20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for Sneaky Pete

Hello everyone, I've got a question about vb.net and I hope one of you can help. In the program I made, the user has to give some input in different textboxes and have to choose from different listboxes. This wil give an unique combination and create an certain output in …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Sevyt

I got a database with 2 tables. Table 1 is saving personal information Table 2 is saving dates, Time and a number In table 1 there is a date, time, number textbox. Which also is in Table 2. But Table 2 has some other fields which contain other data. Basically …

Member Avatar for Sevyt
Member Avatar for Quinncunx

When my code gets to a loop it always crashes and I am not sure why the system that I have been tasked (as a school project) to build is an Electronic Point of Sale system for a fast food resturanct. I will load the all the menu items and …

Member Avatar for ObSys
Member Avatar for CooRay

I am trying to search a dataset I have populated from several XML files for certain words in each column. The dataset table is "item" and the columns I want searched is "descritption". "description" are several articles from an rss feed. I want to search the articles for sports players …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for Fiziana

Required to write a VBscript to perform simple calculations on the overall rating of item. How to calculate if all responses are 5s, then the overall rating is 100% or if all responses are 1s, the overall rating is 20% only by using VB script. Please make sure that all …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for HBovenkamp

Good day, I'm tasked to develop an application that opens a web page, completes some fields to log on and then issues a crlf to send it on its way. Here's the code Public Sub LoginIntoSite(ByRef wbBrowser As SHDocVw.InternetExplorer) Dim HTMLDoc As mshtml.HTMLDocument Dim HTMLDoc2 As mshtml.HTMLDocument Do Loop Until …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for SarinGas

Hi guys, I'm currently learning VB.Net and I'm wanting to recreate the text based game ZORK however after I was done with the menu I decided I would like to have the menu laid out much like the BIOS with keyboard navigation, hit return to select choice, type your input …

Member Avatar for SarinGas
Member Avatar for echo12

Hi everyone, I have 3 forms: main, AdvancedSearchMenu, and FacilitySearch. When the user clicks the AdvancedSearchMenu button on the main form, a new form appears in the style of a popup. This form contains a few different controls, including a button for FacilitySearch. I want the form to change from …

Member Avatar for AnkitGuru
Member Avatar for AnkitGuru

Hi!! Just started windows phone development. Need to know how to use beginInit() and endInit() functions i'm processing an animation, and want the control to show new page after the animation is over but the control switches before the animation is completed. How should i do that ?? Please let …

Member Avatar for AnkitGuru
Member Avatar for LD Company

Hello programmers! I am making chat software and I want to make users to be able to edit profile (Change password, informations and avatar). Now I need code for getting avatar from user account to picturebox. I want for default avatar to be avatar from user's account (Avatar shown on …

Member Avatar for LD Company
Member Avatar for tinu28

hey, someone pls help me, to generate a report between two dates in the table using crystal viwer ...with oledb(access .mdb)... in my from i have two text boxes and one button. the textboxs are used to get the dates and button to display the report in crystalreportviewer thanks inadvance

Member Avatar for khair.ullah
Member Avatar for pratik65
Member Avatar for pratik65
Member Avatar for tieties

Hi ok so i want to read images from an sql server database..the images are saved in bytes but im struggeling to retrieve them my code for the retrieving this is the code i used to save the image and its working. Dim sql As String = "INSERT INTO item …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for ktsangop

Hello everyone! I am building a mfc dialog based application in visual c++ 6 and using mysql c api to connect to a database. What i need is a simple type of data grid to show mysql query results in a dialog. I do not need to edit, update, save …

Member Avatar for ktsangop
Member Avatar for vbenthu

Hi there Im trying to write up a code where two txt files are being compared to each other. One text files has the answer like "TFTTFFT" and the other txt files has the result including id like "1234 TT-FFT" The crazy part is that for each correct answer, the …

Member Avatar for vbenthu
Member Avatar for Ray124

Hey guys I have a wierd issue that im not sure how to fix. If a users starts timer1 it will open form that has a timer and continue allowing them to choose other options. BUT the sendkeys do not go through until the timer is up and the form …

Member Avatar for TnTinMN
Member Avatar for charles.coogan

Dim num1, num2, sum As Double num1 = txtFirstNum.Text A variable input any number can go here num2 = txtSecondNum.Text A variable input any number can go here sum = num1 + num2 txtoutput.Text = sum My goal is to have the txtoutput show the equation 2 + 2 = …

Member Avatar for charles.coogan
Member Avatar for pratik65

i wanted to know the code for putting values from comboxes into Datagridview but i tried but im getting coversion exception.. Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim conn As New SqlConnection("Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=grade;Integrated Security=True;Pooling=False") Dim cmd As SqlCommand If ComboClass.SelectedItem <> "" Or …

Member Avatar for artemix22
Member Avatar for danielle.rosenfeld.3

Hello everyone, I'm trying to put an image for my memory game which contains many pictures of flags. Hoe do i start the code (It's the first layer) array? what do you think? would like to get your advise. Thanks, Danielle.

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for bprosic

Hi, I have datetimepicker and next to datetimepicker is textbox. When I choose date from datetimepicker, selected date goes into textbox. Works fine. -- txt1.Text = Format(DateTimePicker1.Value, "dd.MM.yyyy") Problem is, when selected date from datetimepicker is shown in txt1, that date doesnt want to be saved into database. Database is …

Member Avatar for bprosic
Member Avatar for Stuugie

Hi all, I'm about to get a little long winded here and I'm sorry for that but I have a couple of issues that I need guidance with. I have assembled a procedure that basically performs a bunch of web browser clicks to query Statistics Canada (SC). The query itself …

Member Avatar for Stuugie
Member Avatar for Stuugie

Hi all, I have the following procedure that connects to my database. Sub getDateModified() Dim fileCreatedDate As DateTime = File.GetCreationTime(strFilePath + "\CPI1.csv") Dim stmt As String SQLConn.ConnectionString = ConnString SQLConn.Open() stmt = "select Table_Numbers From tblRelease_Dates Where (Release_Date Between '" + fileCreatedDate + "' And GETDATE())" SQLCmd.Connection = SQLConn SQLCmd.CommandText …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for NYCRAVEN

I have written a VB reservations program that writes back to a SQL 2008 database. When I write the reservation event back to the data base, I also write the reservation 'end time' back to the database as reservationtime + 4 hours in order to block off the event resource. …

Member Avatar for NYCRAVEN
Member Avatar for Sneaky Pete

Dear all, I hope that you can help me with a vb.net problem. In my program the user chooses multiple options. When a group of options is given, than the program wil check if the user has give the right start and end value. See the code below If Me.cboA.SelectedIndex …

Member Avatar for Sneaky Pete
Member Avatar for dhatsah

Just wondering if there is a way to populate an ImageList from a Resource file. I have looked around on the web, but everything seems to have been from back in 2003/2005. Any advice would be appreciated thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for dhatsah
Member Avatar for hadas.beja

hello everybody, can you do something like this: dim x as integer=1 button_x.visibility=Windows.Visibility.Hidden i have about 24 buttons on my form that i need to change the visibility for. which buttons need to be changes - is a variable i get from database query. so i'll get several rows of …

Member Avatar for hadas.beja
Member Avatar for Jx_Man

This code to save, Edit and delete data in VB.Net using SQLServer as backend. this code is continuance from my previous post "Show Data in DataGrid with VB.Net 2003 and SQLServer 2000". so i didn't write code how to connect SQLServer 2000 with VB.Net 2003 cause this already in there. …

Member Avatar for anuj6928
Member Avatar for savedlema

Hi friends! I have a piece of code that I think should be working just fine, but I wonder why it doesn't work, and I get an "Syntax Error in INSERT statement" error message. Here is the code to affect a table called "Users" in my Access database. Dim cmd …

Member Avatar for savedlema
Member Avatar for foreverangel02

Hi everyone, I have a problem with connecting vb.net to oracle database. At first I used VB.net 2010 express, but is does not support oracle so uninstalled it and replaced it with VB.net 2010 ultimate trial edition. Can you please give me some codes on how to properly connect vb.net …

Member Avatar for Pgmer
Member Avatar for dearjoy

hello, i have a project and im a beginner in this type of programming.. im using sqlcserver 2005 to connect into visual studio 2010.. may i ask what is the correct syntax connection string.. i have my code already but i can not connect because there is an error stating …

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The End.