15,193 Topics

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Member Avatar for Dan08

I'm doing a program on Windows Vista, and what I'd like to do is a program that has got a main window, and has got another window that control the main one, like Microsoft Access. Can anyone help me out how to do it if possible. Thanks Dan08.

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for Morika

Hi, Again I'm a newbie, going through how to think like a computer scientist online tutorial. I have 2 questions in the next lesson that I can't seem to crack, in relation to sub strings. Here's the questions and my working below: This one I can remove letters but I …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for dstar

Hi! I am writing a small Python script.It's function is to tell user external IP address log it into the file and when next time if the script is executed and IP is changed it must display message Here is the code. I have writed the script it tells users …

Member Avatar for zachabesh
Member Avatar for wotthe2000

Hi I am wondering how to write a list to an html file from scratch. I am currently writing it to a file using: [icode] def wpubooks(self): for i in booklist: s=str(booklist) f=open('/booklist', 'a') f.write(i + '\n') [/icode] Is there a way I can change that code so that it …

Member Avatar for zachabesh
Member Avatar for jayrodau

I am looking for a xml creator/editor with treeview using Tkinter. I want to be able to load and save changes. Any help would be greatly appreciated or snippets. Thanks!

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for hughesadam_87

Hey all, I have been reading some older posts on line/list manipulation, but don't quite understand exactly how to implement all of the tools that you guys are using (line.strip() for example) to get what I need. Essentially, I have a working program that iterates through data and outputs it …

Member Avatar for tdeck
Member Avatar for denniskhor

How to move all only one type of file to another directory? For example, i want to move only all .jpg only file to another folder in Python. I know batch is easier to do it, but i prefer in Python. Anyone can help?

Member Avatar for zachabesh
Member Avatar for pluring

Hi! I'm very new to both python and Tkinter and would be thankful for some help. i want to search a text document for a word and print each line that match the searchword in a text widget. [CODE]def ladda(): fts = 'thefile.txt' file = open(fts,"r") text = file.readlines() file.close() …

Member Avatar for pluring
Member Avatar for Morika

Hi, With this tutorial, I've hit a few questions that I'm not sure what they are asking for. It's in the lesson on lists? Could you please advise what it is they are looking for, because to me it sounds like I'm just filling out the argument as shown when …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for zachabesh

[CODE=python]>>> mylist = ['bunnies', 'apples', 'animals', 'fruit', 'amsterdam'] >>> for x in mylist: print '--------------' print x if x[0] == 'a': print "Removing ",x mylist.remove(x) -------------- bunnies -------------- apples Removing apples -------------- fruit -------------- amsterdam Removing amsterdam >>> print mylist ['bunnies', 'animals', 'fruit'][/CODE] The output should be bunnies and fruit, …

Member Avatar for zachabesh
Member Avatar for Norbert X

Yeah so I was bored in class cuz I didnt know the test wasn't today, so I made part of a Python game. The battling works so far, and I might need some help later on so if anyone could could help me I'd appreaciate it. Norbert Quest: [code=python]import random …

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Member Avatar for Dan08

Hi everyone, I'm doing some experiences with python in Windows Vista and I was wondering to know how to eject the tray of CDs. Thanks, Dan.

Member Avatar for Dan08
Member Avatar for themush

Hi, Im trying to parse a bands myspace page and get the total number of plays for their songs. The problem is that I cannot use urllib2 as the "Total plays" string does not appear in the page source. e.g. [url]http://www.myspace.com/mybloodyvalentine[/url] Any idea of ways around this? Thanks, O

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Member Avatar for Davide Davin

Is possible use svg imge in wxpython in a toolbar for example? I've saw libRSVG but run on PyGTK.

Member Avatar for Davide Davin
Member Avatar for lblazer05

Sorry for my second newbie question....well now I am dealing with a text file that has the following line: 1e+12 Anyways, so I want to go into the file (named intens.txt) and replace the "e+" so that the line will look like this : 1*(10**12) .....The line will be changing …

Member Avatar for snippsat
Member Avatar for dp_neo

Hi, I am modifying a script that will be run as a windows scheduled task after hours. This script was written by another programmer previously. The original script includes threading in the code. Should a script that is run as a single job from a scheduler require threading? Thanks.

Member Avatar for wildgoose
Member Avatar for Clueless86

I have used python for awhile, and am quite good with it. But last week I added the wxpython..I wanted to actually make a program and not a script. So I can do this in normal python all day long. But wxpython is alot different, so I need help with …

Member Avatar for shadwickman
Member Avatar for computerfreak

I NEED HELP!!! I am trying to make a program somewhat like keynote or powerpoint in python, and I need to know how to make text evenly spread out from the center on the y-axis, I can do that on the x-axis. If you dont get what I am saying …

Member Avatar for shadwickman
Member Avatar for abhigyan91

hey every1, im a noob pythoneer.. i wanted to change the names of all music files using their metadata obtained from mminfo utility. I came up with the following hideous looking code.. [CODE=python] import os os.chdir(raw_input('plz enter directory name: ')) lst=os.listdir(os.getcwd()) class process(): def getmetadata(self,filename): command='mminfo %s|grep artist>temp.txt'%filename;#print command os.system(command) …

Member Avatar for zachabesh
Member Avatar for Rob.Hughes

Hey, I've just joined up here hoping somebody might be able to help me with a project I've got on at work at the moment. I've been learning python using the method, let's just do it and see what happens and I appear to be coming up to conflicts consistently …

Member Avatar for zachabesh
Member Avatar for Davide Davin

Hello i have extend wxPanel to create a template like this [CODE] import wx class Age(wx.Panel): """ Template per gestione Anagrafiche""" def __init__(self, parent, id,content,content,size = wx.DefaultSize): wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, id, wx.Point(0, 0), size, wx.SUNKEN_BORDER) ## Create the vertical sizer for the toolbar and Panel self.box = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) tb = _NavigationTool(self) …

Member Avatar for Davide Davin
Member Avatar for jcmeyer

I am unable to get scrollbars to work in a wizard I have created. I have a BoxSizer on one of the pages in my wizard. The contents of the BoxSizer are larger than the wizard window so I need to scroll vertically to see the rest of the contents. …

Member Avatar for Morika

Hi, I'm a newbie to python. I'm going through the wonderful 'how to think like a computer scientist tutorial' and I've come up with a question that I'm not sure how to get it to add the results at the end. Here's the question and my working so far :) …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for Zetlin

Hi everyone I have a question but I don't know if it can be done in python. Ok so this is what I want to do: I have two scripts [code=python] string = "hello world" [/code] and [code=python] def output(): print string [/code] Now what I want to do is …

Member Avatar for Zetlin
Member Avatar for jimmy legend

The tut's on the internet are a little complex. All I want to know is how to get 5 threads to open up 2 urls each.(because it's simple) Can somebody show me how to code that?

Member Avatar for jlm699
Member Avatar for princessotes

Hi, I have written this code to generate the maximun number from a number of coloumns (say 4 coloumns) in a list. The code is not handling negative number well and so keep generating the negaive number to be greater eg -8 > 5 which is wrong. Why is this …

Member Avatar for zachabesh
Member Avatar for sravan953

Hey guys, I have some Java code here, which checks whether a word is present in a sentence or not: [CODE]import java.io.*; class search_arrays { static void search()throws IOException { BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); System.out.println("Enter a sentence: "); String s=br.readLine(); s+=" "; String[] x=new String[s.length()]; int a=0,b=0; for(int i=0;i<x.length;i++) { …

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Member Avatar for mrincognito

Hello, Programming/Python newb here looking for some help with arrays. I am trying to write a parsing program that takes a comma delimited csv file, compares entries, and outputs the comparisons in a particular format. The csv file has two columns. Col [0] contains article identifiers, col[1] contains assigned keywords. …

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Member Avatar for sab786

hello i have some data which i read in and wish to carry out some functions with it and format it into a new output file. however on my input data i need to do different things dependind were my data is for example def some_function(list): does something does something …

Member Avatar for baki100
Member Avatar for denniskhor

My question is :' if my "[2009'07'12 @ 22'49'47] main page.jpg" store in "C:\image folder\", but the timestamp [2009'07'12 @ 22'49'47] will be inconsistent, so i wan use behind "main page.jpg" to find "[2009'07'12 @ 22'49'47] main page.jpg", and print the link like "C:\image folder\[2009'07'12 @ 22'49'47] main page.jpg" as …

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The End.