5,213 Topics

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Member Avatar for Chris_44

Hi guys! I've always been able to find answers on this website so I've never had to make an account. So a few months ago I was playing starbound and it froze. I had to shut it down from the power supply. When I turned it back on all the …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Bernard_5

Hey all, I have a problem with my Dell Latitude laptop. The laptop is 3 years old, and worked fine 2 days ago. Yesterday when I went to turn it on, the power, battery, and CPU light would all blink on, and the CD light would blink, along with a …

Member Avatar for close2study
Member Avatar for orphanarium

I've looked through older posts and my story is pretty similar. I was just using my laptop last night. I closed the laptop. This morning, when I tried to turn it on, it wouldn't turn on. The power button wouldn't even light up. I noticed that that the laptop feels …

Member Avatar for Stephen_24
Member Avatar for Dylan_13

After recently reciving a used Gateway GT5622 from my grandfather, opened it to see what ram and GPU it was running. About 3 weeks after this, i decided to boot it up and possibly use it for bitcoin mining. I attached the cables for the power supply, keyboard, mouse, monitor, …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Bluethealpha

Hello, I have had this PC I built myself for almost a year now (probably a little more than a year, I lost count. Lol). LITERALLY this morning I was on it messing around with a friend, then just a moment ago I tried installing a some case LED lights. …

Member Avatar for bobbyraw
Member Avatar for Dalla_1

Hello everyone, I have a Sony lv-240J and I it turns on all the fans spin but then there is no beep, no boot, no display or anything. After a couple of minutes it just turns off. I connected a display to it and nothing. I tried to use it …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Ryan_18

Hi I know this may have been posted on here before, and if it has I am sorry! Anyway, have discovered this evening that my laptop has started suddenly shutting down. The first time it happened I was browsing the web and it had been on for 40-45 mins when …

Member Avatar for hasan_6
Member Avatar for dwiniers

Hello guys! Need your hardware expertise. How to disabled the windows setup [EMS enabled] i cannot continue formatting because of this booitng option. thanks in advance! br

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Amr_3

Greetings, I got a Notbook from a friend to fix it, strictly speaking, installing a fresh copy of operating system. The Netbook brand may be not a well-known brand, "ChiliGreen Netbook" model "Neo", the Netbook comes with Windows XP Home edition. First I tried to install Windows 7 X86 on …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for jeffersonalomia

While downloading the latest VB.Net my laptop automatically shutdown and when I tried to turn it on again it didn't boot and stays in black screen; cpu led not blinking but the laptop was still open. I thought it was overheat and when I try to open it the day …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for parrish

So my PC runs fine and boots Everytime but if I touch the top of the tower my monitor says no input until I soft reset it then it boots again no problem. But every time I touch the top it does this again. I know the monitor is good …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Aladin_1

Hi, I accidently reversed polarity on Asus X301. Now the laptop turns on with charger connected and battery inserted, but after several seconds it shuts down by itself, I power it on again and shits down faster, and the third time it won't power on. After some time it can …

Member Avatar for Aladin_1
Member Avatar for Pst_1

Case - DIYPC Gamemax-W White MOBO - MSI Gaming Z97 RAM - CORSAIR Vengeance 16GB (2 x 8GB) CPU - Intel Core i5-4690K Devil's Canyon Quad-Core 3.5 GHz GPU - MSI GAMING GTX 960 4GB Cooling - Extreme performance CPU cooling with built-In Corsair Link™ 240m HDD - WD Black …

Member Avatar for Jacob_8
Member Avatar for Mahmood AlBunni

Hi everybody, A friend has given me, almost 2 years back, a splitted parts for a couple of PCs. Almost 2~3 monitors, 3 PC cases, and some other PC-related components which I'm not aware of. 2 days back, I decided to check them, assemble, to bring them back to life …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Patrick_15

Hi all, As the subject line (plea for help!) says, my brand new Corsair RM550x power supply will not power up when there are any peripherals connected to it. Not even just one! However, when it is connected to just the ATX and CPU on the motherboard, I get a …

Member Avatar for ssa-ed
Member Avatar for slash49er

I have a strange problem where my computer seems to randomly shuts down. It only happens when i am streaming videos. The screen shuts down like the computer is going to sleep but the only way to get it to turn back on is by holding the power button til …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Prabhanjan95

Hey guys.... M new to this forum... I have a compaq presario c700 notebook which is quite old..... when i press the power button the led lights turns on..i can here the fans spinning sometimes after 4-5 seconds the system turns off....and i switch it on again...the display remains black …

Member Avatar for Suraj_12
Member Avatar for B0716L

My computer currently fits a NVIDIA Geforce GT 720 1GB... but I want to upgrade it... here's the exact one I have(other than the fact that I have 16GB of RAM in it)...[Click Here](http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883230030&cm_re=NVIDIA_Geforce_GT_720_1GB-_-83-230-030-_-Product) What would be some of the best options that would fit in my computer for a …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for bhelpuri

Hello, One day I was surfing on internet and suddenly my sony vaio laptop stopped working. I tried to restart it but nothing happend. There is no sound no light absolutely nothing. I tried different power cord and also tried another battery but nothing happend. Is my motherboard gone? How …

Member Avatar for vmik008
Member Avatar for anndroid

Hi I have an Acer "travelmate 270" . Bought it second hand, was working perfectly, then one day for no apparant reason, when I turned it on, I just got a blank screen. The power lead light is on, and it checks the dvd player, then the fan stops and …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for aladdinsane12

[COLOR="Red"][B]The other night I put my Dell Inspiron 1501 on hibernate (it was plugged into A/C adapter and wall) and went to sleep. When I woke up the next day, I went to use it and it wouldn't turn on. No lights, no fan noise, nothing. The AC adapter is …

Member Avatar for fire.starter_01
Member Avatar for maselguart

Hi Guys, My Monitor has no display when I turn ON my PC, my Video Card,processor fan is spinning, and its all normal. The only problem is my monitor don't show anything it's all black, but my monitor still on. I tested my monitor to the other PC and it's …

Member Avatar for Musthaq_2
Member Avatar for wjay152

Frustrating problem on my dell optiplex . Number lock is set in bios to be on ,but every time I power off and back on the number lock has been overwritten and switched off . This does not happen on a restart but only at power off . I have …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for scottab123

Greetings. I was standing beside my notebook PC when the screen suddenly went blank. I thought it odd that the screen would blank when it was still on, so I attempted to reboot. No luck. The lights come on and it sounds like it accesses some internal components for a …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for ggeoff

**MPT BIOS fault** Hi I Cannot boot my Dell 690. The message I get is: "Unable to load LSI Logic Corp MPT BIOS MPT BIOS fault 03h encountered at adapter PCI (05h, 0Bh, 00h). No boot device available. Stike F1 to retry boot, F2 for setup utility. I get a …

Member Avatar for ggeoff
Member Avatar for faeryharmony

My computer automatically goes into Sleep Mode when turned on or rebooted, even in safe mode. I have tries to get to Command Promt for CHKDSK but still get thrown into Sleep Mode. Can somebody please help?!!!!

Member Avatar for Siw_1
Member Avatar for Mike.Rigsby

I know, a pretty regularly posted problem online and one I've fixed on computers in the past. The issue this time is I've tried every fix I can find in forums and nothing is working so I figured I'd see if anyone had any tricks I haven't tried. Situation: Attempted …

Member Avatar for Liam_3
Member Avatar for Macneil2003

I have a problem with an older computer (98-99) I turn it on, and it starts to turn on, and then as soon as it starts to load a little bit it turns off, The moniter stays on though. I have Tried putting in the recovery disk but the computer …

Member Avatar for XP78USER
Member Avatar for llamaladymd

Hi, I read the other posts about dead Dell Latitudes, but I haven't found one quite like mine. I was working this morning, then I walked away for a few minutes, my computer was completely locked up. So I powered down. Now when I press the power on button I …

Member Avatar for Vikas_10
Member Avatar for Randomishlying

(I’m pretty desperate to fix this thing, so I’m going to try to be as thorough as possible) Before the problem occurred (this may not be important, but just in case): I took my hard drive out to hook it up as a slave (for storage) to a different computer. …

Member Avatar for Ebenezer majari

The End.