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21 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for samaru

Error 404 --> Error 403 [what kind of association could I do other then this when the previous poster was such a douche? :-/ ]

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for samaru

If by anime, you mean those cartoons then I like Justice League Unlimited. I also used to watch Martin Mystery until it ended.

Member Avatar for thompsonmax
Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for eXceed69

no because it's winter do you love to throw things at fat people? I do.

Member Avatar for reach_yousuf
Member Avatar for The Dude
Member Avatar for KernMilestone

I've got one. Do you want to know a joke? Women's Rights. Heh I heard this one in class today.

Member Avatar for quicktpgo
Member Avatar for Norbert X

Yeah so I was bored in class cuz I didnt know the test wasn't today, so I made part of a Python game. The battling works so far, and I might need some help later on so if anyone could could help me I'd appreaciate it. Norbert Quest: [code=python]import random …

Member Avatar for Norbert X
Member Avatar for mahela007

from the title, it kind of sounds like you're hiding something on your computer from the cops. basically the code opens the document you type in, changes it to become hidden then closes it.

Member Avatar for mahela007
Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon

We were fish then we grew legs as we came out of the water then we changed to dinosaurs then we changed to mammals then we changed to monkeys then we changed to people (watch the simpsons if you got lost)

Member Avatar for GrimJack
Member Avatar for Madbuda
Member Avatar for digiPixel

Wait so python doesn't automatically get the things you download for it? I'd need to type in some import code to get it to work?

Member Avatar for digiPixel
Member Avatar for Norbert X

Okay I don't get this problem at all: [code=python]import random def chance(number): number = input for each in xrange(number): n = random.randrange(100)+1 return n def extreme(x): z = x + 5 y = z - 3 return z, y #main repeat = 0 while repeat != 2: x = input("Enter …

Member Avatar for jlm699
Member Avatar for The Dude
Member Avatar for Norbert X

Is there any way I can get an image to play in python with a function? Like I link the Python Code to the site with the picture on it or link it to my documents? I've tried researching it but I've gotten no results and I thought one of …

Member Avatar for Norbert X
Member Avatar for The Dude

There's lots of different sand games and there's also as many experiments you can try. Search on youtube. There are people boiling water in the game, making lava or some other shit like that.

Member Avatar for Norbert X
Member Avatar for Norbert X

Is there any way to save to progress of a Python Program onto an I.P. Address or Harddrive? Like if you enter '5' into a program that multiplies your number by 3 and save it, your saved number would be 'x' when you reopen the file. I need help! :)

Member Avatar for leegeorg07
Member Avatar for GrimJack
Member Avatar for Norbert X

I just finished another assignment and I can't figure out why this none keeps appearing after you enter a language: [code=Python]while True: print"Hello, how are you?" language=raw_input("Pick a language: french, german, hungarian, dutch: ") if"french"in language: def function(): print"Bonjour, comment allez-vous?" elif"german"in language: def function(): print"Hallo, wie geht es Ihnen?" …

Member Avatar for jlm699
Member Avatar for Norbert X

I've been racking my brain on this problem for like 2 hours. The thing I have to do here is use one single random function for the entire MASH program instead of the usual 4. The problem is, when I get a result, they're all from catagory 1 (married to …

Member Avatar for lllllIllIlllI
Member Avatar for Norbert X

Okay so I'm trying to do this programming assignment and my random function isn't working. It's exactly the same as in my other assignments, but it's not working, and I've spent hours searching it. Can someone help me? [code=syntax]import random repeat = 0 while repeat != "no": random = input("How …

Member Avatar for Norbert X
Member Avatar for StarZ

Yo. I've made a MASH thing as well. Try this one: [code=syntax]import random house = ["a mansion", "an apartment", "a shack", "a house"] spouse = ["name1", "name2", "name3", "name4"] car = ["car1", "car2", "car3", "car4"] kids = ["no kids", "1 kid", "2 kids", "5 kids"] print"List 3 people you want …

Member Avatar for StarZ

The End.