207 Topics

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Member Avatar for ashes22

I have a Telerik MVC Grid where I have a column as " select " , " edit" forwhich I have used Format Property to show Links to my ActionMethods . Now I want to show the selected Row text in Bold when someone clicks on " Select" / " …

Member Avatar for jeffcogswell

This past Summer, Microsoft announced the beta of a new product called WebMatrix. Two weeks ago, the third beta came out. But before I talk about it, I have to ask: Is this a new product? Or am I having déjà vu?[ATTACH]18093[/ATTACH]WebMatrix (one word) is, in fact, a brand new …

Member Avatar for masterjiraya
Member Avatar for qazplm114477

So I've been doing some reading on what the model view controller is and from what I understand, it is pretty much a way to structure your application but I'm still not that sure and I need some help knowing if I understand the concept correctly. If I start making …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

hi there, i want to develop a login in asp.net C#. please can someone give me a guide to develop a login web page using MVC pattern i am using visual studio 2008 please can some show how to create a login using MVC thanks

Member Avatar for abelLazm
Member Avatar for rahulvom

Hi, I am trying to do a three tier architecture of windows application using C#. Main layout: Inserting Values into a datagridview from two textboxes. Problem : I have 3 layers in my application UI,Business,Data Layers.(form1.cs,Bal.cs,Dal.cs) I have created separate c# code files for each, the question is how can …

Member Avatar for amit tapas
Member Avatar for Msam85

Hi all, I'm new with asp.net and I'm currently starting a project with MVC 2. As far as I know the models folder is dedicated to store the .cs of our entities and in the controllers folder you receive the petitions from views, create new instances of the entities and …

Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

hi there, i am trying the VS 2010 ASP.NET MVC website project and when i create a web page and click shift+F7 i cannot view the design of the page, why is this can some one help me out? thankx

Member Avatar for judithSampathwa
Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

Hi there can some one provide me with a tutorial to create a login in C#.NET MVC. i am using visual studio 2010 and i am new to this. I have a little bit of idea on MVC but when i try to come to create a login page (web …

Member Avatar for judithSampathwa
Member Avatar for arelius

Hello All, On my local machine, my website works perfectly. All the functionality that I have made works great. I then copy my folders from my local machine to my test development web server. Once this occurs, certain functionality of my website no longer works, yet it is a direct …

Member Avatar for Fortinbra
Member Avatar for CanYouHandstand

Hi All I've been working on a program that automates a test sequence for testing a product before it is sent to the user. The program controls 12 test stations. There is an object that controls the interactions with each station (12 instances total). One of the challenges of the …

Member Avatar for Wolfgan
Member Avatar for alc6379

Hey gang, Looking for some opinions here. I'm working in an ASP.Net MVC2 application. We've built a collection of "domain objects", ie, the data that represents our "real world" problem we're going to solve, and it's also the representation of what will be serialized to the database. Each of these …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for lifeworks

Hi Ive written my own MVC framework, which uses the mod_rewrite apache tool... first part of the url is the controller and second part is the 'action'... some of my controllers have functionality which is publicly available, and other functionality which i want to restrict to logged in users... i …

Member Avatar for quasipickle
Member Avatar for kamweshi

Hi, can anyone help me to split the servlet(week02_4) so that only control code remains.I need to forward/redirect request/responses to two other servlets(VowelFrequencyServlet and WordCountServlet).I am not sure where to place the RequestDispatcher. Week02_04 servlet: [CODE=java]package servlets; import java.io.*; import javax.servlet.*; import javax.servlet.http.*; public class Week02_04 extends HttpServlet { protected …

Member Avatar for talha06

Hello to everyone, I'm trying to setup a Spring MVC project. I posted my configuration files below. I'll be really glad if someone helps me. Thanks in advance, With regards, Talha. [B]web.xml[/B] [CODE]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <web-app xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee" xmlns:web="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee/web-app_2_5.xsd" xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee/web-app_2_5.xsd" id="WebApp_ID" version="2.5"> <display-name>local</display-name> <context-param> <param-name>webAppRootKey</param-name> <param-value>webapp.root</param-value> </context-param> <context-param> <param-name>log4jConfigLocation</param-name> …

Member Avatar for sharpieD

So, I'm studying Processor Design (very basic lol) but I need some input.. In a 1-Bus architecture for a CPU, doing an operation at the same time like: R[3] <- R[1] + R[2] : R[4] <- R[3] + R[1] + R[2]; where if R1 = 5; R2 = 6; R[3] …

Member Avatar for martin5211

Hello everybody, I worked long hours this evening trying to unthread the whole thing and still not working... I don't know why. The page display the results using normal code in JSP (no jstl tags). When using jstl tags the page results in blank screen, no posts. Here is the …

Member Avatar for martin5211
Member Avatar for rss2363

I'm trying to write out animals from a database. All the samples I see for creating View pages have hard-coded "nodes" in the URLs, but since I'm reading my data from a database, I don't know all the "nodes". I can get my first view to work but my second …

Member Avatar for Virangya

I am trying to upload a file into the server.. but its not working. im coding in mvc and this is the view file which contains the form data. <form id="frm" name="frm" method="get" enctype="multipart/form-data" action=""> <input type="file" name="file" /><input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="2000000"/><input type="submit" name="upload" value="upload" /> </form> this is the …

Member Avatar for shubhamjain1
Member Avatar for vishantpoeran

Hi everyone, I searched a while on the internet how to work with mvc for a school project. I found a really great tutorial on this site. ([URL="http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread141776.html"]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread141776.html[/URL]) This tutorial has everything that i needed. In this tutorial the connection of the database is made by setting paramaters in de …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for madmax007

Hi, I want to develop a an application based on independent "CustomModule" that all derived from a base class "BaseModule" and that can send different kind of "CustomEvent" (derived from a "BaseModule" class) to each other. Each Module just knows that it is connected to others "BaseModule" (i.e. it does …

Member Avatar for madmax007
Member Avatar for Virangya

Hello.. I'm an university student and I'm developing an ecommerce system using OOPHP in MVC architecture. I find it difficult to find related articles regarding PHP in MVC. Can some one please provide me with any example or a link which would give me an idea about how i can …

Member Avatar for vitana
Member Avatar for nccsbim071

hi, i have a website where i provicde a link. On clicking the link a controller action method is called to generate a zip file after creation of zip file is done, i show the link to download the zip file by replacing the link to create a zip with …

Member Avatar for nccsbim071
Member Avatar for lifeworks

Hi I spent the morning hacking together the basic components of my own MVC framework, which currently only parses a url, loads the class and calls the right method... Because I obviously dont want someone to be able to access the 'add/remove' methods associated with future classes, i need to …

Member Avatar for lifeworks
Member Avatar for nccsbim071

Hi everybody I am developing an application in asp.net mvc where i need to have Chat application intergrated in the web page. The chat application should be able to support group chat, private chat, simple file transfer and user should be able to create their own rooms. Can u people …

Member Avatar for nccsbim071
Member Avatar for TheRekz

I am asked to add a madd(multiply and add) instruction to the standard single cycle datapath. I am quite confused on how to achieve this... any idea? Below is the description.. Description: The 32-bit word value in GPR rs is multiplied by the 32-bit word value in GPR rt, treating …

Member Avatar for feoperro

Hi, I know there is an XML/Xpath topic already, but how about a SOA topic? Users can then post questions on Oracle SOA, Netbeans SOA, etc... Thanks, -Ashton.

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for peter_budo

After spending some time on JSP section of this forum as many before me, I come to the conclusion that we are in need of "proper" tutorial on this topic. This tutorial is not intended to teach you everything from top to bottom, it is just a starting point to …


The End.