7,140 Topics

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Member Avatar for Daniel_38

Link building is one of the most persuasive parameters of search engine ranking. Now a days Link Juice is a Key factor for any link building services. So, i just want to know that what factors affecting the performance of link juice in seo. Any research based idea...

Member Avatar for Daniel_38
Member Avatar for mbarandao

I need a secondary review of the following script to help identify an issue of inconsistency with a function. The code allows me to perform a live search on a specified content. If a match is fount, it allows for me to click on a link and toggle() the content …

Member Avatar for mbarandao
Member Avatar for altjen

Hello... Im having a problem with "like operator" on SQL database Im using this code to search on database Dim DV As New DataView(dbDataSet) DV.RowFilter = String.Format("ID Like '%{0}%'", TextBox1.Text) DataGridView1.DataSource = DV and at textbox1 I type 2 in data grid view show all people who have number 2 …

Member Avatar for altjen
Member Avatar for earnz

Hi guys, im doing a project atm and it's really important. It's about building an android application showing forms that link into a database (Mysql), using Xampp. The database then links to a GUI (php?)showing information gathered from the application on the field. Any suggestions on how to go about …

Member Avatar for helenspencer
Member Avatar for nissy

Hi all, Today i had conversation with a CEO of reputed company. He asked me that he need 30-40backlinks per day for his websites. Im in a dilemma that whether it is possible to get that much of backlinks per day?.. Please do help me out. If its possible then …

Member Avatar for shelazane
Member Avatar for rohanferns

Hey everyone, I created a blog that provides all information on classified submission about two months ago. currently, I only have six members on my blog. I want at least fifty members per month. I already shared the link on Facebook and Twitter. Please tell me what else I should …

Member Avatar for shelazane
Member Avatar for harishprakash
Member Avatar for harishprakash
Member Avatar for happygeek

The Google Glass wearable computing 'enhanced reality' project got off the ground this week at the Google I/O Developers Conference in San Francisco earlier this week. Around 6,000 developers were present to see a demonstration of the futuristic technology which integrates a small video-display suspended from the arm of the …

Member Avatar for helenspencer
Member Avatar for JorgeM

When users interact with your web page and processes, it is important to provide them with continuous feedback. Without the feedback, a user is left wondering if you page is actually processing work, frozen, or just not working. This is especially true when incorporating Ajax requests that take more than …

Member Avatar for Dragos_1

#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <cstring> using namespace std; int va[20][2],i,j,iesire,intrare,st[21],as,ev,k=2,timp,mint=10000,d=0,t=0; float distanta,mind=10000; char comune[65][25]; struct intr { int t; float d; }v[65][65]; void init(int k,int st[21]) { st[k]=0; } void succesor(int k,int &as,int st[21]) { if(st[k]<65&&k<20) { st[k]++; as=1; } else { as=0; } } void valid(int k,int &ev,intr …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for Prasanth Kps

How do you beat competitor website on google.In the way of, he is in first postion in the the Google because of his reviews. So how can i beat him(website) with the seo process.Is there any link building or seo related work has to be done? Am expecting you give …

Member Avatar for RyanKempe
Member Avatar for steve_Ali

Hi Dani Web Menbers, please i'm looking for proxies Directoies for submit my websites based proxy thanks a lot

Member Avatar for helenspencer
Member Avatar for man.chester.581

im trying to creat buttom to show all ocntacts on the phone with this code : private async void SearchContactButtom_click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { await SearchContacts(); } private async Task SearchContacts() { var contactsStore = await ContactManager.RequestStoreAsync(); IReadOnlyList<Contact> contacts = await contactsStore.FindContactsAsync(); var dlg = new Windows.UI.Popups.MessageDialog("found " + contacts.Count …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for pelusa

I have a few dozen links like: http://www.domain.com/publication?id=test http://www.domain.com/publication?id=test&tkn=25MMI7 http://www.domain.com/publication?id=VfgodzE4Akg&tkn=25GJK02&gid=VCsfkQENp4g:20150323:s I want to be able to redirect them to: http://www.domain.com/publication/?id=test http://www.domain.com/publication/?id=test&tkn=25MMI7 http://www.domain.com/publication/?id=VfgodzE4Akg&tkn=25GJK02&gid=VCsfkQENp4g:20150323:s How can I do this? Thank you.

Member Avatar for reygcalantaol
Member Avatar for Wojciech_1

whats the difference between My Articles and My Posts links on botton bar? Both directs to the same thing; the only difference is the way of presenting it: articles are presented with content preview and posts are presented as links to them. But generally both positions on bottom bar serves …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Genessis_1

Hi, I am new to google mock so sorry if you think this is an easy question. I am currently testing codes for a project. There are async calls and i am having a hard time checking the sequence of function calls. I cannot share the codes so I'll just …

Member Avatar for R0bb0b

Hello. Quick question. I have several thousand emails pulled in from several email boxes throuph php imap and I need to search each subject with an array of search terms which returns a bitmask, one bit for each index of the array. 1 = found, 0 = not found. So, …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for sanketdomal

Hello Everyone Please share any complete example on protocol buffer with Java.I also need instruction to compile java code which use these protocol buffer (protobuf).

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for djuiceshamu
Member Avatar for TechnoScore
Member Avatar for Nimerion

Hey guys, I am trying to use the **Google Calendar API** within a **php webpage** to display personal calendar events for each user. I made it displaying the events, but I'm stuck on displaying the Event Colors for every event. I was looking around the internet for two days now, …

Member Avatar for Nimerion
Member Avatar for Emma Carter

I would like to know whether it is possible to know the exact keyword ranking in the particular area. For Example: If we are targeting the keyword "Web Design Services Dublin Ohio" from India, is it possible to know the exact keyword position in Dublin, Ohio Area. Currently i'm using …

Member Avatar for advent_geek
Member Avatar for ggeoff

Hi I am not getting any response from the Cutenews forum. So perhaps Daniweb experts can help me. I have a couple of websites that have a Cutenews version 1.4.6 search form working. For my latest website I decided to use cutenews 2.0.2. As far as possible I have made …

Member Avatar for ggeoff
Member Avatar for James_43

Hi there, I have the following code to define the first article on the website I'm developing Strong-Links.org <article id="me" class="panel"> <img src="/images/Strong-Links.png"> <a href="#work" class="jumplink pic"> <span class="arrow icon fa-chevron-right"><span>See my work</span></span> <img src="images/me.jpg" alt="" /> </a> </article> This basically just places two images on the page, with me.jpg …

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Member Avatar for Niloofar24

Hello. I was looking for a tutorial or any example of creating web crawler that i found this code somewhere and copied and pasted to test it: First, it is a web crawler, right? Because when i gave it a url of a website, the output was some linkes were …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for karmatech

Hi Friends, Can anyone suggest me how to increase my keyword ranking ? Tasks done so for. 1. On site optimization 2. Some good quality links created for targetted keywords 3. Website speed optimized Issue 1. Currently i am getting enough search impressions but clicks are not considerbly good in …

Member Avatar for CantonMIGD
Member Avatar for sirushti

I am developing a social networking website using a**sp.net mvc** and sql server 2008. I need reference links, sites or reference books which help on knowing what are the best practices, code patterns and best third party tools to integrate and work on. Any suggestions from you people will help …

Member Avatar for tlcd_vip
Member Avatar for rinston

I saw this article in search engine land on duckduck Go. Well according to what I read, this will be the new feature that Apple will launch in their ios8. To my understanding, it is Apple search engine. I wonder if this new search engine will have any impact in …

Member Avatar for XP78USER
Member Avatar for Jaklins

TLDR: When large amounts of files (array values) are in the array, the loop will iterate through all the values but only execute part of the foreach statement for some of them. When that happens, it will always affect the same files (in file order, not file name). Detailed version: …

Member Avatar for diafol

The End.