7,169 Topics
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Write a well structured program that will accept the following fields of record in a data item, surname, other names, age, address, occupation, department, level, and grades for 15 different courses. 1. The program should be able to compute the CGPA of each candidate when scores for the courses are … | |
i am implementing Google Drive in Android with Java code i didnt use Android formats, i just created client id and i used in Manifest <meta-data android:name="com.google.android.apps.drive.APP_ID" android:value="id=344123456789"/> and my code to create folder is credential = GoogleAccountCredential.usingOAuth2(this, Collections.singleton(DriveScopes.DRIVE)); credential.setSelectedAccountName(accountName); service = getDriveService(credential); java.io.File fileContent = new java.io.File(path); FileContent mediaContent … | |
hi i have followed a friends tutorial for my website and all is working upon production but when im attempting to add it to my site im having problems getting the following to show up in my page none of the links in the php block are showing up ive … | |
Hello, i want to know, is there any way to force user can only select the address provided in dropdown list? Currently everything working well, but user can proceed without select the address from the dropdown list, can anyone help? Thanks in advance <input type="text" class="form-control" id="address" name="address" required> <script> … | |
Hi im wondering if someone can guide me where to go im looking for a system where a user can stop another user contacting them via message system on my site ive search ignore user and block user but there is nothing for custom built sites only things like word … | |
I have a gambling site which has not bad performances in Search engines. There is a problem with the subsection about casinos, the main keyword is "free online casino games for real money" and the link to the subsection is here: http://www.slotozilla.com/free-slots/real-money . I'm not using geotargeting or anything like … | |
log in password: Welcome! (1) Add (2) View (3) Search (4) Exit Choice: Add Employee Record Input no. of Employee: the system is now ready to accept_ employee records press any key to continue...... Add Employee Record Employee Name: Year of Service: Numeric Rate: Adding_Employee Record Successfully Done! Back to … | |
Hi guys. I am using windows movie maker and videopad by NCH software for video editing. But I am finding difficulty in removing logo and watermarks from videos. I gave a try at google searching for the answers but wasnot fruitful. Can any one of you suggest me something? I … | |
Hi all, how can I write lines that I read from multiple files to one destination file in java?? the method write (FileWriter) can do this When I read multiple files and save these line in string called for example "line" ..how can write line on the distination file? I … | |
Suggest me best blogging platform for blog posting .Which is easy to customize and free of cost. | |
You may have noticed the Google Webmaster Central blog has a new address: webmasters.googleblog.com. | |
Please tell me, what is the best SEO strategies for improving the website rabnking? | |
Can someone help me, how to count duplicate rows in vb.net using mysql . auto count after search or filter but in my code it count all existing data within the range my code: Try con.Open() With cmd .Connection = con .CommandText = "select s_monthname, count(*) as Total from sample2" … | |
| Hi everyone,i'm currently making a random name picker .I got a csv excel file saved with 3 columns of data...one is the first name ,last name and tutor group. I want to be able to search through the database and read just the first column of data and be able … |
Hi, I am running a new online business and don't know that how to get targeted audience? In this case please share some effective source that seems to be helpfull to get audience. | |
What should the ratio of Do-follow and No-follow links in SEO Strategy that get ranked quickly. | |
what are the valuable steps to get serp ranking? | |
I am new to Android, Now i need to integrate my app with Google Drive i have search google a lot, i have got Drive quick start sample from git hub (https://github.com/googledrive/android-quickstart) but while i am running it is always showing Mail authentication Dialog. please help me. And also i … | |
In [this post](http://computers.toptenreviews.com/gaming/digital-storm/digital-storm-vanquish-3-review.html) the link shows as broken and when I click on it I get taken to the [Daniweb Broken Link page](https://www.daniweb.com/posts/bad_link/2199201?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fcomputers.toptenreviews.com%2Fgaming%2Fdigital-storm%2Fdigital-storm-vanquish-3-review.html). However, when I copy the link text and paste it into my browser address bar it takes me to the correct page. | |
i want to search with name,email,id based on that suppose if they enter id then i need to serch with name or if they enter email i need to serch with mail or i want to serch with these 3 fields. so pls give a suggesion for best search query … | |
that question is so ... **things we perhaps should not post in a reply** "You personify the zero end of every 0-10 scale" "We have never seen that point on the zero-bullshit scale before" "right down the bottom end of the forethought 0-10 scale "the first thing your potential customers … | |
Hi Team, Please guide me how can I Click on a link inside a cell of a HTML table ? In every row of the table, i have the same link with same properties. So based on row index, I want to click the link. Note : Using Telerik Test … | |
i want to use cron job for my project for sending emails, i have searched google but i dont found anything yet. anyone knows how to achieve it . Your help is appreciated Thank you | |
One person in market from ten year doing SEO having the site services and same keywords as we have for our site ,we start effort on SEO and get our site on top 1st position with in 5 month ,but that person is doing SEO from ten year why we … | |
I need to write a C++ program that declares an array of type integer of size 10.The user will enter the number of integers N to be stored in the array. The program should have a number of functions each of them will at least take two parameters.These functions are … | |
I need some help in getting the table headers to sort the data populated to a table in MVC. I have implemented search functionality in which the user can filter whatever results by typing a name, but I need to also get the table headers to sort the information as … | |
Hello, I have been intruiged by the video stabilization done by YouTube and wanted to implement it on matlab. I tracked down two papers related to it, this being them, 1.) http://static.googleusercontent.com/media/research.google.com/en//pubs/archive/37041.pdf 2.) http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/login.jsp?tp=&arnumber=6738007&url=http%3A%2F%2Fieeexplore.ieee.org%2Fiel7%2F6726158%2F6737993%2F06738007.pdf%3Farnumber%3D6738007 (L1 L2 optimization for video stabilization) I've made some progress, but sadly all I can get … | |
Hello to all SEO Experts, I wanted you to review my company website **Gowebbaby.com** and let me know if I have missed anything. I am in the way of SEO implementations and just looking for your inputs to make it better & better. Your any input/suggestion/recommendation would be highly appreciated. … | |
Hey Everyone. I am having issues with a responsive SVG and wondering if any of you can help. Bascially, I have an SVG image. I have tried to add it into an object: <object type="image/svg+xml" data="svgfile.svg" width="99%"> Your Browser does not support SVG</object> But the problem with this, I have … |
The End.