207 Topics
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Hello All, I have searched every forum and google etc but nothing directed me in right path. Requirement: I am using a COM object which can be initialized only once. But, when I try with webapi the first run goes fine and the rest fails as the COM object does … | |
I want to show record of one row in multiple rows of webgrid. How can i achieve this. View @grid.GetHtml( tableStyle: "grid", headerStyle: "head", alternatingRowStyle: "alt", columns: grid.Columns( grid.Column("vehicleType","Type"), grid.Column("make", " Make"), grid.Column("modelType", "Model"), grid.Column("color", "Color"), grid.Column("registartion", "Registartion"), grid.Column( header: "Action", format: @<text> <a href="DeleteVehicle#" id="deleteLink" onclick="DeleteVehicle">Delete</a></text>) ) ) instead … | |
I have Book of ASP.net 4.0 2010 by kogent learning solution ........... this Book is very large to study ... i just want to know to learn important section of book.. because i have 1 to 2 month to apply for job .... this book is very big i think … | |
It is commanly said that java is architectural neutral what is the basic concept of this.I want brief answer on it and some examples of this. | |
Microsoft ASP.NET MVC is arguably one of the most flexible frameworks for building modern web applications. One of the things that I've noticed over the last couple of years is that with many AJAX applications using Restful web service, many MVC controllers are now almost redundant. Using the default MVC … | |
I am considering learning some server side stuff with java, however I am getting mixed views and opinions when searching. I read a benchmark that claims java has superior performance than most alternatives, and I was considering taking a look at grizzly or spring, but I really don't know too … | |
[HttpPost] [AllowAnonymous] [ValidateAntiForgeryToken] public ActionResult Login(LoginModel model, string returnUrl) if (ModelState.IsValid && WebSecurity.Login(model.UserName, model.PasswordpersistCookie: model.RememberMe)) { return RedirectToLocal(returnUrl); } ModelState.AddModelError("", "The user name or password provided is incorrect."); return View(model); } Can I get to know a good source for unit testing this. I am new to unit testing. | |
**Part One**: Learning the Basic Patterns **Disclaimer**: please pardon my spellogrammatico errors. I am not really a rough draft person. I type and write codes the split seconds as they crossed my mind, otherwise I will get extremely lazy and then will eventually hibernate like a tardigrade. I hope I … | |
i am picking list of names from database, according to scenario each name exists many times in database, That's ok. Now i have filled a DROPDOWNLIST with those names but in drop down list each name appears several times but i want to display each name 1 time in DROPDOWN. … | |
hi there while I was developing asp.net mvc application for ma company which has a log in page https://ella.abeycld.com/Management/Tab#Lead/Detail/20356 when I copy and past the above login page on Firefox and google chrome browsers it automatically redirect and take me to http://localhost:10099/Login/Login?ReturnUrl=%2fManagement%2fTab#Lead/Detail/20356 but while I use safari browser and past … | |
So here is the thing its been days since im trying to solve this, i'm debuggin a project from the company i work, its a web system, and here is the thing i have a javascript file which im going to call 'docart.js' and a core file which i will … | |
i am told t use old traditional way of SQL in MVC so created login register page but now problem is that i can't return data to VIEW from dataset. Model public ConnectionStatus Login_db(String email, String pwd, String conStr) { String hashedpwd_login = FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(pwd, "SHA1"); using (SqlConnection sqlCon = new … | |
Hi there, ho can i check in MVC if the users of my website are coming from my domain .it , .fr or .co.uk etc? Thanks | |
Hi, i created a Menu controller and inside my views folder i create a page Menu.cshtml with the list of my menus and submenus, now, i would love to show this page in my _Layout.cshtml, this is the code : @model IEnumerable<Menu3.Models.Menu> <!-- If the Model isn't null --> @if … | |
i can view anybody record and then can edit it if i click edit button below record, after clicking it takes you to another page whihc shows textboxes and dropdown, checkboxes to edit and all textboxes contains values for that EmpID but problem is that i want pre selected value … | |
i would like to know which is better to program with asp.net or mvc? what are the differences between the two? | |
Hi, i was wondering how is working with MVC to put my website on the webserver!! I mean, my fear is about the database... if i make some change on my code and i wnat to put the project on the server, will i lose my data on the database … | |
Hi, i did create the following class in my Models folder and i create the Styles controller, everuthing is fine... but muy problem is the following. When i clicK on the link style i got my list of styles and when i click in one style i got the idin … | |
Hi there, i'm looking for the easiest image slider banner for my homepage, any suggest? Thanks!! | |
I am learning MVC and i would love to do my web site with different languages... if the site come from my domain mysite.fr i wanna show french, if comes from mysite.it i wanna show italian.. etc etc So, i did all what the e tutorial asked me to do … | |
O would like to understand how to manage my website with Multilingual option for exapmple if the user is cominf form the domain .fr or .it or co.uk ect... how can i do this??? Thanks a lot for your help | |
Hi, i woul like to get the following routing example in MVC : mysite . com /NAME/NAMECATEGORY/ID i have a list of items in name and each item has a category... when i choose and item i would like to show the category as well and not only the id … | |
Hi, how can i apply a simple text editor to my textbox "SUBTITLE" and a full text editor to my textbox "BODY" in MVC? Thanks | |
HI, ho can i do a select list from my table with MVC? Example database = mydatabase table = styles ID NOM show my select <selct name=aaaaa> <option value=ID>NOM</option> Thanks | |
Hi there, i just copy the css of the YETY layout and everything works fine but i have a proble to apply the dropdown menu on my MVC link.... i have the following link : @Html.ActionLink("Collection Hair", "Index", "Styles", null, new { @class = "navbar-brand" }) and i would love … | |
Hi, i am looking for a full tutorial for MVC4!!! I need a complete tutorial where i can manage user registration and one list of articles with relative reviews!! Can anybody help me with this??? If you can tell me some links where i can find something like this (because … | |
What would be the best approach to have multiple Admins create its own users in asp.net mvc? Using Role? Thanks | |
i am calling store procedure from MVC, which returns single record only. SP contains: PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetMonthlyReport] @emplID INT = NULL, @month VARCHAR(50) = NULL AS BEGIN IF (@emplID IS NOT NULL AND @month IS NOT NULL) --If Block begins BEGIN SELECT * FROM MonthlyRecord WHERE Month = @month AND EmplID … | |
getting this error: > The best overloaded method match for 'System.Web.Helpers.WebGrid.WebGrid(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<object>, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string>, string, int, bool, bool, string, string, string, string, string, string, string)' has some invalid arguments i am trying this code public ActionResult Generated_PaySlip(int? emplID, String month) { var PaySlip = DataContext.GetMonthlyReport(emplID, month).SingleOrDefault(); return View(PaySlip); } VIEW: @using EmployeeAttendance_app.Models … | |
Hi all! I am sorry if im asking same thing for the nth time but i can not find the answer to my question... I have problem adding partial views... I have One-to-Many relation in the database tables. My Model is: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; public partial class Job { … |
The End.