20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for ahmadangel.143
Member Avatar for kindofsudden

I have read many articles here, but haven't quite found the solution. I have a SQLEXPRESS database that is used by my VB.NET application. I have packaged and deployed the application via an MSI file and everything works great except I cannot figure out how to include my database file …

Member Avatar for kindofsudden
Member Avatar for joshl_1995

Hello Community, I was wondering if there is a way to make a program that will send messages from one computer to the other. **NOT** using LAN connection and **NOT** using winsock. EG. I (at my house) would like to chat with my friend (his at his house). Please help.

Member Avatar for ObSys
Member Avatar for anonymousi

need simple code vb.net code tht uses issue date and return date to calculate fine but doesnt use datetimepicker tool..

Member Avatar for suman.samanta1
Member Avatar for dre-logics

I use MySQL database (innodb) I use Visual Basic 2008 I have a table Employees with two fields EmpNo and Managerno ALTER TABLE Employees ADD PRIMARY KEY (EmpNo CREATE INDEX index_Managerno ON Employees (ManagerNo) How do i now IF Mysql using this index is if i do this: SELECT * …

Member Avatar for Nutster
Member Avatar for ulasoc

would you help me how i can connect a unix server and send a command using .net for example changing chmod of a file? Unfortunately there is no usefull information about this on net. But i want to do this using ftp server(not domain name or ip address)

Member Avatar for Nutster
Member Avatar for joshl_1995

Hello Community, I was wondering if it's possible to attatch a command prompt window to a visual basic form. EG. (Below (i made this as an example)) ![example8](/attachments/small/3/example8.png "align-left") Something like that. Please help.

Member Avatar for joshl_1995
Member Avatar for fRodzet

Greetings, I'm creating a calculator for a game.. However when i use the code below, i get this error message: Conversion from string "" to type 'Double' is not valid. Private Sub DualTimer_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles DualTimer.Tick If BuildCombo.Text = "Main-Hand + Off-Hand" Then APSDPS3.Text …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for lhhippie1

Hello All, First time poster, long time reader and thank you for all the previous help I have recieved from everyone. I am having trouble conneting to my access db. I think I have the bulk if this right, but I am getting an error on the newconnection.open() line. I …

Member Avatar for lhhippie1
Member Avatar for joel.hahn

I am having issues with the syntax for a like statement in VBnet. I am using access as a back end. here is the code. Any help would be appreciated. Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset Dim cn As ADODB.Connection Dim strsql As String strsql = "SELECT Count(TractStatus.txOwnerID) AS CountOftxOwnerID " & …

Member Avatar for joel.hahn
Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam

hello! i am currently working on a simple file make application , this application read data from foxpro .dbf file , i want to get records between two dates , from date and to date , the invoice date field name is fl02 here is my query but this is …

Member Avatar for neeraj.shorey
Member Avatar for HibaPro

i used this code to delete row from datagridview but it dosnt delete the selected row it delete the first row , where is the problem?? Dim sCommand As SqlCommand Dim sAdapter As SqlDataAdapter Dim sBuilder As SqlCommandBuilder Dim sDs As DataSet Dim sTable As DataTable ***** Dim connectionString As …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for johncatman

I would like my vb2010 program to click on a javascript element on this webpage depending upon what they choose, here is the source of the rating system, thanks in advance: <div class="basic-info-rating basic-info-user-rating" style="display:none"> <div class="rating quick-rating"> <p class="average rating-3">3 stars</p> <ol class="user" data-analytics='{"click_id":1865,"events":"event6,event7,event24"}' data-ypid="5550608"> <li class="rating-1"> <a data-analytics='{"rating":1}' …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for franzrivas

Hello i am new to programming using Vb.net and we are required to make a web-based application for our thesis .. Can i make a web-based application using vb.net ? sorry for my english ..

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for markjames2012

Ok i manage to autoselect items on listbox till reach the end of list, but i need it to automatically loop back to the fist selection of indexes when it reach the end list and so on .. i need help on this part newbie here :) if Me.Listboxs1.SelectedIndex + …

Member Avatar for markjames2012
Member Avatar for drftr24

Is there any free sdk where it retrieves the SPD of my ram? I want to integrate it to my program. Thanks and more power.

Member Avatar for tareywolf

I would like to create a system and file watcher which can tell me/my program if another FileWatcher is currently running on my system, where (what is it watching) and the location of the exe for the file watcher is located. Is this possible? I've been researching and trying a …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for LD Company

Hello programmers! My Library Software with DataBase is 99% finished and I have an error. When I click Save or Delete I got error message: **Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table 'Table1' when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF.** I want to know **HOW** to set IDENTITY_INSERT to …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Oneryavuz

i'm tring to make a diary. i need nice background. user could edit text anytime if he/she wants. but i cant do that, because i cant make transparent background on textbox or i cant make editable label. is there any way to do transparent background on textbox? how can i …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
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Member Avatar for ghoshsp

I want to input text in one TextBox and as soon as I finish my input, it should do some background work and show the results on the other TextBox. I do not want to use any 'button', 'enter', 'tab' or any other triggering mechanism. The end of input in …

Member Avatar for saphiro
Member Avatar for Khav

Hi I have a vb.net form connected to an access database using vb.net .All my other button except for the add new button If Valid = True Then CustomerBindingSource.AddNew() Me.TableAdapterManager.UpdateAll(Me.DB_ShopDataSet) End If I want this code to add a new row to the customer table.However the current code modify the …

Member Avatar for Khav
Member Avatar for jonkeeler

Hi, The code below selects all items in a listview control,fine,but I was wondering how I could code to select all but the very last line in the array. [CODE]Private Sub SelectAllToolStripMenuItem1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SelectAllToolStripMenuItem1.Click Dim i As Integer Dim lvItm As ListViewItem Dim …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for bpl1960

I'm having a hell of a time trying to print from an RTF box. I can do it, but for my test file (Lewis Carroll's "Fury said to a mouse..." with each word on a different line), I keep getting the first two pages printed on the same page, completely …

Member Avatar for fRodzet

Greetings, I'm a bit new at Visual Basic 2010, and i have one main problem. I want to creat a Calculator for a game, however i have issues getting it to work. When i select a setting from my main Combobox i want it to add different settings for the …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for iskivgs

Is it possible to store the value of a variable? For example the value of a string variable: [code]strImgFile[/code] containing a file destination, that is saved along with the program, so that the next time the user runs it, the value of the variable [code]strImgFile[/code] is restored.

Member Avatar for Emos
Member Avatar for michaelzip

Is it possible to retrieve a text from a URL or page content by using something like ImageUrl property on the Image Control? Ex in image: <asp:Image runat="server" id="Image1" **ImageUrl="getImage.aspx?id=2"** /> Let's say I have this code on getText.aspx Imports System.Data Imports System.Data.SqlClient Partial Class getText Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Protected Sub …

Member Avatar for michaelzip
Member Avatar for ashishrkala_1

Friends, I am making Consultantwise patient report application using VB.NET 2005/08, SQL Server 2005/08. this application i am making for reporting purpose only. I have taken 2 datetimepicker(from date & to date) and one listbox to select the consultant name on my .net form. but i am confused where i …

Member Avatar for Ncleaver45

I am trying to insert data into a batabase table (Microsoft Access 2010) But i keep getting a problem it sais"Could not find installable ISAM." the table names are all right. any help would be appreciated ![Declering](/attachments/large/3/Declering.png "Declering") ![proper_problem](/attachments/large/3/proper_problem.png "proper_problem")

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for situ.pati

i have vb 2005 express edition. so i dont have crystal report. now i want to print some data from the form to paper. so can anybody help me to print those data

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The End.