46 Topics

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Member Avatar for buzz-lightyear

Hi, I am just setting up a website for a friend who is a singer/songwriter. He wants to make his music available for purchasing from his website via digital download. However I have never set up a website that makes use of ecommerce, could you please suggest what the best …

Member Avatar for rashida11
Member Avatar for pitulastman

How our website can be on the top in google search? [URL="http://www.pitulast.com"][B]:)[/B][/URL]

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for EricMack

[ATTACH=right]16268[/ATTACH]The federal government and almost all these United States are broke, and so they're considering something we've all at least thought about from time to time: making money off the Internet. There's a fight brewing in Washington, D.C. over an attempt to collect sales tax from online purchases... yet again. …

Member Avatar for EricMack
Member Avatar for pieterk

Hi, Does anyone know software to build a private sales club? Examples of private shopping clubs are: SNIP SNIP SNIP The new [URL="http://www.magentocommerce.com/media/screencasts/private-sales-including-events-invitations-and-category-access-permissions/view"]Enterprise version[/URL] of Magento offers this, and it's absolutely perfect. The only thing is, the license fee starts at [B]$12,990 per year[/B]..... I'm wondering if there are other …

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Member Avatar for Glass_Joe

Remember back in 2001 when that 56k chorus of screeches meant you were connecting to the newfangled internet and you screamed at anyone who would pick up the phone? AOL felt pretty good about the stranglehold they had on the online market then. However, it was released yesterday morning (August …

Member Avatar for Glass_Joe

With a fanship of over half a million people strong morbidly updating us about going to the gym and how they’re about to eat dinner semi-colon right bracket, Facebook's dominance seems untouchable, as they relish on their throne as the Wal-Mart of social networking. That is, until you mention Google. …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

While Apple continues to bask in financial glory thanks in no small part to the iPhone, although the iPad hasn't exactly done it much harm, the same smartphone success does not appear to have rubbed off on the Finnish mobile phone giant Nokia. As Apple gloated about having the most …

Member Avatar for banty_raju123
Member Avatar for Glass_Joe

At a recent Q&A session in front of investors at E3, Nintendo of America CEO Reggie Fils-Aime adamantly defended the Wii console’s pace to break the record-setting game sale trends of the Playstation 2, claiming that his console is at the “high watermark” of its existence, with software sales numbers …

Member Avatar for newsguy

According to the often accurate [URL="http://www.appleinsider.com/articles/10/03/27/apple_says_new_ipad_orders_wont_ship_till_april_12th.html"]Apple Insider[/URL] the iPad has sold out. It claims that consumers who want an Apple iPad on the day of launch, that's April the 3rd in the US at least, are out of luck unless they have already pre-ordered. As of Saturday 27th March the …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for MktgRob

As I am in the process of educating myself on all of the intricacies of e-commerce I am constantly seeking out new info and I came across an offer for a webinar about using e-signatures with a certain website. From what little info I have been able to find it …

Member Avatar for MktgRob

As I work with a number of different clients who are using e-mail campaigns (through Constant Contact as well as their corporate e-mail), Blogging and social media enagagement (twitter, FB, youtube) to drive leads to their e-commerce sites, I am curious to know which ones work the best and in …

Member Avatar for saleslists

The advent of new digital marketing using e-mail has enabled markers to maintain continuous quality dialogue with customers and prospects. Every forward-thinking company is using various innovative techniques to get the maximum mileage from the limited marketing budget. saleslistsonline thinks Among the various strategies used to narrow down targeting customers/prospects, …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

According to the latest figures to be released, it would seem that as far as gamers in the UK are concerned Nintendo is the bees knees grabbing nearly half the market. The [URL="http://www.elspa.com/"]ELSPA[/URL] numbers show that the [URL="http://www.itwire.com/content/view/22425/532/"]Wii[/URL] managed to increase game software sales by 112 percent over the previous …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Wow! That's a lot of kit being shifted by Apple. With the publication of its financial results for the fiscal 2008 third quarter ended June 28, Apple announces revenue of $7.46 billion and net quarterly profit of $1.07 billion, or $1.19 per diluted share. International sales accounted for 42 percent …

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Member Avatar for newsguy

How much would you pay for a pizza? Chances are not as much as the anonymous bidder who won the auction to relieve entrepreneur Chris Clark of the pizza.com domain. Clark invested in pizza.com in 1994 for just $20, and even allowing for his annual $20 domain registration fees he …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Are technology companies getting a raw deal over a new international accounting rule? Plenty of tech company CFO's seem to think so. In a survey released this week by BDO Seidman, LLP, an accounting and consulting group, about half - 49% - of all chief financial officers at U.S. technology …


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