206 Topics

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Member Avatar for gaasha

I'm new to MVC4 programming. I want to populate a **DropDownList** from a table's field but don't know how to, although I searched for relevant material from Internet but couldn't get some workable info. There are 2 tables **Software** and **Category** (showing the type of S/w e.g. Anti-Virus or Graphics …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for AARTI SHRIVAS

i am googling for mvc in php but not get proper result is there any good website from where i can learn mvc for php and, is any other framework needed for this mvc i am currently using bitnamiwamp apche server for php what framework is used for mvc can …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for 03hasnam

public class EventView extends javax.swing.JFrame { Connection conn = JavaConnect.ConnectDB(); PreparedStatement pst = null; ResultSet rs = null; private EventModel model; /** Constructor */ public EventView(EventModel model) { initComponents(); this.model = model; updateEventTable(); } public void addEventListener(ActionListener al) { addEventButton.addActionListener(al); } /* public void clearListener(ActionListener cl) { clearEventButton.addActionListener(cl); }*/ public …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for unikorndesigns

Please analyze the following code. This is being used in CodeIgniter framework... $results["rows"]=$this->Category_model->getAll(); $i=0; while($i<count($results["rows"])) { //$parentids[]=$results["rows"][$i]->cat_id; $disparray[]=array( "cat_id" => $results["rows"][$i]->cat_id, "cat_name" => $this->Category_model->fetchcatinfo($results["rows"][$i]->cat_id, "cat_name"), "cat_parent_id" => $this->Category_model->fetchcatinfo($results["rows"][$i]->cat_id, "cat_parent_id"), "cat_desc" => $this->Category_model->fetchcatinfo($results["rows"][$i]->cat_id, "cat_desc"), "cat_num_posts" => $this->Category_model->fetchnumposts($results["rows"][$i]->cat_id), "cat_parent_id_name"=>$this->Category_model->fetchcatinfo($this->Category_model->fetchcatinfo($results["rows"][$i]->cat_id, "cat_parent_id"), "cat_name") ); $array=explode(",",$this->Category_model->fetchallkids($results["rows"][$i]->cat_id,0)); foreach($array as $item) { if(strlen($item)>0) { $spacecount=substr_count($item,"&nbsp;"); $id=str_replace("&nbsp;","",$item); $spaces=array(); …

Member Avatar for unikorndesigns
Member Avatar for HunainHafeez

what is the difference between class diagram and ERD ? i have to present my project , which i developed in asp.net 3.5 and sqlserver 2008, so my Supervisor told me to present diagrams, architetures etc of my project ? so guide me about it, please ?

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for eoop.org

Hi, I want to develop a CMS that I can use when I make websites. Want to simultaneously post it online so that people can download it and develop plugins and themes for this. Would like to have it as user friendly as other CMS such as Wordpress, Joomla, Dupal …

Member Avatar for eoop.org
Member Avatar for don.davis.773

so I have written a acript that logs into google calendar and pulls the next weeks events and stores them in variables. I am stuck at how to get these variables and put them into a html page does anyone have any ideas? I am running the script once a …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for Delusional

Hello can anyone help me with the following problem? Here goes... I have the following in my js file: $(function () { $('a.modalDlg2').live("click", function (event) { loadDialog(this, event, '#User Details'); }); }); /* end document.ready() */ function loadDialog(tag, event, target) { event.preventDefault(); var $loading = $('<img src="../../Content/assets/images/nivo-loader.gif" alt="loading" class="ui-loading-icon">'); var …

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for Delusional

Hello, I'm trying to pass a List object from view to controller. The program works by pressing the link "Add new line", this adds a new row to my web page, with a input box and i would like for that input box content, on submission, to be passed to …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for anisha.silva

Hi, i am not sure whether this topic would go under this category, thought this would be more suitable what are the famous software architectures? i have to do an research on this an present, I am new to this topic appreciate a reply thanks

Member Avatar for <M/>
Member Avatar for c1c2c3c4c

im trying to figure out why we are using binary computers insted of ternary. from what i can tell the only valid argument is the cost of storage. basicly for those of you who dont know that a ternary computer is, its a computer that uses three positions of the …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for anisha.silva

Hi can someone point me to a C# project for a tracking system. which is implemnted in C#. my question is it has 2 processors and four track manager system can someone give me an tutorial to get started. appreciate it thanks

Member Avatar for extjac

What's your recommendation for PHP MVC frameworks?? i tested Codeigniter and it seem easy to use.... I am not a full time developer, but I do have some customers with backends, etc…My intention is to migrate some of old php code to PDO but I am now wondering if I …

Member Avatar for jkon
Member Avatar for Raakesh399
Member Avatar for reibi

Hello everyone, I am trying to create dynamic dropdown of category and when a particular category is selected then it should show sub-category automatically from the database. I have used this using javascript in OOP PHP but having difficulty while using it with codeignitor. So please anyone, help me with …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for php_noob

Are there working examples regarding MVC. Unfortunately, the one in their website is not working. http://www.asp.net/mvc

Member Avatar for nakor77
Member Avatar for arcticM

I was looking at using the Ext JS 4.1 (http://www.sencha.com/products/extjs/) , it promisses to enable developers to use the model-view-controller (MVC) architecture when building their app. can someone give me an example of how I can use the Ext JS 4 with MVC? if I wanted to create a form …

Member Avatar for arcticM
Member Avatar for vaironl

I'm trying to learn exactly what is MVC or MVC patterns in code. I have done some research to a point where I believe I understand the meaning and use of this idea... But I do not entirely understand the concept. Is MVC( Model View Controller) pretty much, trying to …

Member Avatar for Dean_williams
Member Avatar for Jesi523

I am having some trouble. I have a Telerik editor where I display I file that is housed in my application. I need to save the changes back to the file. But some things also get saved to back to the database. My save button currently does save back to …

Member Avatar for androtheos
Member Avatar for sagngh8

Hi All, I should be able to create a default directory inside project's root directory when the application_start method(inside global.asax)is called for my asp.net web application. As IIS users dont have full rights to webroot directory(for directory create) i get access denied error message while trying to create the directory.Also …

Member Avatar for singularity~

I have been trying to get my MVC C# code to connect to my sharepoint server. I have tried everything and I keep getting this error no matter what I try. The Web application at http://myserver/ could not be found. Verify that you have typed the URL correctly. If the …

Member Avatar for singularity~
Member Avatar for prem2

Dear all, I am new to mvc architecture Programming concepts.I have doubt that why peoples are using MVC Architecture?.What are the core benefits of using this architecture. Thank you, Regards, prem2

Member Avatar for baig772
Member Avatar for emilio

I'm having doubts about a need to use a singleton pattern in a web service. I'm building a web service that is acting as a server side for multiple clients. I was thinking about making my business logic classes a singleton classes but i'm having doubts because of the following …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for sagngh8

Does the Application_Start in global.asax called when the new published code is kept in IIS web root for the project, Thanks S.

Member Avatar for Jesi523

I am trying to write an MVC application. I am rather new to MVC and I am taking the project over from someone else whom started writing it. This is what I am trying to do. I have some html documents that are located within my application. When a user …

Member Avatar for knowill

Help realize mvc architecture, please. I need site simple on mvc architecture. Here http://www.phpro.org/tutorials/Model-View-Controller-MVC.html#5 is example. i don't understand his. i don't understand how realize site.

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for germainelol

Hello, I am rather new to this so bare with me! I am currenlty creating a BlackJack game in Java and attempting to use the MVC design when creating it. I have so far created the following classes: - Card: To hold create a card - Deck: To create a …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for al41007

Hey! for a school project, came to me the following question: the libopenmetaverse is more directed to any of the components of the MVC (model, view, controller) or apply to any of them? someone can help me with this? thanks

Member Avatar for al41007
Member Avatar for al41007

Hey! As part of a work came to me the following question: the libopenmetaverse is more directed to any of the components of the MVC (model, view, controller) or apply to any of them? someone can help me with this? thanks

Member Avatar for sagar2dumbre

Hello i am developing a web app...i am using MVC architecture in my design. i have one form add_Flat.jsp in which admin enter the flat details and it will be stored in database (MS-Access) no other jsp page would be open on submit button.just a message displayed on add_Flat.jsp. How …

Member Avatar for jbennet

The End.