7,154 Topics

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In something of an unusual twist of late, [URL="http://www.google.com"]Google [/URL]would appear to be playing catch up to [URL="http://www.microsoft.com"]Microsoft [/URL]for once. The Redmond giants bought the market leader in the in-game advertising business, [URL="http://www.massiveincorporated.com/"]Massive Inc[/URL], last May for close on $200 million. Today Google has confirmed it has finalized the deal …

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It seems that Apple has got all the big boys of IT whipped up into a mobile phone frenzy with the huge interest that surrounded the recent announcement of the iPhone. Microsoft is rumored to be developing a cell phone version of the Zune MP3 player. And now as part …

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Remember [URL="http://answers.google.com"]Google Answers[/URL]? Anyone? No, didn’t think so, as it was hardly the most popular service that Google ever provided. Indeed, you can probably count the number of services that Google has launched and then closed on the fingers of one hand, and possibly even one finger. Google Answers launched …

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Google is being charged with content copying by none other than... Microsoft. They are complaining that Google is copying far too much information, information that many people make a living on. Google's been trying to make the whole web searchable, everything from books to news to magazines. Although Google has …

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It has been a few years coming, but at long last the Google operated, web-based, free Gmail email service has lifted the crazy invitation only restriction. As from today you can simply click on a link from the Google [URL="http://www.google.com"]home page[/URL] and join in the fun of easily searchable email …

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A recent visit into Google's [URL="http://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/"]Webmaster Tools [/URL]has brought a new section to my attention which I would imagine would be of much interest to SEOs: Internal and External links. The table of Internal links seems interesting - a listing of pages on your domain that have links pointing to …

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[URL="http://www.comscore.com"]comScore Networks[/URL] has today revealed which Web properties were the most popular, ranked by way of total unique visitors over the age of 15 and across the month, during December 2006. According to the comScore analysis, Internet usage increased 10 percent between December 2005 and 2006, with the search and …

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Google has [URL="http://googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.com/2007/01/quick-word-about-googlebombs.html"]announced[/URL] that they have put an end to Googlebombs - for the moment. Previoulsy a search for "failure" would bring up George Bush's White House page, but [URL="http://www.google.ca/search?q=failure"]as you can see[/URL], they've fixed it. Specifically Google bombs are created by linking to some unused phrase that brings up …

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Google looks like the next thing it's going to do is take over the world. Or at least, Microsoft. I'm sure you've all heard the rumors about Google creating an operating system, but is it really happening? I just found this [URL="http://www.flickr.com/photos/nono/369373656/"]screenshot[/URL] of a supposedly-leaked upcoming version of GooOS. Kind …

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Sometimes you just cannot help it, you find yourself with time on your hands and you go snooping around in places that normal folk just do not venture. So it was with security researcher [URL="http://portal.spidynamics.com/blogs/msutton"]Michael Sutton[/URL] who spent an entire day plugging through the [URL="http://sb.google.com/safebrowsing/update?version=goog-black-url:1:1"]Google blacklist, [/URL] the [URL="http://sb.google.com/safebrowsing/update?version=goog-black-enchash:1:1"]Google encoded/hashed …

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Google Earth gives users the ability to fly around the earth - so why not allow people to fly through space? That's exactly what Google's trying to do now, and they've joined [URL="http://www.lsst.org/lsst_home.shtml"]the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope project[/URL] to make it happen. The telescope is a "proposed ground-based 8.4-meter, 10 …

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The creator of the online encyclopedia Wikipedia has switched his concentration to search engines. Jimmy Wales, owner of Wikipedia has decided to create a new wiki style search engine. Instead of using complicated and sometimes obstructive computer algorithms he is going to use people-power to control the rankings of sites …

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Well not quite, but the Wikisari search engine could make quite a splash if Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales and Amazon.com have anything to say in the matter. Using the same basic technology as Wikipedia, and with a provisional launch date planned for the first half of 2007, will be a …

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If you like to multi task by opening multiple tabs so you can browse lots of different sites in one window then why haven't you thought about doing the same thing with a search? Well Twerq have! On Twerq you can open your search results on seperate tabs and even …

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As I sit here shivering in the North of England cold and fog, it seems kind of appropriate to be writing about a technology that has been developed by [URL="http://www.polarrose.com"]Polar Rose[/URL] who are based in the even colder region of Malmo in Sweden. Using face recognition technology originally researched at …

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Google has now introduced its "[URL="https://www.google.com/a/"]Google Apps for Your Domain[/URL]" service. Google Apps is a free collection of tools targeted at small businesses, including online web applications such as a GMail, Google Page Creator, customized start page, among others. This has already been around for a while, but now Google …

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A UK company has launched what it claims to be the first search engine that lets you not only search for specific moments within a video, but click on and interact with moving objects during online playback. [URL="http://coull.tv"]Coull.tv [/URL] has adopted a community approach, which we thoroughly approve of here …

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http://answers.google.com/answers/ That URL will soon lose its usefulness for answering your questions. Google is now going to abandon its Google Answers service at the end of this week, which it launched 4 years ago. Google is not entirely clear on [I]why[/I] they are quitting it, other than "[it] was a …

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Webmasters are becoming increasingly aware of the power of the sitemap as an SEO tool, enabling search spiders to crawl more pages in less time with the end result of getting more or your links indexed faster. Because sitemaps require only those pages that have changes to be visited, valuable …

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For the longest time, the Children’s Online Protection Act, signed off by President Clinton way back in 1998, has been a contentious issue in the US. It was originally kicked out of town, well Philadelphia anyway, after a federal district court banned the enforcement of the law, and a federal …

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If you think of a virus as being something that replicates itself, spreading from computer to computer, until seemingly everyone has it installed, then maybe you could classify Google’s [URL="http://www gmail.com"]Gmail[/URL] service as being one. If you happened to be using Microsoft [URL="http://www.windowsonecare.com"]Windows Live OneCare[/URL] security over the weekend then …

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Google has provided WAP access to email for the longest time, an apt description seeing as that’s how long it takes to read your email via a WAP based mobile device. But all that has changed thanks to the availability of a brand new Java based version of [URL="http://mail.google.com/mail/help/intl/en/about_mobile.html"]Gmail for …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Google has launched a new search engine, or rather has made the old one available with a few user configurable tweaks. The [URL="http://www.google.com/coop/cse/"]Google Custom Search Engine[/URL] (CSE) is now open for business and provides a brand new and tailored search experience, or at least that is what Google is saying. …

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Search supremo Google has, as widely rumored, acquired YouTube for a none too shabby $1.65 billion. Where the speculation was wrong, it would seem, is that YouTube will not get gobbled up under the Google brand, and will continue to operate independently for all intents and purposes, retaining the YouTube …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Google Labs has launched a new search engine just for you, software developers that is. [URL="http://google.com/codesearch"]Google Code Search [/URL] can help all programmers by quickly filtering billions of lines of source code, all from the default and familiar search interface, to reveal reusable code-snippets. Be it a specific programming term …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

The impossible has been achieved; in as far as [URL="http://earth.google.com"]Google Earth[/URL] has just got even better. The Beta 4 release seems pretty stable here, certainly no mishaps since I’ve been using it and using it I have been: a lot. Not only has the map rendering become much speedier than …

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I have long been a fan of [URL="http://www.blinkx.tv"]Blinkx[/URL] the video search engine that, as far as I am concerned, pretty much prompted the whole genre and introduced the idea of live video search and stream done properly. So I was interested to receive word from Blinkx founder and CTO Suranga …

Member Avatar for happygeek

I was reading the [URL="http://google-code-updates.blogspot.com"]Google Code Blog [/URL]and noticed that Google software engineer Matthias Zenger happened to announce the availability of the updated Google Base Data API last week. This lets you develop applications that can dynamically interact with Google Base, obviously. Perhaps a little less obviously it also allows …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

I admit it; there are times when I have gone to Google (and Yahoo, MSN, Ask and even occasionally a decent Meta-Search such as Dogpile) for no other reason than to see what people are saying about me online. I like to think that I have an excuse, what with …

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Earlier this year [URL="http://www.mcafee.com"]McAfee [/URL]sponsored a rather interesting survey of search engine safety. Safety, that is, from the ‘how safe are the links they deliver and you click’ angle. Now, for the longest time, I have harbored a passing suspicion that the dodgiest links you can follow from any search …

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The End.