15,185 Topics

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Member Avatar for sab786

SORRY I THINK I ADDED THIS TO SOMEONE ESLE THREAD B4 Ok so i have a file which i read in ... then i read the data line by line and create lists basically i needed to organsise(sort the data, in numerical order which i can do no problem and …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for pads_irl

Hi everyone, My code is an attempt to teach myself Python. I am looking to create a series of loops using the range function to read data from excel. My problem doesn't lie with reading the data from excel, I know the functions for this, my problem is setting up …

Member Avatar for pads_irl
Member Avatar for Your_mum

Say I have a variable, 'New', who's value is Raw_input("Enter name: ") How could I take this variable and pass it into a class?

Member Avatar for Your_mum
Member Avatar for rahul8590

i have recently installed wxpython on python2.5 and wrote the following code [code] import wx app = wx.App() app.MainLoop() [/code] Then i got this error(attached file) , and i have no idea what it talks about. Traceback <most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1 , in <module> File "C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\wx-2.6-msw-ansi\wx\_windows.py",line …

Member Avatar for shadwickman
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

I use wamp for PHP issues and would like to Add python support, specifically Django. How do I do that? :)

Member Avatar for katamole

Hi there, One of the ways one can reverse a string in python is like so: [CODE=PYTHON] Python 2.6.2 (release26-maint, Apr 19 2009, 01:56:41) [GCC 4.3.3] on linux2 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> mystring = "Hello, World!" >>> mystring[::-1] '!dlroW ,olleH' >>> [/CODE] It is …

Member Avatar for sravan953
Member Avatar for foosion

I have a tkinter/python program which does something time consuming when I push a button. I'd like to give the user progress reports by updating a label field at each stage of the time consuming process. If have simple loop to the effect [code] for x in y: dosomething(x) self.label1.config(text …

Member Avatar for foosion
Member Avatar for rajasekhar1242

hi, I am trying to get an image with my python application output. please give me that process.

Member Avatar for zachabesh
Member Avatar for hughesadam_87

Hey guys, This questions is more about organization of python modules than the actual construction therein. In my project, we have several scientists performing similar analysis on several different data sets. For each project, the science changes, but the analysis often requires almost identical data handling. For example, one project …

Member Avatar for hughesadam_87
Member Avatar for Rhijaen

Hi there, this is my first python project. I'm new to python but I have experience in a few other languages. I'm trying to export (to mysql) a list of files and subdirectories from several directories on my hard drive. Basically just so I can have an online database of …

Member Avatar for shadwickman
Member Avatar for blunsky

Hi, I am trying to log information from my application to memory. I have achieved this using the MemoryHandler Object. However, upon command I need to be able to write this to a log file on the hard drive. I would like the file to be 10 MB, so that …

Member Avatar for fallopiano

hi all. I know that when you create a class, you put all arguements for that class in a __init__ functions, but what about for actaully making classes? confused? this is what I mean: [CODE=python]class Aclass(Object): insert code here...[/CODE] what is the purpose of 'Object'?

Member Avatar for fallopiano
Member Avatar for sab786

i have the following snip of data from i file i read in: li=[[4, 27, 6, 22, 0.81186094, 1.12214581, 2], [1, 9, 22, 28, 0.69887889, 0.989934, 2], [4, 27, 100, 30, 0.74796748, 1.04485376, 2], [6, 27, 22, 31, 0.91040724, 1.26681591, 2], [4, 1, 30, 45, 0.485223, 0.77061901, 2], [8, 27, …

Member Avatar for sab786
Member Avatar for sab786

can anyone help please? i have a snip of my file below can the the numbers be sorted as in excel? 27 4 220 16 0.76151102 1.06059456 27 4 220 17 0.61465055 0.90107796 27 4 221 22 0.81186094 1.12214581 27 4 223 28 0.69887889 0.98993400 27 4 225 30 0.74796748 …

Member Avatar for bumsfeld
Member Avatar for artemis_f

1. I have an OGLCanvas with shapes on it 2. Double clicking a shape will open up a wx.MiniFrame where the user can do certain things 3. After OK is clicked or the frame is destroyed I would like the "focus" to shift back to the canvas so that without …

Member Avatar for artemis_f
Member Avatar for Darkangelchick

Hi im writing a program that returns whether an inputted number is prime or not, but Im kind of stuck... [CODE]import math def listfactors(n): # defining the function l = [] for i in range (1, int(math.sqrt(n))+1): if float(n)/float(i) == int(float(n)/float(i)): l.append(i) l.append(n/i) return l primeNum = int(raw_input("Enter number here:")) …

Member Avatar for Progressivism
Member Avatar for SoulMazer

Hi, I am writing a script that aims to help a person keep a list of characters while reading a book. In doing this, I am writing to a file and checking it constantly, except I ran into a problem. Say I executed a code block such as the following: …

Member Avatar for SoulMazer
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

I have two classes, one inheriting wx.Frame and othe is wx.Dialog. I use the dialog to collect some info and I call its object in the wx.Frame class. The problem is, the dialog should return the value of its TextCtrl values and I have no Idea how to do it …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for princessotes

Hi, I'm trying to loop through vaules less than 1 eg say from 0.1-0.9. I tried the code below and I get the error "ValueError: xrange() arg 3 must not be zero". My question is, is it possible to loop through decimal values. [code] for x in xrange(0.1,0.9,0.1): print x …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for Arrorn

How do I run a .py file from another python file.... I want a program depending upon the option you choose to run a different python program... Ho do i do this... I have tried: [CODE=python] import os if os.path.isfile('file.py'): exec(open('file.py').read) [/CODE] and it requires everything to be global.... only …

Member Avatar for Arrorn
Member Avatar for flipjoebanana

I can't get the menu or status bar to show up when executing the following program: [code=python] import wx ID_ABOUT=101 ID_EXIT=110 class MainWindow(wx.Frame): def __init__(self, parent,id,title): wx.Frame.__init__(self,parent,wx.ID_ANY,title,size=(200,100)) self.control = wx.TextCtrl(self, 1, style=wx.TE_MULTILINE) self.CreateStatusBar() #A Statusbar in the bottom of the window #Setting up the menu. filemenu = wx.Menu() filemenu.Append(ID_ABOUT,"&About"," Information …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for sravan953

Hey guys, I wanted to make a program which keeps asking you questions, and continues on and on based on your answers... So basically, I wanted to know whether the user has typed 'why' in the first input, so I tried: [CODE]s=raw_input("Are you feeling bored?\n") s1=[s] a=0 for x in …

Member Avatar for zachabesh
Member Avatar for Dan08

I'm doing a program on Windows Vista, and what I'd like to do is a program that has got a main window, and has got another window that control the main one, like Microsoft Access. Can anyone help me out how to do it if possible. Thanks Dan08.

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for Morika

Hi, Again I'm a newbie, going through how to think like a computer scientist online tutorial. I have 2 questions in the next lesson that I can't seem to crack, in relation to sub strings. Here's the questions and my working below: This one I can remove letters but I …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for dstar

Hi! I am writing a small Python script.It's function is to tell user external IP address log it into the file and when next time if the script is executed and IP is changed it must display message Here is the code. I have writed the script it tells users …

Member Avatar for zachabesh
Member Avatar for wotthe2000

Hi I am wondering how to write a list to an html file from scratch. I am currently writing it to a file using: [icode] def wpubooks(self): for i in booklist: s=str(booklist) f=open('/booklist', 'a') f.write(i + '\n') [/icode] Is there a way I can change that code so that it …

Member Avatar for zachabesh
Member Avatar for jayrodau

I am looking for a xml creator/editor with treeview using Tkinter. I want to be able to load and save changes. Any help would be greatly appreciated or snippets. Thanks!

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for hughesadam_87

Hey all, I have been reading some older posts on line/list manipulation, but don't quite understand exactly how to implement all of the tools that you guys are using (line.strip() for example) to get what I need. Essentially, I have a working program that iterates through data and outputs it …

Member Avatar for tdeck
Member Avatar for denniskhor

How to move all only one type of file to another directory? For example, i want to move only all .jpg only file to another folder in Python. I know batch is easier to do it, but i prefer in Python. Anyone can help?

Member Avatar for zachabesh
Member Avatar for pluring

Hi! I'm very new to both python and Tkinter and would be thankful for some help. i want to search a text document for a word and print each line that match the searchword in a text widget. [CODE]def ladda(): fts = 'thefile.txt' file = open(fts,"r") text = file.readlines() file.close() …

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The End.