1,119 Topics

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Member Avatar for dheerajsuthar

Hi, I am currently in 2nd Year MCA(Masters of comp. application). I want to become an information security expert. Ethical Hacking has been a favorite subject for me since my beginning days in computers. My current knowledge base is: 1>Languages:C/C++/Java/Python, Assembly(both AT&T and Intel x86) 2>Networking:Only basics(both theory & programming).(from …

Member Avatar for slfisher

Some industry experts are expressing concern about a [URL="http://www.dhs.gov/xlibrary/assets/ns_tic.pdf"]proposal [/URL]from the White House to develop a "National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace," now up for public comment, saying it is vague, might no longer allow online anonymity, potentially gives government too much access to personal information, and provides a …

Member Avatar for hallshac
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

Interesting that the US Department of Defense has banned thumb drives. The problem is that they can carry viruses and infect computers - and if your nation's defense depends on these systems (and by extension in the case of the US so does the defense of the rest of the …

Member Avatar for smart176
Member Avatar for slfisher

A study by a computer security lab has found that porn sites "harboured malware or used "shady" practices to squeeze money out of their visitors," according to an [URL="http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/10289009.stm"]article [/URL]by the BBC on the study. (In other news, rocks are hard and water is wet.) Researchers from the [URL="http://iseclab.org/about.html"]International Secure …

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Member Avatar for newsguy

It seems that the world has gone football crazy now that the World Cup is underway in South Africa, [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vuvuzela"]vuvuzelas[/URL] and all. But with ticket sales not having been as successful as expected, and [URL="http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/africa/seats-to-spare-ndash-but-fifa-wont-let-south-africans-fill-them-2002630.html"]reports[/URL] of rafts of empty seats which FIFA won't sell tickets to South Africans for, overseas …

Member Avatar for happygeek

I recently argued '[URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story289730.html"]Why Goatse was right to disclose iPad data leak[/URL]' after it came to light that the FBI had started an investigation into the hacker group following the responsible disclosure of an iPad data leak caused by poor AT&T security measures. I said "The security researchers which discovered …

Member Avatar for newsguy

Symantec today launched a new hosted security as a service solution for small and medium sized business in the form of its '[URL="http://www.messagelabs.com/trials/hep"]Symantec Hosted Endpoint Protection[/URL]' offering. Delivering a simple and convenient cloud-based service covering Windows-based laptops, desktops and files servers, the solution aims to protect these endpoint systems using …

Member Avatar for appscomputer
Member Avatar for newsguy

If you get an email purporting to come from Twitter suggesting that you have forgotten your password, even though you know exactly what it is, you will not be alone. It would appear that around 55,000 people have already received these fake notifications which, as if you haven't guessed, are …

Member Avatar for joelchrist
Member Avatar for happygeek

iPad users in the USA have found themselves caught up in a security gaff which saw subscriber data of some 114,000 of them exposed for anyone to see. Subscriber data such as email addresses the Integrated Circuit Card ID that authenticates them on the AT&T network. The security researchers which …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for newsguy

Fake YouTube pages which look very similar to the real thing have been uncovered by security experts at eSoft, and they deliver a deadly payload. According to the [URL="http://threatcenter.blogspot.com/2010/06/135000-fake-youtube-pages-delivering.html"]eSoft Threat Prevention Team[/URL] there are at least 135,000 of these fake YouTube pages, sitting on thousands of compromised web servers, and …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Bad news for anyone with an iPhone 3GS: even if you have the latest OS, even if you have a PIN number, even if it isn't jailbroken - it can be hacked by anyone using a computer running Ubuntu Lucid Lynx. I wouldn't ordinarily reveal exactly how to hack an …

Member Avatar for ITDonNo1
Member Avatar for david.1982

Hi everyone, Wondering if anyone can assist me with this; I've done some googling but haven't come across anything. We have a dedicated server running SQL Server 2005, express edition. I recently set up the server to allow remote connections to the DB engine and everything is working just fine. …

Member Avatar for newsguy

According to the [URL="http://www.symantec.com/connect/pt-br/blogs/password-survey-results"]latest poll[/URL] into password habits conducted by security vendor Symantec, some 26 percent of folk have told their spouse what their passwords are. Perhaps less surprisingly, 12 percent have told their IT admin and 5 percent their boss. However, why 10 percent let their friends and 8 …

Member Avatar for allfortheteam
Member Avatar for david890

[B][COLOR="Red"]Hacker Halted Conference-2010[/COLOR][/B] Hacker Halted USA is a complete and comprehensive information security conference, with information security experts from all around the world presenting intriguing topics and discussing global security threats, as well as world class trainers leading top notch security training classes @ Hacker Halted | Academy. This is …

Member Avatar for khess

To you, my loyal readers, I must offer up a sincere apology for my recent post, [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story254705.html"]Five *nix Myths Busted[/URL], and am posting this full retraction for that post. To fully drive home my retraction and refute any myths about my competence with Linux or Unix, I am going to …

Member Avatar for jonkx
Member Avatar for marc311

hi guys.im new here at the community. im marco a computer science student. guys/sir/madam is it ok for you if ill ask a help from your expertise. right now im doing a project a bout a home security system its a simple anti burglar system, its kinda weird but it …

Member Avatar for TheMasterThingM
Member Avatar for newsguy

According to the latest market research coming out of security vendor [URL="http://www.ncircle.com"]nCircle[/URL] the cost of security auditing is heading in one direction, and that's upwards. Some 47 percent of IT security professionals to the nCircle survey expect that security auditing costs will increase during 2010 while only a very optimistic …

Member Avatar for newsguy

Eugene Kaspersky will today be inducted into the Infosecurity Europe 2010 Hall of Fame in recognition of his contribution to the advancement of the IT security industry during more than twenty years in the business. It's not the only award he has received, as the SC Awards Europe 2010 also …

Member Avatar for jollyscoden023
Member Avatar for newsguy

Last year security vendors were warning that botnets were not only not dead, but bouncing back in a big way. One suggested that [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/post1080975.html"]botnets would become autonomous and intelligent[/URL], with each node containing inbuilt self-sufficient coding in order to coordinate and extend its own survival, during the course of 2010. …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

Rather amazingly, just one crime syndicate stands accused of being responsible for some two thirds of all detected phishing attacks carried out during the last six months of 2009. The so-called Avalanche gang, according to a new report by the Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG), used highly sophisticated malware to target …

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Member Avatar for newsguy

If you see a message on Facebook, apparently coming from one of your friends, and promising a link to the 'sexiest video ever' then whatever you do, don't click on it. The video link messages promise a 'candid camera prank' seemingly involving a woman in a short skirt riding an …

Member Avatar for InsightsDigital
Member Avatar for newsguy

Back in 1976, along with Stanford University professor Martin Hellman, Whit Diffie produced quite possibly the most important paper in the history of cryptography. That paper, New Directions in Cryptography, laid the groundwork for solving one of the fundamental problems of cryptography, that of key distribution. Now Diffie himself is …

Member Avatar for Agni
Member Avatar for happygeek

According to new figures, published today by [URL="http://www.sophos.com"]Sophos[/URL], something strange has happened in the world of spam: China has dropped out of the list of the world's worst spam relaying countries for the first time ever. The Sophos 'Dirty Dozen Spammers' list has become something of a staple diet for …

Member Avatar for jennypitts
Member Avatar for happygeek

The latest MessageLabs spam index reveals that relative to its market share, any given Linux machine is five times more likely to be sending spam than any given Windows machine. But what are the facts behind those headline grabbing numbers and can Windows really get off the hook that easily? …

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Member Avatar for slfisher

It took two years, but Terry Childs, former network administrator for the city of San Francisco, has finally been convicted of one felony count of computer tampering. In [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story219397.html"]2008[/URL], Childs changed the system's router passwords and then for more than a week refused to give them to anyone, even after …

Member Avatar for happygeek

You might think the people who grew up in an Internet-connected world would be the ones best prepared to cope with the dangers it presents. But no, new research reveals that 18-24 years old, the so called Generation Y, are actually highly likely to ignore advice about risky behaviour online …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for happygeek

The demand for compromised social network accounts is now so big on the cybercrime black market that, according to the latest research, just one such underground site has 1.5 million of them for sale. The international reach of social networks has meant that these sites have become the de facto …

Member Avatar for newsguy

With the [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story273324.html"]iPad[/URL] taking off in such a big way that inevitably means for the business market as well as consumer, no matter how much [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story259354.html"]some might argue otherwise[/URL]. And that surely also means it will only be a matter of time before we get word of the first big …

Member Avatar for happygeek

The latest research from security vendor Symantec would appear to suggest that cybercrime gangs are now applying drug smuggling techniques to their trade, and are actively using 'malware mules' in order to distribute threats within social friendship networks. According to the latest Internet Security Threat Report, email accounts are now …

Member Avatar for Lisa Hoover

The [URL="http://openid.net/"]OpenID[/URL] authentication method allows visitors to participating Web sites to log in with a single digital identity and avoid having to remember [I]yet another[/I] login / password combination. Many businesses are implementing this method on consumer-facing Web sites in order to lower the barrier to user registration and participation …

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The End.