7,168 Topics
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Hi I need to show coordinates from the map in the text box below. Can you make the code showing the latitude and longitude onmouseclick? I will be very grateful. <html> <head> <title>OpenLayers Example</title> <script src="http://openlayers.org/api/OpenLayers.js"></script> <script src="http://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?v=3&sensor=false"></script> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1251"> </head> <body> <div id = "container" style = … | |
I need to create select start point and end point between predefine route obn google map Please advise on this. | |
Hi friends how to increase facebook likes...?? Is there any default sites to increase likes for our concern FB fanpages. If it is so share the links plz | |
i am trying to get links from .edu and .gov websites but they are refusing, how can i get these links, i heard they improve your rankings | |
Hi i am trying to perform a search on a json file called PCproducts.json which has in it various arrays with other data in it.I have seen various examples but seems that either i am doing something wrong in the code or calling the file in the wrong way. This … | |
What is broken link on Wikipedia? How it is helpful to get backlink for my site with the help of these broken links? What is the right way to use broken links from Wikipedia? | |
Hello, could anyone here please review this code: > the deleteEntry () function are not well working. I dunno how to solve this. #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> struct Node { char firstName [15]; char lastName [15]; char Number [15]; char searchName [15]; struct Node *next; } ; struct … | |
I have a array of dates like this $dates = ('2014-01-21','2014-03-11','2013-01-21','2014-03-11','2013-07-21','2012-01-21'); I want to get array values where year is 2014. I mean when i change value to 2014 it will return value from array which contain year 2014 only. In this case it will return '2014-01-21','2014-03-11' to me. Is … | |
HI FRNDS : Do you know What's a proper keyword density? | |
Hello Friends I want my site on number one so i want to find back links of number one sites.So I want to know How to find back links of competitors sites? | |
Hi DaniWeb Analytics Champs, Can anyone thr give me the correct answers of the following questions... | |
Howdy folks, Winter 2014 anime is stale news now with Spring 2014 lineup just around the corner (time sure flies fast!). You can view the preview chart [here](http://i1.minus.com/igcbxHFvbhPpC.jpg) and follow the discussion on MAL [here](http://myanimelist.net/clubs.php?cid=57921). Things look pretty grim this season. All my favorite anime series are coming to an … | |
Google Optimization forum discussing techniques to increase rank in Google. Find help for defeating spam pages, building site trust, and figuring out the Google algorithm. Also read about the best SEO tools to help with Google search. | |
Hi all,how do i link lets say thankyou.html page to my conatct.html page,so the idea is after submiting the page,by pressing the submit button,the confirmation page should pop up. Thank you. Part two - how to set up php so the request/submited page is sent to my email | |
What are your views about getting SEO Training? Will training make someone perfect seo expert or learning something itself will make a better seo expert? According to me learning new things online and also offline with yourself can make you a better seo expert. Are you agree to me or … | |
can anyone help to check my coding? what i need is to enter the groupcode and when i click search,it will retrieve all the modules. but only one module that appear instead of all. <?php $server="localhost"; $username="root"; $password=""; $connect_mysql=mysql_connect($server,$username,$password) or die ("Connection Failed!"); $mysql_db=mysql_select_db("reportdatabase",$connect_mysql) or die ("Could not Connect to … | |
I have 3 domain name, which have same content on the site, but they all are pointed to the same IP address. Is it affect on the SEO work? Will google take it as duplicate content Please suggest.... | |
Hi..all I'm newbie in VB.net Please Help me.. How to search data by textbox and datetimepicker access 2003 database in VB.net Exp : I want to search for data based on the Part name and two datetimepicker I try with code like this but the results are not in line … | |
hi guys ,i am new in the field of seo and i want to improve my keyword ranking in seach engine result page as soon as possible.please provide me the list of offpage seo technique according to their importance in decending order.which technique should i give more imphasis to get … | |
Hi guys , I would you to help me to solve this problem First , user need to input 10 numbers Ex : 85 11 36 174 112 24 73 52 183 149 Next , user need to input the initial number . This initial number will determine whether the … | |
There is a little bit prob with my code, My Prob: When i type name or place etc in search bar it show me the entire data stored in database, i need it show what i searching for... script for Search: <div id="wb_Form1" style="position:absolute;width:864px;height:147px;"> <form name="q" method="get" action="test-result.php" id="Form1"> <input … | |
Need the api for google map for marker's nearest user's fetched with their IP address from the database... Currently Using ipmapper.js its not working for marker's ..Suggest any other one...... | |
Hi, I know the basics of perl and really need a dummies guide (simple steps) to get the following working. I came across the code below and downloaded the Twig.pm and Xpath.pm files into C:\Perl\lib (Windows machine) from CPAN and I cannot get the code to compile. Can someone give … | |
Hey guys could you help me out regarding how to use the Google disavow tool and its functionalities, uses. | |
Is there a way to to search for auto-forwarding (or other) rules in Groupwise/ConsoleOne? I need to find what rules users are establishing. | |
Hello everyone, I use the example from [Google](https://developers.google.com/maps/articles/phpsqlajax_v3) Now, I would like to know how to change center location from city to another city like this map in [example](http://http://www.enasher.com/billboards) please can you help me to know how becouse im new in google map and i have anthore question in my … | |
hi I have a project due this Monday to make an address book. need some help with that.I have some code with me but it is not working. please help me if you can. i have attached a copy of the same and given description below. program description: develop a … | |
i have this for my requirement assignment: Write a search function int get_index(const float astm[?][?], const int size) to find the array index from a given size. can someone give me some hint on how to di it pleass? | |
Hello Im quite Confused right now. I am trying to insert a Node in between nodes and it is not being displayed. Please Help. #include <iostream> #include <conio.h> #include <cctype> using namespace std; struct Node { int DATA; Node * Next; }; Node * head = NULL; void Display(); void … |
The End.