7,154 Topics

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Please forgive me if I am a little slow in flagging this up, but it has only just floated across my radar: you can now implement Google AdSense for search results on your own page, displaying the all important revenue generating adverts alongside the search results without directing readers off-site. …

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Member Avatar for Mahen

Here are some little words that I have found about the progress of some of the most Exciting Software Development Stories. First of all, the most awaiting Operating System, Windows Vista has reached the RC1 Milestone. After the Beta1 and the recent Beta2, the development process has got “branched” to …

Member Avatar for happygeek

The race is on to find the best online coder, as registration for the 2006 [URL="http://www.google.com/codejam/"]Google Code Jam [/URL] US heat starts. You have until September 5th to sign up if you want to prove you are king of the American coders by solving a series of problems to test …

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I am a writer by profession. Over the last two decades, I have been fortunate enough to have seen more than twenty of my books make it into print. Some have even sold enough copies for me to earn royalties over and above my advance. With publishing house marketing budgets …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

More bad news from the Las Vegas Black Hat Convention, this time for the blogging community. Most RSS reader software is vulnerable to malicious JavaScript insertion attacks, and web based readers are not immune either. With typical JavaScript based attacks targeting passwords and personal data, it is something that should …

Member Avatar for happygeek

How can so many people be so wrong all at the same time? That is the question I am left asking myself following the 410 to 15 vote in favor of the Deleting Online Predators Act of 2006 (also known as HR5319 or DOPA.) The answer is, of course, that …

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Member Avatar for Zephyroza

File Sharing site Kazza is now to become a legal downloading service after a lot of legal battles. The company will also be paying $100mill to the record industry. Over the past year 20 million music songs have been downloaded illegally and many company's are losing a lot of money …

Member Avatar for Toulinwoek
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Italy may have won the soccer [URL="http://fifaworldcup.yahoo.com/"]World Cup[/URL] in a thrilling final yesterday, but they did not even make it through to the group matches as far as the Malware World Cup is concerned. [URL="http://www.webroot.com"]Webroot Software Inc[/URL]. has just released details of global average malware infection rates during June 2006 …

Member Avatar for blud

This last month Google released their [URL="http://checkout.google.com/"]Google Checkout[/URL] service. Recently there was a lot of speculation over what this service actually was, several people were saying that this was going to be similar to Paypal, but now we know for sure. I had my first experience with this new Google …

Member Avatar for happygeek

The latest Merriam-Webster's dictionary update has ruffled a few feathers online. Not for the inclusion of Manga (noun: a Japanese comic book or graphic novel) nor ringtone (noun: the sound made by a cell phone to signal an incoming call) or even supersize (transitive verb: to increase considerably the size, …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for happygeek

Last month it was revealed that the [URL="http://www.nsa.gov"]National Security Agency[/URL] had been logging telephone calls since 9/11. This month, the right to privacy debate is set to ignite even further after a report in the [URL="http://www.newscientisttech.com"]New Scientist[/URL] claims that the NSA is funding research into the harvesting of personal information …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

Network design can certainly be innovative, and to those of a technical persuasion even considered a thing of beauty. But is it art? That was the question posed by a handful of senior Microsoft folk, the editor of an IT magazine and an Emeritus Professor at an art gallery in …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

Have you heard the one about the book publishing company with a reputation built upon the back of the Open Source movement, which set its lawyers on a rival for using the term Web 2.0? Apparently [URL="http://www.oreilly.com"]O’Reilly[/URL] has applied for a ‘service mark’ to cover Web 2.0 when applied to …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

According to Symantec it would seem that security flaw + patch in 5 days = result. Certainly compared to the average 140 days it takes Microsoft to patch a vulnerability it’s to be applauded, but only with one hand. 5 days is 119 hours and 55 minutes too long in …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

Having built an online empire around keeping the advertising simple and unobtrusive, [URL="http://www.google.com"]Google [/URL]is about to enter the video advert business. The announcement follows the [URL="http://www.aol.com"]AOL[/URL] acquisition of video search engine [URL="http://www.truveo.com"]Truveo [/URL]in January and video ad sales specialist [URL="http://www.lightningcast.com"]Lightningcast [/URL] last week, which will merge with [URL="http://www.advertising.com"]Advertising.com[/URL] which AOL …

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Member Avatar for Dani

I've heard rumors of this coming for awhile, but I finally saw it while browsing DaniWeb just a couple of minutes ago. A box ad that I run with a white background, which usually displays four ads, now displays three. The extra room is reserved for some text links with …

Member Avatar for happygeek

This week [URL="http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/spry/"]Adobe [/URL]released the Spry toolkit that finally allows web designers to join the, until now, programmer led world of Ajax development. At the same time, [URL="http://www.backbase.com/"]Backbase [/URL]introduced an Ajax development tool for Java applications. But what use is an Ajax powered website when search engines such as Google …

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The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) has voted against giving a green light for a proposed Internet red light domain. After a 5 year struggle to segregate online porn, the ICM Registry .xxx domain proposal was finally outvoted 9 to 5. This could be regarded as just …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

The news that Jeffrey Toback, a representative in the Nassau County Legislature, has filed a 16 page complaint alleging Google profits from child pornography has ignited discussion of censorship, responsibility and technology. Yet I can’t help thinking that everyone is missing the real point: why are allegations covered by 10 …

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In an astonishing display of pique, Google (the new Microsoft) has complained bitterly to both the US DoJ and the European Commission about Microsoft (the old Google). What exactly has the Boy God Gates done to annoy billionaire double act Brin and Page so? At the risk of reading like …

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Member Avatar for blud

Recently I've been selected to participate on quite a few of the google 'beta' projects, such as analytics, Company based e-mail, and their google page maker. First off, let me just say that all of the google projects are wonderful. I've been playing with the google analystics recently and the …

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Member Avatar for Dani

While working on the new DaniWeb Event Calendar feature, I did a Google search regarding the vBulletin built-in calendar feature. Built right into the search engine results pages was the statement: In response to a complaint we received under the US Digital Millennium Copyright Act, we have removed 1 result(s) …

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Member Avatar for Dani

For those of you webmasters out there who are running Google Analytics ([URL]http://www.google.com/analytics[/URL]) then you can welcome a new feature ... site overlay. It's a feature that so far I have only seen in paid analytics software, so it's definitely a more than welcome addition. Google Analytics logs pageviews to …

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Member Avatar for Dani

If you're in the SEO industry, most likely you're familiar with the Search Engine Roundtable at [url]www.seroundtable.com[/url], a blog / feed of all of the webmaster forums around. However, I just clicked on the "Forums" tab tonight to find my familiar list of other webmaster forums gone. In its place …

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Member Avatar for kc0arf

Files, emails, and folders. Even the best of us sometimes misfile or loose things. Then, we need to locate that document in a hurry. Where did it go? Does this sound familiar? Microsoft launched this week a new tool called Windows Desktop Search ([url]http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/using/web/desktop_search.mspx[/url]) and it works to help you …

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Member Avatar for kc0arf

At the US Association of National Advertiser's annual conference in Phoenix, Arizona, Google's Eric Schmidt said that "We did a math exercise and the answer was 300 years". "The answer is it's going to be a very long time". Google right now claims they have 170 terabytes indexed so far, …

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Last August, Business 2.0 magazine published an article that speculated Google was considering building a U.S. broadband network capable of targeting specific advertising to users, based on the location of their WiFi. The so-called "Google.net"" or "Google WiFi" caused much speculation, however, the company remained close-lipped. Tuesday, Google finally made …

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If you are the GoogleBot, you are probably reading this. Why? Well, your creator, the rapidly evolving Google Inc, who might I add has prevented many execs at Microsoft and Yahoo from sleeping well at night, released its Blog search feature today, which indexes RSS and Atom feeds. It’s a …

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Web Developer. Webmaster. Web Designer. What do these terms mean? Which one are you? In fact, these terms have been used and misused so much that they are in danger of losing any distinct meaning. This article attempts to define and defend these labels and their meanings. "Webmaster" in particular …

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The case between Google and Microsoft over executive Kal-Fu Lee began this week in court. According to reports, the case already has both sides trowing mud at each other. Some of you may recall that Kal-Fu Lee, a former executive of Microsoft, recently left the company and joined Google in …


The End.