7,154 Topics

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Member Avatar for Bill_20

What is the impact of google using more artificial intelligence in ranking websites for organic rankings. What is the impact of artificial intelligence on SEO strategies . I have just finished this article on techcrunch that got me worried https://techcrunch.com/2016/06/04/artificial-intelligence-is-changing-seo-faster-than-you-think/ They say there is a new algorithm called Google Ranbrain …

Member Avatar for jayashreemarg
Member Avatar for nivedita5

I am working with a code which stores the information of customers in a file called customer_details.txt then asks the user to enter a name and then searches for the name in customer_details.txt, if the name is found, the entire details of the user is displayed on the output screen. …

Member Avatar for 2teez
Member Avatar for harshalone

Hi All, First of all thank you for reading my post. I dont know much about SEO but one of my friend suggested me last night in the pub; "If you make Google happy your websites life will be sorted" and I feel now after reading lot of contents online …

Member Avatar for jayashreemarg
Member Avatar for vegaseat

A list of class objects mimics a C array of structures. The snippet explores how to setup the list, and sort the list according to a selected attribute. Then we use a format string to display the sorted list. Take a look at how to search the list. All in …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for ramsiva

I have multidimensional array that include department and category. Based on the selecting department and category, i need to search names. below is my code $shop = array( array( "emp_name" => "ramu", "department_name" => "cse", "Number" => 15 ), array( "emp_name" => "ramesh", "department_name" => "eee", "Number" => "56", ), …

Member Avatar for radow
Member Avatar for Otir

Hi there, I am new to the community and not entirely familiar yet to what I contribute or ask when it comes to this forum. So please bear with me, and help me address the issue that I am submitting here: I am working for a synagogue which is therefore …

Member Avatar for jayashreemarg
Member Avatar for Ani_1

I'm working on an Anagram Finder program. One of the methods I'm writing introduces the concept of **recursive backtracking** which I'm completely new to. I'm hoping to get some suggestions of how this works/how to make it work. I'm trying to implement recursive backtracking in order to display a list …

Member Avatar for Zack_4
Member Avatar for Jonas_1
Member Avatar for Siberian

Hi, I'm trying to install Grunt with Node.js using this command and this is my first time using Node or Grunt so take it slow :-) $ npm install -g grunt-cli Each time I try to run the above code I get this error; I've searched online for the answer …

Member Avatar for Siberian
Member Avatar for Homeandstyle

Hello Everyone, SMO creation , I have no idea so please suggest me which is the best social media sites for **SMO**.

Member Avatar for Webfortuners
Member Avatar for sami ullah khan

Hi, Every one please help me... I am doing MSCS thesis implementation, my area is Monitoring and detection of SLA violation handle with proactive approach in cloud computing environment...please any one help me in algorithm or java code to monitor and detect SLA violation.........

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for bijutoha
Member Avatar for joomdev
Member Avatar for can-mohan

Hi All, In below code i am performing search in map through key value but not able to get the desire results though common elements (intersection) is present in both lists. #include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <map> using namespace std; struct node { int data; struct node* next; …

Member Avatar for jayashreemarg
Member Avatar for gayaneducation

I need jsp function for search data(text) inside a html table. not a my sql table. ex: inside a table "<table><tr><td>some text here</td></tr></table>" i have several text. i need jsp function to search one of the text and highlight it with the position where the word is. or can u …

Member Avatar for Ardit_1
Member Avatar for Tabassum A

I want to know from you all, what are the tips to create qualitative content for website and blog.

Member Avatar for joomdev
Member Avatar for jayashreemarg
Member Avatar for bijutoha

Disqus said about it... 1. Your comment history and activity will only be viewable by you. 2. Existing users who are currently following your account will no longer be able see your activity via your profile or daily digest emails. 3. Disqus users will no longer be able to follow …

Member Avatar for jayashreemarg
Member Avatar for Aeonix

<!-- example --> <html> <head></head> <body> /* Lots of contents, header, etc. <?php if (isset($_GET["id"])) { echo $anexample[$_GET["id"]]["test"]; } ?> </body> </html> There would be links that would say `example.php?id=1` and `id=5` and `id=9`. However I'd like page to rerender just that particular place. Nothing else in page will change. …

Member Avatar for invisal
Member Avatar for Qazinix

I am having an issue with my program it should start the msconfig program when the button is pressed but it doesn't start, however when I change the file name to Cleanmgr it starts up perfectly. ShellExecute(handle, 'open', PChar('cleanmgr'), nil, nil, SW_normal); ShellExecute(handle, 'open', PChar('msconfig'), nil, nil, SW_normal); I assumed …

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Member Avatar for nissy

Hi im dealing with my client website which is a news website. They are running google adsense. Hardly a day that particular website is getting about 500-600 page views but adsense amount is very less. May i know the reason behind it and how to increase the google adsense revenue. …

Member Avatar for jacks009
Member Avatar for kevinbelgiean

Actually, I owe a website where a particular set of inner pages is not getting indexed in Google and other Search engines. I have checked sitemap.xml, robots.txt file and also the meta robots tag and I have never found any issues. Then, I did a Google Fetch with the help …

Member Avatar for JeniAnderson
Member Avatar for jasee

We're doig a replatforming/redesign of our website using Kentico Enterprise, and we have a couple handfuls of AdWords Campaigns. We're also looping in a Copywriter to go over existing and new copy content for our products and other pages. I want to make sure we don't lose keywords relevant to …

Member Avatar for samauden

Hello friends I am doing SEO for a website which have offices in two locations in USA and also in UK. I would like to use microdata for the organisation using free tool(tools dot seochat dot com/tools/brand-organization-schema-generator/) for rich snippet generators. I have already placed meta tags on the home …

Member Avatar for jayashreemarg
Member Avatar for userrahulkapoor

Hi, How We can Improve the Traffic of Motivational Speaker website, can we discuss anythink new off-page optimization tricks

Member Avatar for midastouchwebs
Member Avatar for Roger_2

I am having trouble implementing a solution using a binary search tree that returns the key of the node based on it's rank in O(N) worst case running time. Every idea i have (listed below) results in O(N^2) or sends me to a dead end. This almost seems impossible. i …

Member Avatar for AssertNull
Member Avatar for Sukhbir Singh

Hello Guys, I have a [Political Punjab](http://sukhbirsinghbadalofficial.blog.com/) related website which stable on fifth page on SERP i have use many way to promote my website but i am anable to get the result please suggest me what should do i to promote for my website and how can i get …

Member Avatar for jayashreemarg
Member Avatar for RikTelner

I take two versions of Open Sans from Google Fonts' servers. Regular and a bold one. As soon as page loads, the font is shown nicely. The idea is something like this a.link { font-weight: 400; } a.link.selected { font-weight: 800; } There's jQuery snippet that says that as soon …

Member Avatar for gentlemedia
Member Avatar for Digital_1

Hi Friends. This is my website digitalvaaradhi.com . From last 2 months i did both seo and smo. but my website position is not improved. why? Please anlayze my website and give the suggestions.

Member Avatar for KumarPradeep
Member Avatar for Sabasi

This a code made in three.js so its like a gemoetry big cube made with small cube written in css,but i want to make that the source will be an image and that image will be the big structure made with small cube,i.e-if the image is google logo the thing …

Member Avatar for rproffitt

There's a lot of chatter about W10 but just tripped over this due a complaint about network speed fluctuations. Here's a google about what I turned off. https://www.google.com/#q=disable+windows+10+sharing+updates

Member Avatar for ronin7752

The End.