDrive\ISN\son essaie.py" #Process started …

Member Avatar for DeanMSands3
Member Avatar for Jesse_11

I need to make a timer for pygame to sit in the top left of the screen, but have no idea how. I want it to count down from 30secs to 0. please help cause I have no idea.

Member Avatar for DeanMSands3
Member Avatar for Nether_1

I'm attempting to write a code in which the user can add as many of a certain object as needed, and blit it on to a pygame window. Essentially a game engine of sorts. I need to make it so that they can add as many of these objects as …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for kiyo_1

i put this code:: matirial = raw_input ('what is your favorite lesson') if matirial == 'maths' or 'math' or 'Maths' or 'Math' or 'رياضيات': print 'like me broo!!' elif matirial == 'french' or 'francais' or 'French' or 'Francais' or 'الفرنسية': print 'sorry dude I love English more then french' elif …

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Member Avatar for vegaseat

This code creates a sound file in Sun's simple AU audio format of a sine wave of given frequency, duration and volume.

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The End.