7,178 Topics

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Member Avatar for youlichika

I want to do a picture search engine. I use `simple_html_dom` and `preg_match_all` to get all the image, then use `getimagesize` get all the image size. Here is one part of my code. [CODE]<?php header('Content-type:text/html; charset=utf-8'); require_once 'simple_html_dom.php'; $v = 'http://www.jqueryimage.com/'; $html = file_get_html($v); foreach($html->find('img') as $element) { if( preg_match('#^http:\/\/(.*)\.(jpg|gif|png)$#i',$element->src)){ …

Member Avatar for ivan3510
Member Avatar for tadisaus2

Hello, Some of my sites decrease page rank on Google even the traffice is still the same? I even posted my sites and blog pages to high page rank like Digg and Stumbleupon. Can any one please tell me what may cause the decrease in page rank? Thanks very much.

Member Avatar for mejim
Member Avatar for sathyarajmca

hi experts tell how to pick the best web development company over the internet . what are the factors we will note that.

Member Avatar for mejim
Member Avatar for jesicawillss

Hello webmasters. Website optimization through SEO is not an easy task for me to understand. Actually, I am a learner of this point. Can you share your experience with me and tell me that which points are must to optimize a wed development website? Can you tell me that which …

Member Avatar for mejim
Member Avatar for mitz

When I am linkbuilding should I put links out there that go to my internal pages of my website or should I just link to the main page and hope visitor go to the rest? If this is the right thing to do, how do you know which page to …

Member Avatar for pgmco
Member Avatar for ellenwillss

Hello friends please tell me what is asynchronous tracking? And tell me it's important & how to use?

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for jacktb

I just want to know if the Google Panda increased your sites traffic. The traffic of my blog has increased since the launch of Google Panda.

Member Avatar for OliviaSSLGuru
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

When Google announced Android and Chrome, it was easy to think that they were going after Apple's core business, and when news of [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story246307.html"]Google's own phone [/URL]leaked last weekend, that seemed to only reinforce the idea, but I see the two companies with very different goals. Yes, they are both …

Member Avatar for jingda
Member Avatar for ellenwillss

Hello Everybody, I have written many blogs and i am getting good traffic also but people does not stay on my blog. I am getting 90% bounce rate. Please give me some useful tips for decrease my blog's bounce rates.

Member Avatar for cilletaylor
Member Avatar for juanmorris
Member Avatar for jackssmith
Member Avatar for rhuffman8

I am trying to make a page, similar to DW, with a menu bar at the top that loads specific content into the body when the links in the menu bar are clicked. I have read a few things about how to do this using javascript but I cannot seem …

Member Avatar for rhuffman8
Member Avatar for jackdsuza1
Member Avatar for ellenwillss

Hi, Everybody I don't have much knowledge of keyword research. i used Google keyword tool but its didn't show me supporting keyword so please anyone tell me that how to find supporting keyword. Tell me some other resource if you know about it

Member Avatar for mlibrary
Member Avatar for karthik_ppts
Member Avatar for karthik_ppts
Member Avatar for lingoway
Member Avatar for nitpat1
Member Avatar for koveras vehcna

Hi everyone, I have created a random text generator -ok, not so random, works with certain parameters- and at times it runs slowly. I looked up on the internet about speeding tricks and applied some of them that looked concurrent with my code piece. The code however, is still slow …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for Dani

Google's Farmer/Panda update, which was rolled out to the US on February 24th, and affected us, has been rolled out to all English-language queries yesterday afternoon. We were hurt even more. Still, surprised to not hear ANY stories of ANYONE recovering. Anyone else blasted?

Member Avatar for movielinks
Member Avatar for atop420
Member Avatar for oclane

I've read some post about tips on how a proper SEO would do and I notice this "Traffic Benchmarking" on the list. Can anyone explain this to me?

Member Avatar for movielinks
Member Avatar for smithsteve

But he is tell me how can i use seo on this site..?? So please any experts tell me how can use seo on this site...

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for beginer231

Okay, I've been trying to figure it out for quite a while now. In your Hot-link script, if you are considering to allow Google Servers + Your own websites then do not do it because it won't solve your purpose because Google will still keep up to indexing your images …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for amit.hak50

I am having problem with the yahoo search API,sometimes it works and sometimes don't why I am getting problem with that I am using this URL [CODE]http://api.search.yahoo.com/WebSearchService/rss/webSearch.xml?appid=yahoosearchwebrss&query=originurlextension%3Apdf+$search&adult_ok=1&start=$start[/CODE] The code is given below: [CODE]<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <? $search = $_GET["search"]; $replace = " "; $with = "+"; $search = str_replace($replace, …

Member Avatar for amit.hak50
Member Avatar for seomeu

Does any body knows a good software that handles posting in multiple social network sites. Some kind of off-line software that you can give access to your social network sites and it post the content automatic. Thanks. {snip}

Member Avatar for skseo
Member Avatar for gogreen1
Member Avatar for ezestseo
Member Avatar for Thisisnotanid

Hi all, I wrote code to list primes that are in a given "radius" of an even number. For example, 6 - 1 = 5 and 6 + 1 = 7, 14 - 3 = 11 and 14 + 3 = 17, etc. I used Euler's sieve to obtain the …

Member Avatar for ellenwillss

Hi Everybody, In 2011, Dose any new things arrive in off-page SEO? If yes then pleas tell me……

Member Avatar for skseo
Member Avatar for HelenLF

I understand that if words are in bold, Google will see these as more important. Can anyone tell me how Google recognises the words are in bold? Is it by interpreting the css?

Member Avatar for gogreen1
Member Avatar for andy106

Hi I have the following array: [CODE] $links = array("Home", "About us", "Our Services"); foreach($links as &$link ){ $space = implode(" ", $links); echo $space ; break; } [/CODE] the above code displays Home About us Our Services, but now I want to use the same array for links so …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for lingoway

Is there any process for IP optimization? For example: If my site's server is located in USA. Can I optimize my site's IP address to get higher position for USA in SERP?

Member Avatar for charlenej

The End.