15,190 Topics

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Member Avatar for Dixtosa

Hi All how are you?:). ok. lets begin. mmm, when i use py2exe applications became in windows classic mode. for example buttons corners became more sharp. if you cant understand , i will put down pic.-s:) and is there any way to eradicate that? sorry for my english:) :)

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Member Avatar for sravan953

Hey guys, I am currently using subprocess module to open programs and stuff like that... What I want to know is; if in case I want to open Windows' Sound Recorder, how do I start the recording action? Like: [CODE]subprocess.call(location of the program)[/CODE] -will only open the Sound Recorder, but …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for dezza

So far i've got this and it returns something like: -2087276233 [code]import binascii def getCRC(filename): filedata = open(filename).read() return binascii.crc32(filedata)[/code] Someone told me that I had to use struct.pack or struct.unpack to change it to hex values. I am not sure which type to convert to and would like some …

Member Avatar for jlm699
Member Avatar for Aiban

Hello everyone Just saying hello before i rip into the many questions that i'm sure will occur. I'm brand new to Python programming (and in fact any programming since Arexx on the Amiga - anyone remember that? I'm here cause i signed up at python-forums.org and found it is only …

Member Avatar for Clueless86
Member Avatar for james27

hi im making some website login checker. all thing is almost no problem except resulted save function. here is sample login id and password for test. bkozluxvghzb67:ukrnvs37 kicgnudgreuq10:atzjzp32 to test this source in python,need to make some text file "daum.txt" and insert bkozluxvghzb67:ukrnvs37 kicgnudgreuq10:atzjzp32 this two account in there. i …

Member Avatar for james27
Member Avatar for dilbert_here00

Hi All, I have an issue regarding multi threading on windows XP : I have some x number of port commands which I have to send one by one to a device & then store the device response in an excel file. I used the unittest module to make a …

Member Avatar for shadwickman
Member Avatar for SlvrDragon50

Hello! I've been given a task where I need to compare two strings of DNA for similarity given a location. There are two files: One which contains the alignment locations and the string of DNAs and one that contains the location that I am comparing. So far, I believe I …

Member Avatar for SlvrDragon50
Member Avatar for bgk111

Hello, I am having some terrible issues getting data formatted in a way that is useful for me. All I am trying to do is read a file that has several points of data in comma delimited format, and break each line into multiple variables (just need to grab each …

Member Avatar for bgk111
Member Avatar for foosion

Is there a way to place widgets on pixel coordinates rather than row, column coordinates in tkinter? For example, if I'm using grid, if I have a 20x10 Text box at row 0, column 0 and want to place three buttons to the right of the textbox, one button over …

Member Avatar for Aiban
Member Avatar for pads_irl

Hi all. Currently I am (trying to) writing code to read information from MS Access using win32com. I was wondering if anyone could help me with some code to do this. I am completely stuck! I have used win32 before for excel, but I’ve never used access before and the …

Member Avatar for Your_mum

Playing about with python I thought about trying to write a program that gets a simple text file eg. hello %s, and using an adress book, loops through it, changing the %s every time into the next name in the adress book, using a queue. But it just doesn't want …

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Member Avatar for Icklebitt

Hi, I have recently started trying to teach myself python, I've watched a few video tutorials and am reading "Learning Python". I have been making an Mp3 player and have hit a point that I cant work my way past so was hoping some kind person here could help me …

Member Avatar for Icklebitt
Member Avatar for denniskhor

My question as below: 1. How to save result text to HTML in Python? 2. If i want continue append more result text in the same HTML file, how?

Member Avatar for shadwickman
Member Avatar for hughesadam_87

Hey guys, Say I had the following list: [1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4,4] Let's assume that the list will always be integers. Does python have a built in feature which would take a sorted list, and then return the frequency that each element occurred. For example: 1 -> 1 …

Member Avatar for jlm699
Member Avatar for TerabyteST

Hi, I got a staticline I want to resize automatically following the sizer, but it never resizes, and I have to resize it automatically. What's the problem?

Member Avatar for jlm699
Member Avatar for sravan953

Hey guys... I was recently working on a program, which opens a music file using Windows Media Player...so I tried: [CODE]subprocess.call("C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\mplayer2.exe",loc) # Where 'loc' is the location of the file[/CODE] But then I got to know that it won't work and that I have to use: [CODE] …

Member Avatar for zachabesh
Member Avatar for sab786

hi all... ok so i have a file and what i wish to do is read all the lines usilng readline() then for everyline i need to read and match lines and form groups. how i need to do this is that say for example... line[0] match move to line[3] …

Member Avatar for gnujohn
Member Avatar for pluring

Hi! I'm trying to search a html site for a spefic word and print the result thats x rows after that word. If the html page looks like: "Hello welcome to daniweb" I want to search for welcome and look for what the next word is ("to" should be the …

Member Avatar for pluring
Member Avatar for pythonbegginer

I have a lot of directories that start with "td." for example i have: td.10000 td.11102 td.00384 td.35454 td.32356 Is there a way in which i can tell python to remove all directories that start with "td." ? If so, how?

Member Avatar for pythonbegginer
Member Avatar for poeticinsanity

So I feel rather foolish for this, but I haven't used command line often. I'm using sys.argv to gather arguments from the command line. I'm saving one in particular to a variable called test. It is suppose to be a boolean; however, passing in True or False still renders if(test): …

Member Avatar for poeticinsanity
Member Avatar for arinlares

So, I've started writing a text adventure in Python, and already have the first map idea figured out, but I don't know where to start with defining a variable for each room. I know about the simple stuff, such as (represented as it would be in IDLE) [code=python]>>x = 4 …

Member Avatar for bumsfeld
Member Avatar for Morika

Hi, I'm a newbie to python and I need to extract numbers from a path name. A path name such as: /grups.google.com/grup/cmp.lng.pythn/browse_thread/thread/8_ee63e_[B]17[/B]del_0c12d And I'm trying to get it to take out the 17. I thought I could just do: [ICODE]det file = /grups.google.com/grup/cmp.lng.pythn/browse_thread/thread/8_ee63e_[B]17del[/B]_0c12d index = det_file.find('del') dent = det_file[index[-2]][/ICODE] This …

Member Avatar for Morika
Member Avatar for sneekula

Does anyone know a good internet site where I can 'park' my Python code? Easy download, upload, and search.

Member Avatar for zachabesh
Member Avatar for tomtetlaw

I am making a text game, and what I want it to have one console window for showing the game, then another one next to it showing the players stats. Is this possible ??

Member Avatar for shadwickman
Member Avatar for Clueless86

Ok, I made a very simple function to keep track of variable Gold...Ok thats easy, everything works fine, except I made the variable = 200 and when the function performs it adds like it is told to do. But I want it to evolve as I add to it, and …

Member Avatar for shadwickman
Member Avatar for thenameisprayag

Hi, I am working out a program which involves emailing through a SMTP host I dont have control over... I can mail through PHP code but cant do so through python, because I get the following error Traceback (most recent call last): File "Teshting.py", line 7, in <module> smtp.sendmail('Sender','thenameizprayag@gmail.com','Test') File …

Member Avatar for jlm699
Member Avatar for pongetti

Hello, I have a structure like this: [code] package/ __init__.py subpackage1/ __init__.py baseclass.py subpackageA/ __init__.py ClassA.py subpackageB/ __init__.py ClassB.py [/code] in package/__init__.py and package/subpackage1/__init__.py I am importing the subpackages so that in my app I can just call import package instead of having to import each subpackage individually Here is …

Member Avatar for jlm699
Member Avatar for sriramaam

hi, I am trying to do some aombination study. I have saw some codes on permutations and combinations. But for all those programs input is a single list. I am trying to make combination from 4 lists. I have input 4 lists. Now I want to generate several combination lists. …

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Member Avatar for sanju.d1231

Hi, I have written a small code to connect to solaris machine from cygwin...but this code is giving some error. please see the code below..i am expect some solution of this error.. Thanks in advance import os, pexpect, time FirstTime_Ssh='Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?' def ConnectUnix(): …

Member Avatar for jlm699
Member Avatar for Zetlin

Hi everyone I am writing this program that takes a string and search it for words. Those words are taken and they get "<" at the beginning and ">" at the end of the word. then it prints the string with the words and the "<, >" characters. Here is …

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The End.