15,190 Topics

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Member Avatar for Seagull One

Hello again, everyone. My program for my robot is progressing. Thanks to your help its coming along great. I've also found that I'm more and more able to solve my own problems with programming now. One thing that I can't seem to solve: I'm working on a part of my …

Member Avatar for Seagull One
Member Avatar for ddwyer50

Helo All, I need to write a python script that will automatically log into a website and retrieve a URL once it has logged in. I already know how to fetch the html of a page, but how do I make the script log into the page first? On the …

Member Avatar for EAnder
Member Avatar for ChrisP_Buffalo

I'm trying to write my first web scraper with Python using simple regular expressions to match the info I want to extract (I realize BeautifulSoup is available, but I'm not ready to use that yet, so I want to figure out how to use reg ex first) . I want …

Member Avatar for jlm699
Member Avatar for flagrl

i m new to programming where do i start? i have python on my computer and have played around with it. but dont know where to start or what to do. any advice would help me so much.

Member Avatar for jlm699
Member Avatar for StarryEyedSoy

I have a list of the stock prices over 14 years and am required to calculate the daily returns as Returns = log(today_s price/yesterday_s price) Here's what my data looks like: 7/18/2008 19.57 7/17/2008 18.08 7/16/2008 14.27 How do I calculate this while reading the data from excel? I have …

Member Avatar for StarryEyedSoy
Member Avatar for dinilkarun

Hi, I have a treectrl and a checklistbox with some data in them. On click of a button I want to freeze the treectrl and the checklistbox. However, I want the scrollbars in both of these controls to move. Is there any way to implement this? Please Help. Thanks and …

Member Avatar for jlm699
Member Avatar for siberian1991

For my new job I need to learn a bit of Python to parse and extract data from .txt files. Essentially, I have a table that looks like this: Pair NO. Sense Antisense Coding/Noncoding Cis/Trans Overlap ATH00001 At1g02170 At1g02180 coding-coding cis 3 As you can see, the top are simply …

Member Avatar for jlm699
Member Avatar for thatoneguyx

[code] # #hangman.py # import random import sys wlist = ['apple', 'blue', 'house', 'frog'] guessed = [] gright = [] choice = None word = random.choice(wlist) guesses = 0 # add dictionary for category def menu(): while True: print 'Welcome to hangman!' print 'To start a new game type "n"\n' …

Member Avatar for jlm699
Member Avatar for kodavalilaxmi

I am using python Qt Designer. There i created for with widget. In that form i placed many textEdits nearly 15. So form size is more than screen size, iam not able to see all textEdits. How can i put scroll bar to this form to view total form. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- …

Member Avatar for supriyav

Hi, I have to create *.xls (or *.csv) with multiple tabs. The program is in the loop and every time the loop runs it should create a new tab. Can any one help me with this. (I want to code it with out using PYExcelerator - I tried using that …

Member Avatar for jlm699
Member Avatar for besktrap

I'm writing a gravity simulation in python and pygame, and had a quick question. Say I have an object that I can move. Lets call it "square". Then I created a line like so... [CODE] pygame.draw.line(screen, (0, 0, 0), (84, 368), (510, 368)) [/CODE] How would I tell python not …

Member Avatar for besktrap
Member Avatar for thatoneguyx

the question is within this example: (using *'s) [code] #!/usr/bin/python # Filename: inherit.py class SchoolMember: '''Represents any school member.''' def __init__(self, name, age): self.name = name self.age = age print '(Initialized SchoolMember: %s)' % self.name def tell(self): '''Tell my details.''' print 'Name:"%s" Age:"%s"' % (self.name, self.age), class Teacher(SchoolMember): '''Represents a …

Member Avatar for thatoneguyx
Member Avatar for dinilkarun

we are able to query successfully from a Column called "ParentUUD" (without space) using query in python for MS ACCESS DB. "SELECT Name FROM PartVersion WHERE ParentUUID='"+ str(lstUUID[0]) +"'" we have a column whose name is "Parent UUID" (with space) We are trying to query the column from PYTHON. we …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for ub007

Hello, I'm trying to write a code to automate logging into a website.I have chosen the forum 'www.tek-tips.com' as an example and tried this script on it....But it doesnt seem to work...What am i missing here..plz help [code]import urllib2 theurl = 'www.tek-tips.com' protocol = 'http://' username = 'johnny' password = …

Member Avatar for jlm699
Member Avatar for lllllIllIlllI

Hi I have a weather forecasting program that uses a few threads. These threads stop and start at different times throughout the program so there is no set amount of threads at one time. My problem is when i try and close the main thread the program keeps going because …

Member Avatar for jlm699
Member Avatar for dinilkarun

Hi, I have made a GUI using wxPython. I want to disable the Maximize button, but I am not able to do it. Please suggest a way to implement this. Regards, Dinil

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Member Avatar for Matt Tacular

If I print something to the screen, is it at all possible to erase some of that? Some sort of backspace? That way it would be possible to clear the screen, make a text progress bar, etc. If not, what's the easiest way to do something similar? Thanks,

Member Avatar for mchen10
Member Avatar for sardarji

Hi, Is there a way in python to get multiple values from a dict? In perl we have this syntax: @values = @hash{@fields} is there something similar in python? thanks, Sam

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for david_09

Hi all, How can I allocate memory in Python and convert that into Physical memory? I am trying to use CTYPES, but somehow not able to load the required system libraries to use malloc type of system call. Thanks, David

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for PoovenM

Hi guys, I'm trying to make sense of some Perl code. I haven't actually programmed in Perl before but I do image the functions/methods are similar to other languages. Here's the code: [code=perl] function [dir, wspd] = conv_wind(uwind, vwind) usize = length(uwind); vsize = length(vwind); if(usize ~= vsize) dir = …

Member Avatar for PoovenM
Member Avatar for dinilkarun

Hi, I have a frame containing buttons, radiobuttons, staticbox containing a text control, etc on different panels. Please suggest a way to set Tab Indices to each of the controls. Right now it is random. Please Help. Regards, Dinil

Member Avatar for MikeyFTW

OK i have this code below here...it works fine. play with it and you will learn its a simple maths game but i want to add substraction to it as well. i want it to be able to load the program up and then be able to choose from addition …

Member Avatar for jlm699
Member Avatar for packetsmacker

i am trying to find a good scripting language for Mac OS X. I was told python would be a good choice. Before i dedicate my time to learning it I have to find out a couple of things. Can you run python form the GUI? i.e double click it …

Member Avatar for jlm699
Member Avatar for ub007

Hello, I came across the fork bomb : ( ) { : | : & } ; : ,and wondering if anyone could suggest a way to run this script on a remote PC. I've setup an intranet as part of my dissertation(server testing),and wish to test my ubuntu server …

Member Avatar for jlm699
Member Avatar for swills

Would like to get an idea on how to make a timescale in the tkSnack extension using a scaler widget which when moved, moves to a corresponding part of the currently playing track. i.e move the scaler half-way and you come to the middle of the song/track etc Also i …

Member Avatar for rinsukaze

Hi! This is my first post on this web, so I hope not to be making a dumb question :P. I've been messing with a program for a while, and recently I migrated my code to the 2.5.2. Once I did it my code keeps on giving me the PyNoAppError. …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for adarshcu

hi.. i was following the program in d tutorias given in daniweb thread. i typed print " Hello Cu Python!" in the IDLE .. but i get an error as invalid syntax ? can anyone tell me the change to be done??

Member Avatar for adarshcu
Member Avatar for mayapower

[code=python] class a(object): pass b = a() print id(b) 20441744 [/code] Is it possible to get the instance from this number/address?

Member Avatar for tomleo
Member Avatar for MikeyFTW

Can someone tell me how to create a simple but attractive splash screen to load at the start of my program which will highlight: 1) the program title 2) who the program is for 3) who designed the program and 4) what version of the program it is thanks

Member Avatar for MikeyFTW
Member Avatar for erROAR

Hey, this is my first post in the forums, and I'm fairly new to Python, so bear with me... I'm looking at ways to detect the beat in an audio file. I know that the general idea is to run a loop like so: [CODE] while song is still playing: …


The End.