7,168 Topics
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I am developing a social networking website using a**sp.net mvc** and sql server 2008. I need reference links, sites or reference books which help on knowing what are the best practices, code patterns and best third party tools to integrate and work on. Any suggestions from you people will help … | |
I saw this article in search engine land on duckduck Go. Well according to what I read, this will be the new feature that Apple will launch in their ios8. To my understanding, it is Apple search engine. I wonder if this new search engine will have any impact in … | |
TLDR: When large amounts of files (array values) are in the array, the loop will iterate through all the values but only execute part of the foreach statement for some of them. When that happens, it will always affect the same files (in file order, not file name). Detailed version: … | |
Hello all, I know seo and backlinks. But in off page all method aren't clear to me. I know how to create backlink onto social, directory, forum, blog, article as well but I want to learn about Web 2.0. Can anyone help me to learn this. Thanks for your help! | |
Hello my friends. Look at this please: >>> from bs4 import BeautifulSoup >>> import urllib2 >>> url = urllib2.urlopen('https://duckduckgo.com/?q=3D&t=canonical&ia=meanings') >>> soup = BeautifulSoup(url) >>> links = soup('a') >>> print links [<a class="header__logo-wrap" href="/?t=canonical" tabindex="-1"><span class="header__logo">DuckDuckGo</span></a>, <a class="search__dropdown" href="javascript:;" id="search_dropdown" tabindex="4"></a>, <a href="https://duckduckgo.com/html/?q=3D">here</a>] >>> I used this `https://duckduckgo.com/?q=3D&t=canonical&ia=meanings` as the url, … | |
I am working on a project and I need one CmakeList.txt file, Config file, spec file. I searched a lot. tutorials are telling how to make these files and all. Please tell me from scratch what they are and what is the use of these files? Please provide links also … | |
Dim searchvar As String Dim sbookmark As String searchvar = Text1 searchvar = Trim$(searchvar) If searchvar <> " " Then With Data1.Recordset sbookmark = .Bookmark .FindFirst "ACCOUNT NO like'" + searchvar + "*'" If .NoMatch Then MsgBox " No Record Found " .Bookmark = sbookmark End If End With End … | |
Is it possible to get backlinks from Wikipedia, because most of them are saying about dead links in Wikipedia, but I'm not sure about that. | |
Hi guys i need to know how to input before load the search box in Jquery DataTable? anyone because i try to edint the either line "var input = '<input type="search" class="'+classes.sFilterInput+'"/>';" under function _fnFeatureHtmlFilte OR line "sSearchPlaceholder": "", and imomodify. but nothings happend:( | |
i have a codes thats calls in my JSP but i want the search button have a value before its loads because of filtering of data heres my code i try to add a value here var input = '<input type="search" value="Null" class="'+classes.sFilterInput+'"/>'; and here "sSearchPlaceholder":"" but nothings happen :( … | |
Iam facing a problem, Google input tools fonts are not rendering in my website. iam creating a website which support multi language to type. I have typed in malayalam and the font are showing correctly while trying and in the preview page it was showing like this ( à ´®à ´²à ´¯à ´¾à ´³à ´ à ´à ´¨à µà ´¨à ´¾ … | |
Few days back I started on article submission and it reall work good. I am getting much traffic from the article viewers. I tried blog comment but it did not work and my on page seo dose not work, In this case What should i do now? | |
hy i'm using this search, but unfort not working if i will search by both f.name l.name... this is the code if (Input::has('name')) { $name = Input::get('name'); $name = T_entity_details::where('First_Name','LIKE','%'.$name.'%') ->where('Last_Name','LIKE','%'.$name.'%','or') ->where('Entity_Id','!=',$this->userId) ->get(array('Entity_Id')) ->toArray(); $array1 = []; foreach ($name as $value) { array_push($array1, $value['Entity_Id']); } }else{ $name = T_entity_details::where('Entity_Id','!=',$this->userId) ->get(array('Entity_Id')) … | |
i coding a small app with some funtion: can add text to textbox of community(Gplus) and submit my post, but i get fist problem! ![G+.png](/attachments/large/4/aaebf2c0042b977627d29165b22890fb.png "align-center") my code: int num = 0; HtmlElementCollection elementsByTagName = this.webBrowser1.Document.Body.GetElementsByTagName("div"); for (num = 0; num < elementsByTagName.Count; num++) { if (elementsByTagName[num].OuterHtml.Contains("URaP8 Kf Pf b-K … | |
hi.I need 8 search engine for my school.can you give me just the name of those algorithm (except binary search and linear search). | |
I would like to know whether the private network blog technique is available in SEO? | |
What are some ways specific to forums and online communities to help reduce bounce rate? | |
I have a question for those of you that use services like odesk for content writers... First have you found that the quality is slipping? I have used a few writers but it seems like in order to get any general good content for websites you almost always have to … | |
Hello, I am doing an seo activity for a website but there is no increase in Page rank is there any option to increase the google page rank. Is there any possibility to Increase. On which basis google give page rank to a website. Please help me | |
Hello. I have a homework. I have asked to create a web crawler that be able to enter into a music website and then for the first step, collect the name of singers that their names starts with the letter "A". Now i need a little help for this step. … | |
I am trying to create a search box that searches the county field of the database. If the criteria matches then the records will be displayed in the table. I have got the different counties in the dropdown box however when I click the record the table does not change. … | |
I have an isssue that INIT function works like enclosed example. Issue is that map should be placed or it returns an error. How to avoid this? 1. INIT function is not set due to ID: id="Googlemap_number1" How to do it? 2. INIT function should be executed only if there … | |
Google PageSpeeds Insights says: Should Fix: Optimize images Properly formatting and compressing images can save many bytes of data. Optimize the following images to reduce their size by 245.2KiB (17% reduction). It wants me to optimize about 25 images which are the tiles that make up a Google Map. Is … | |
Hi everybody. What is the usage of `urljoin`? An example: >>> from urlparse import urljoin >>> url = urljoin('http://python.org/','about.html') >>> url 'http://python.org/about.html' I think the answer is that when we take a link from here `'http://www.python.org/` for example , it looks like this `<a href="/about/>about</a>`. So if i take the … | |
Hello. I'm trying to create a web crawler. I've read about web crawler's duty and about how it works and what he does. But just need more information. Could you please tell me what does a web crawler can do? What kind of duty i can define for my web … | |
Hello, me again :) With this code: >>> from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup >>> import urllib2 >>> url = urllib2.urlopen('http://www.python.org').read() >>> soup = BeautifulSoup(url) >>> links = soup('a') >>> print links A list of links printed into the terminal. I want to send the list into a text file, i tried … | |
Please share your thoughts and views. | |
This tutorial is the first time I write about coding techniques for improving the performance of software. This is going to be a step-by-step journey through a real example, with real benchmark results at every step so that you can see the effect of the different optimization techniques. And as … | |
Is there any need to buy any seo software for indexing 2nd tier links. For example: Seo workers build thousands of Wiki links, blog comments, social media shares to 2nd tier links. Is it necessary to buy softwares and build those thousands link for indexing 2nd tier links or is … |
The End.