2,218 Topics

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Member Avatar for f1br3opt1c

Hi there i have a computer that im trying to format and re-install Windows XP professional but when i boot up the disk and press enter to install WinXp it says hard disk not found press F3 to quit. Can anyone help me?

Member Avatar for Bootsystem
Member Avatar for Phil Lock

My Acer Travelmate laptop will partially power-up (power light illuminates but no monitor or external monitor display) but will not boot. I am within the warranty period so I plan on mailing my laptop back to Acer to repair. BUT, before I do so I would like to remove all …

Member Avatar for dhaus56078

I recently purchased an 150GB Sumsung SATA HD because my current 60GB IDE Maxtor drive is nearly full and quite old. I hooked everything the SATA HD up and started my system. It was still running of my old HD so I went to Computer Manager etc and formatted the …

Member Avatar for devil_87

[quote=fry;231535]it looks like that you have a SATA drive, and window doesn't recognize some of sata controllers, you need to install sata drivers befor installing windows. while the drivers initialization, you are offered to press F6 and install SCSI of SATA drivers. you just press F6 insert floppy disk(it must …

Member Avatar for devil_87
Member Avatar for andyshmandy

Hi, I'm having problems with my sata hard drive after reformatting. After i reformat and install my OS (windows xp) it says that my sata drive must be reformatted. However, I can't do this because I have a lot of data stored in it. This has happend twice already and …

Member Avatar for goldeagle2005
Member Avatar for f1br3opt1c

Hi i just bought a new hard drive mother board and processor. Its running a Intel 865GV MSI but it did not come with a sata driver. When i called the guy he said Intel MSI doesn't need 1.But i cant seem to install windows on the new pc. Where …

Member Avatar for blackjack68
Member Avatar for dodge_viper

I have an internal hdd capacity 160GB Seagate Yesterday I partitioned it using partition magic 20GB C: 30 GB F: like that But letters d: & e: are missing but when I renamed F: to D: , it shows Local Disk (D)(F) Do u know how to rename from Local …

Member Avatar for fry
Member Avatar for jack88John

Part 1. I have a 100 GB Western Digital Caviar EIDE Drive that has and extended partition with 10 logical volumes (D through M). The L partition has a permanent error. Reformatting that volume only, does not help. I want to find good cheap software that will allow me to …

Member Avatar for TinglyCourier

[B][COLOR=darkgreen]I have an old Fujitsu MPD3084AT 8.5Gb hd that I had planned on either putting in the kids computer as a slave, or loading Windows on and keeping as a backup in case they crash their 40 Gb WD again. The problem is, when I install it in either of …

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Member Avatar for Rycorlin

My older computer just went down, it wont turn on at all. Its running WinXP. So I took out the harddrive and put it into my new computer and it turned out fine except for the fact that I cannot access any of my information that was under my admin …

Member Avatar for TinglyCourier
Member Avatar for The Geeky Kid

It'll read a couple, like Roller Coaster Tycoon, or The Sims, but if I try to make custom made ones, it'll be like "No Disc Found" or sometimes it'll find it, but when I try to burn it'll get an error right at the end, and the disc is now …

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Member Avatar for keeran

Hi I am having problems running chkdsk. Whenever i open up the command console and type in chkdsk /f it comes up with the message "cannot lock current drive chkdsk can't run because the volume is in use by another process. Would u liek to run chkdsk when u restart …

Member Avatar for TinglyCourier
Member Avatar for adam06

Hi I have got a seagate 80gb hard drive but because i have such an old bios my computer could only see it as 33gb. I recived the computer from my uncle he set it up with the a dynamic drive overlay by using the seagate disc wizard. when i …

Member Avatar for fry
Member Avatar for ingeborgdot@yah

What is a 3.5" enclosure that is supposed to be a very good one. I want to make another external hdd for my friend because he is going to store and transfer videos for football films to watch and move around from computer to computer. I have used 2.5 enclosures …

Member Avatar for pistolsnipe16
Member Avatar for Cyrus_DB

Under what circumstances does a hard disk crash?How can we prevent it?

Member Avatar for digitalocksmith
Member Avatar for dlrarjr

I have a sony DW RW-G120A drive that only recognises DVD+R formats but not DVD-R is there something I can do so my drive recognises both formats. Also I have an intermitent problem where I insert a disk into my D drive and it won't read any disk at all, …

Member Avatar for digitalocksmith
Member Avatar for biin_18

hi there, i have recently got my computer a new hard drive, because my old one got damagaed and unfortunately didnt work. i have 2 local disk (C and I) but 1 hard drive i think. it was originally drive C, but due to some partition problems (computer technician said) …

Member Avatar for biin_18
Member Avatar for Johntron

I can't seem to figure out how to install my new hard drive onto my computer. It's a Seagate 320 GB 7200 RPM. Are there any good tutorials I could use to figure it out? I've tried looking but haven't really found one to suit my needs.

Member Avatar for digitalocksmith
Member Avatar for Musasi

HI, I had a hard drive that was used just for storage and now i would like to install windows in it becuase my old HD died. If i installed windows on my hard drive that was used for storage, would all teh files in that hard drive be deleted …

Member Avatar for fry
Member Avatar for mtl718

I bought an I/O Magic USB 2.0 Enclosure for 3.5" Hard Drive to use with my new HP running Windows XP Pro. My old W2000 machine died last week and it was time for a proper burial. The old machine was IDE and the new is S-ATA. This enclosure worked …

Member Avatar for mtl718
Member Avatar for maui_mallard

My Moms Computer is old, but it has been upgraded a couple times already.....and the hard drive needs to be upgraded soon as you can see below. So what i have is a Windows XP Home Edition Service Pack 2 PC, with a 8.06 GB Hardrive, with a ASUS motherboard. …

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Member Avatar for Doom989

Not shure if this is the correct place for this but here it goes. I got my son a CD-RW, but recently its not been working, when ejected the tray hardly comes out, ive opend it up and what i think, is that when ejected the part with the laser …

Member Avatar for Doom989
Member Avatar for ramrover

I just installed a new Asus Premium SLI motherboard.... I have been having the usual problems, but just when I thought I had it figured out and I was installing my programs, the computer decided not to recognize my DVD or CD drives. I have four dvd drives. two of …

Member Avatar for goldeagle2005
Member Avatar for sphinx

Hi there all. have this problem with a hdd password. its like this.I got this error 163 and 161 on my ibm laptop which says its a bad cmos. I changed its been asking for a password.its not a bios password cos i put the hdd into another laptop and …

Member Avatar for jo2995
Member Avatar for awaisnaveed

hello. my friends hard disk drive is not accessable after it full to some extend, can u help me. thanks

Member Avatar for sennetor
Member Avatar for debackej

[QUOTE=rcrevolution]can you run ata/133 and sata/150 at the same time in one system? the sata as a primary and the ata/133 as the secondary? I have a 200Gb sata HDD, but my life is so busy now with christmas coming up and all i cant install it[/QUOTE] Need Assistance! I …

Member Avatar for knsljo
Member Avatar for redblanchard

I have a secondary computer that refuses to recognize a slave drive on the primary IDE channel. I have changed the cable, and also tried different drives, jumpered Cable Select or slave. But the bios does not see that slave, although the master is OK in all cases. I also …

Member Avatar for DMR
Member Avatar for Brazen

Can you use SATA CD and Hard drives along side IDE CD and Hard drives??

Member Avatar for Brazen
Member Avatar for pzschrek

Greetings! I can't get my CD drive to work. Perhaps after reading the issue someone could either help me out or point me in the direction of a previous post answering the question. When I put a CD in the drive, the system tries to read it but fails, and …

Member Avatar for jo2995
Member Avatar for sleepygamer

Okay, a few months ago, my dad's friend built him a PC cheap, and everything was fast and tickedy boo until now... BOTH the drives keep their names and letters, but have the words "CD Drive" just underneath on the left. They won't play or write DVD's anymore, and blank …

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The End.