20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for marindojoshua

Hi is there anyone who can help me covert Microvolt output of a thermocouple to a temperature "Celcius". i am having a deep burden on analyzing this formula from [url]http://srdata.nist.gov/its90/type_s/scoefficients.html[/url][^] If anyone good in math Can make simple program? lets say choose Type T of thermocouple and a certain range …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for deepakx250

i am using visual basic 2010 and i want to open and save multiple richtextboxes text into one file. for ex richtextbox1.text="Deepak" richtextbox2.text="My Name" but i want to save these informations in one file.

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Member Avatar for poolet25

Ok. I am building a program for a small office and I have a little problem with the code so I thought it's better to post a topic before continiue.. I have search into google and a lot of forums about database connectivity and my problem is simillar to other …

Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam
Member Avatar for powermatt

Been trying to figure out how to do this for a while, but I can't seem to find anything that exactly covers what I'm trying to do. I'm really a novice when it comes to vb .net, so this might be staring me in the face and I wouldn't know …

Member Avatar for powermatt
Member Avatar for dilse4sk

hi every one i have a customer and booking data sets on my form. customer id is a foreign key in booking table .but when i click delete button. it gives me an error The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK_Booking_Customer". The conflict occurred in database "photoshoot", table …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for kroysemaj

Full disclosure: This is my last stop. I have already done a fair amount of research on this issue. While I've come across lots of implementations of this project, I've not seen this weird behavior anywhere else. The project: As one of the projects for my Advanced Visual Basic course, …

Member Avatar for kroysemaj
Member Avatar for Quinncunx

I have been working on a school project that is to randomly select 14 names from a class (of 33) and place them in a list box. My thinking behind it was to create an array that would randomly select 14 numbers from 1 to 33 and then use a …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Farhan_B

hi for my project what i am trying to do is: i have two listboxes and in between the two boxes i have two buttons. Btn1 is to send data from listbox1 to listbox 2 Btn2 is to send data from listbox2 to listbox1 below is my code could you …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for COKEDUDE

Does anyone have any good .NET Tutorials? What are some good websites for .NET Tutorials? Sorry if this is in the wrong section. I don't know enough about .NET to ask in the right section.

Member Avatar for COKEDUDE
Member Avatar for dilse4sk

hi every 1. i have a form and i dropped customer dataset as details view on the form and booking dataset as gridview.So now when i insert a record i can scroll through different records and with respect to the customer its shows me related booking aswell. Wat i wanna …

Member Avatar for dilse4sk
Member Avatar for dilse4sk

hi every 1 i am trying to copy stored Employee id and i want to show it on a customer registration form. Basically i want to show which employee severd which customer. below is my code could you plz check or modify it thanks Dim Con As New SqlConnection Dim …

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Member Avatar for Sevyt

Does anybody if something like this exists? I am trying to write a small program to plan appointments. And have a overview of them in some sort of calendar(not the mini calendar which you can get from the VB control). Found some website who offer such controls, but honestly $1k …

Member Avatar for Sevyt
Member Avatar for gozo12

in form1 i have two listboxs listbox1 listbox2 loadbutton and savebutton this code will write listbox1.selecteditem into a txt file and loadbutton will load info in listbox2 but i want when i click loadbutton it check if that item is already exist in listbox2 , if not so write selected …

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for senbaris

hi all, i need connect to SFTP server and download files, searched everywhere but found nothing except non-free librarys.. Thanks for help.

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for tontano

Hello Team Members; I am new to programming, and have 2 issues that I cannot figure out. Sorry, for not providing the code, as I didn't know where to take it from. here is my situation. I have 2 projects in a solution (Csharp & vbNet), now because Charp is …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for J94

im making a basic ASM simulator which runs in a datagridview, iv got most of it working like the add/sub/mul/div operators, but im having trouble with the jump function, the jump it self works, the simulator jumps but it still executes the next operator after the jump when its supposed …

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Member Avatar for vivekanandaan

[CODE] Dim connectionString As String Dim cnn1 As OleDbConnection Dim cmd1 As OleDbCommand Dim sql1 As String connectionString = "PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source = d:\sprrg\sprrg.mdb" sql1 = "update po_detail set po_number=" & txtPoNo.Text & " where po_number=0;" cnn1 = New OleDbConnection(connectionString) cnn1.Open() cmd1 = New OleDbCommand(sql1, cnn1) cmd1.ExecuteNonQuery() cmd1.Dispose() [/CODE] The table …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for srinim84

Hi, i'm using vb.net 2005 and i'm using crystal report also.when i try to open the reports ,this error will be shown "[B]directory or file cannot be created[/B]". i can't find the exact solution. Please help me to find out the solution for this crystal report error

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for LearnVBnet

I can Insert table from Old_Table_Database to New_Table_Database with this code. [CODE] Dim cmd5 As New OleDbCommand Dim cmd6 As New OleDbCommand cmd6 = New OleDbCommand("select * from " & "Product ", OldConn) Dim dr6 As OleDbDataReader dr6 = cmd6.ExecuteReader For j As Integer = 0 To dr6.FieldCount - 1 …

Member Avatar for LearnVBnet
Member Avatar for LearnVBnet

[CODE] Dim NewConn As New OleDbConnection(strConn) NewConn.Open() Dim dlt1 As New OleDbCommand("DELETE * FROM Invoice ", NewConn) Dim dlt2 As New OleDbCommand("DELETE * FROM InvoiceDetail", NewConn) Dim dlt3 As New OleDbCommand("DELETE * FROM Receiver ", NewConn) Dim dlt4 As New OleDbCommand("DELETE * FROM ReceiverDetail", NewConn) dlt1.ExecuteNonQuery() dlt2.ExecuteNonQuery() dlt3.ExecuteNonQuery() dlt4.ExecuteNonQuery()[/CODE] How …

Member Avatar for LearnVBnet
Member Avatar for senbaris

Hi, I'm not exactly sure if this is the correct question to be asked but I will tell you what I am attempting. I have an ASCII txt file with data in it. It does not have headers. I am looking for a way to convert this data into an …

Member Avatar for senbaris
Member Avatar for dhaval.2cool

Frnds i want to insert image into picture box using the file dialog and that image should get stored into a local folder..... But the problem is the image is not getting saved n the below line is throwing an exception. i want to also rename the image with my …

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Member Avatar for moone009

What I am trying to do? update a database field with a richtextboxfield. Please help. I have tried using Dim range1 As New System.Windows.Documents.TextRange(RichTextBox1.Document.ContentStart, RichTextBox1.Document.ContentEnd) but this did not work for me either. [CODE] Dim cnn As SqlConnection Dim connectionString As String connectionString = "Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=rploperations;Data Source=" & Environment.MachineName.ToString …

Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam
Member Avatar for sphe_g

Hi all I need help with connecting to and manipulating a microsoft access 2007 database using code in visual basic 2008 express edition. It's for a project I'm doing for University that's due on the 12th of October:S. Please help me out in whatever way you can - links to …

Member Avatar for lansky
Member Avatar for PutingPanday

I have this code where I get all the IP's connected to the network.. [CODE] Dim oWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:") Dim IP = GetObject("winmgmts:") Dim oPings = GetObject("winmgmts:") Dim PcName = GetObject("winmgmts:") For i = 100 To 105 IP = "192.168.168." + i.ToString oPings = oWMI.ExecQuery("Select * from WIN32_Pingstatus where address='" …

Member Avatar for kingsonprisonic
Member Avatar for daydie

is there any way i can do this? As normally you can use a BB code on the post. But when using POST string it says error. i'm not sure if its because of the characters in the URL which are giving it an error but i've added \ in …

Member Avatar for daydie
Member Avatar for Farhan_B

hey im doing a project and am having problem getting this code correct could you please have a look at it and help me understand were i am making the mistake the code [CODE] Private Sub m_buttonAddUserRole_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles m_buttonAddUserRole.Click Dim roleIndex As Integer …

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Member Avatar for bernardz26

Good day!. I have here a SQL database named Database1 and it has a tables (StudentID, Student name, Age, Gender,) vb.net and i want that if i input a records in vb.net it automatic save to sql database. Help me please.

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Member Avatar for dilse4sk

Hi every 1 i am trying to register an employee but for some reason my record is inserted twice. if i enter all details of employee and when i click save..after that if i chk my employee list i could see same record entered twice.here is my code. Private Sub …

Member Avatar for dilse4sk
Member Avatar for easygi

I have this code [CODE] Dim replace As String = System.DateTime.Now.AddDays(7).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")[/CODE] What I'm trying to do is [CODE] Dim replace As String = textbox1.text.AddDays(7).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")[/CODE] is there a way to use that add days from a text or string value already?

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The End.