207 Topics
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i am receiving Emplid in this action, public ActionResult showDDL(int? EmplID = null) { ViewBag.EmplID = EmplID; if (EmplID == null) { IEnumerable<GetAtdRecord_SpResult> EmployeeAtd_2 = DataContext.GetAtdRecord_Sp(0).ToList(); return View(EmployeeAtd_2); } else if (EmplID != null) { IEnumerable<GetAtdRecord_SpResult> EmployeeAtd_2 = DataContext.GetAtdRecord_Sp(EmplID).ToList(); return View(EmployeeAtd_2); } return View(); } View: @{ var grid = … | |
Hi there, Once i done my project whit MVC how should i make it working on line? I mean, i would love to put on line via FTP but the project seems too big for this... which filese shoult i upload? and how?? Thanks | |
In if else structure when null arguments are passed to two string variables then it always hit the condition when i have set Var1 != "" && Var2 != "" why ? since nulls are passed to both then why it hits this condition ? code: public ActionResult ShowCalTextBox(String DateFrom, … | |
Hi Guys, I am planning to create one application that has 3 different Layers (clients) and each Layer has a same copy of an application and multiple users. any suggestions? Example : Application Client1 (has copy1 of application)(has n users) client2 (has copy2 of application)(has n users) client3 (has copy3 … | |
Hi there, i need hel whit this one : i'm learning how to develop MVC but evry time that i wand to create a data base whit visual studio express 2013 i get the classic connection to DefaultConnection : Data Source=(LocalDb)\v11.0;AttachDbFilename=C:\FRANCESCO\Project\OdeToFood\OdeToFood\OdeToFood\App_Data\OdeToFoodDb.mdf;Initial Catalog=OdeToFoodDb;Integrated Security=True Ho can i set as a connection … | |
Hi there, I'm looking for a free layout to use with MVC visual express 2013 thanks | |
How many ways are there to assign roles to users in MVC? | |
Greetings all. In my MVC app I am trying to iterate through 2 collections, which are similar to a jagged array (a collection of modules, each containing a collection of components). Module and Component each have an Index attribute where the sort order is specified through an admin tool. The … | |
i am bit confused by the nature and working of query , I tried to access database which contains each name more than once having same EMPid so when i accessed it in my DROP DOWN LIST then same repetition was in there too so i tried to remove repetition … | |
Hi all, I'm having problem with building up cascading dropdown. I found tutorial on the net which were using 'Int' data. But my data to pass from database are of 'String'. How to change it? Tutorial link: http://20fingers2brains.blogspot.sg/2013/04/cascading-dropdowns-in-aspnet-mvc3.html I only requires help on certain area only. Please see code below … | |
My error msg: <td>@Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.listVendor_Id, Model.listVendor_Id) CS1061: 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<PWIMS.ViewModel.POViewModel>' does not contain a definition for 'listVendor_Id' and no extension method 'listVendor_Id' accepting a first argument of type 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<PWIMS.ViewModel.POViewModel>' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) The listVendor_Id after "Model." wasa underline in red. How … | |
am confident this has been asked before, but I am preparing to reorganize my existing application in the structure referenced here: http://lostechies.com/jimmybogard/2009/12/09/organizing-asp-net-mvc-solutions/ and was wondering what kind of "gotcha"s I need to avoid. The app is growing beyond my early expectations due to new business requirements. It looks like I … | |
for example: current url : localhost/website becoming : localhost/website/product without refreshing. Thanks in advance | |
Hi I have a partial view, where my partial view will be called from Menu. When i call it, do server send only the partial view, or send all view (header, menus, footer)? | |
Hi there, this is the code of my contactcontroller.cs : using ContactMvc.Models; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.Mvc; namespace ContactMvc.Controllers { public class ContactController : Controller { // // GET: /Contact/ [HttpGet] public ActionResult Index() { return View(new ContactMessage()); } [HttpPost] [ValidateAntiForgeryToken] public ActionResult Index(ContactMessage post) … | |
Hi there, in am new with Webmatrix and Visual studio 2013 and i would like to create the following : (for all user of the website) 1) a classic form contact in asp.net razor : email name subject message If is possible this message wil send an aoutomatic mail to … | |
Hey Daniweb! What's a good site, or maybe someone could write up a quick-and-dirty example of a desktop app showing how to use the Model View Controller pattern? I'm no slouch at google-fu and found this lovely example through Wikipedia: http://www.songho.ca/opengl/gl_mvc.html which I'll look at after class tonight. I'd still … | |
Hy I want to understand what is a better approach on problem solving point of view for a php project , a framework or the mvc pattern? I would like to add that I know that both principels are quite the same but with a minor diffrence that a framework … | |
I have to consume webservice that have a method like this: SubmitUser(UserReg user, HttpPostedFileBase image) { // webservice side processing` } UserReg is a custom class on webservice side that have several properties like username,id,latitude,longitude etc.. I have to submit my data through this method and save webservice response after … | |
I have been trying to get a single model, with multiple partail views that use that model to sumbit the form correctly. @Html.Partial("_EmployerDetails", Model) <br /> @Html.Partial("_OutcomeControl", Model) When I submit the form only the firt PatailView model is posted. The second partailview values is null. I need to modulize … ![]() | |
I have some questions regarding design pattern (DP) usage, in particular for Java developers. i) Which DPs have you used, as far as you can remember, and how often? ii) How much have they helped your development work? iii) If you work in a project group, are there group standards … | |
Hi, I have a form that has two controls; a textarea and an upload, one of which is hidden depending upon the selection of a dropdown. What I'm trying to do is alter the action of the form depending on which control is hidden. so if the textarea is visible … | |
I am trying to combine the data from two repositories in MVC4. I am using a join statement in my Action function to gather information from two tables. I am passing this this data onto my view. I am a little confused to how to correctly combine the data from … | |
MVC Design Question Hello, I would like to move an web application to MVC Laravel 4 (not sure yet). The challenge is that the application is used by many customers and each customer have its own website/front-end but they all use the same backend/admin. The strucutre is something like this... … | |
Is it possible to create directory with permission(domain users the IIS user account)while deploying the asp.net mvc application.I need to be able to create directory for image upload with appropriate permissions(only domain users should be able to modify it) while deploying the web applications. Is this possible? Thanks, S. ![]() | |
When I click the login button I never get any values posted to the server. I accept a AuthViewModel but it is always null. I have tried using @html.EditorFor but have not had any luck with it. **User Controller** [HttpGet] public ActionResult Password() { UserModel user = (UserModel)Session[Constants.SessionVars.Authenticate]; //error - … | |
I have jQuery, jQuery Mobile and jQuery-UI included in my MVC4 project. I am having a problem where the jQuery-UI script only loads if the page is refreshed, otherwise the jQuery-UI will not load initially. I have tried moving the include script to the bottom of the page instead of … ![]() | |
I always getting this error in my dropdownlistfor: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: items View code: @Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.SiteId, new SelectList(ViewBag.ListSiteClass, "SiteId", "SiteName"), "", new { @onchange = "GetSiteid(this.value);" }) Controller Code: [HttpPost] public ActionResult Create(ServiceDTO ms, FormCollection form) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { int sid = ms.SiteId; ServiceDAO.Insert(sid); } … | |
Can anyone help me. My code is not working this is cascading drop down list. It's connected to my database. Jquery Code: <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function () { $("#SiteId").change(function () { var idDept = $(this).val(); $.getJSON("Service/GetBuildingNameList", { id: idDept }, function (myData) { var select = $("#BuildingID"); select.empty(); $.each(myData, function (index, … ![]() | |
Hi, In my website i have implemented custom session values. In which, on log on i set the session value to some object. This object is used to extract user specific data from db. now the problem is If user logs in with : test1.somesite.com and logs off and again … |
The End.