20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for shankarmca

[code] Sub modify_inventory(ByVal frm As frminventory) Dim writesqltime As String Dim writesqldate As String Dim msg As String writesqldate = Format(CDate(sqldate), "MM/dd/yyyy") Dim cmd = New SqlClient.SqlCommand If active_frm.Name <> "frminventory" Then Exit Sub Else writesqldate = Format(CDate(sqldate), "MM/dd/yyyy") Dim j As Integer con = connect() con.Open() For j = …

Member Avatar for shankarmca
Member Avatar for BleepyE

I know that title is kinda miss leading, but i couldnt figure out another way to explain it. I know theres a way, but I dont know how to do it. Ive got a Save code that I have about 5 differnet times in my application. How do I make …

Member Avatar for Unhnd_Exception
Member Avatar for Keith@LPG

I would like someone to help me bind data with a CheckBox. Please furnish sample code if possible. I am using VB 2008 Net 3.5. I want to use several checkboxes to identify records within a name $ address masterfile. Any given name can be identified in one or mre …

Member Avatar for Keith@LPG
Member Avatar for crispexops

Hi, I've been having issues with this for the last 4 hours and I don't know what to do. Basically I'm using an MS Access database to store information on a movie collection, however I do NOT want to use the crappy controls microsoft has for populating and navigating databases, …

Member Avatar for ShahanDev
Member Avatar for Baka_Kuma

i trying to make a code to Delete and Update Access 2007 database after remove a selected item from a listbox in VB 2008. [using "Remove" button that i create] pervious i already make a button to View data from database and Remove from listbox. but i don't know how …

Member Avatar for ShahanDev
Member Avatar for gerk45

Please Help me with my update on vb.net 2008!It's quite a simple code but when it comes to it tells me Syntax error in Update.The problem is where i highlited.Please help [code] Imports System.Data Public Class frmgoods Dim Con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection Dim dbprovider As String Dim dbsource As String …

Member Avatar for ShahanDev
Member Avatar for simonfoley

Hi there Another noob question from me...one of these days I'll get the hang of this VB! I am importing data from an Access table that has four columns/fields. I have set up the relevant headings etc on the list view control...but I have also set up a 5th column …

Member Avatar for Unhnd_Exception
Member Avatar for adrianSigamoney

My customer requires text files to be written in the following format: "adrian","sigamoney","01","1","B" No matter what I do I get in file adrian,sigamoney,01,1,B I have tried split, replace, adding extra hyphens to string. Please help urgently.

Member Avatar for ShahanDev
Member Avatar for devilsden

Hi Guys, I got two issues here Please help me out 1. I get a list of excel files from a dir into a list box and search for number by select each files at once. I want to select multiple files at once and search them one by one. …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for osei opoku

hi! i am trying to developed a translator.the program request an english sentence as input and translate it into my local language(Twi). i have the entire program written . i am getting an error that is driving me crazy. any help will be greatly appreciated . vb is telling me …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for Ala Ayesh

hello all, is it possible to have a delay period of 17nS for an application in vb.net??? please help

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for karthikn.cecri

Hi guys, I have designed a simple form in vb.net with MsAccess as the backend . The form is used to search for a data and diplay it. I need to create an .exe file of it and distribute it to many users without any errors . I have surfed …

Member Avatar for ShahanDev
Member Avatar for amitganguly2002
Member Avatar for paulablanca

Can someone tell me how to set the minlength of a particular/specific column in datagridview to 7 and maxlength to 11? Thank you very much! God Bless. :D

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for simonfoley

Hi there I'm studying Visual Basic (using Visual Studio 2008) as part of an all-round IT foundation degree...I must confess that programming is becoming my weak spot! Unlike the C++ I was taught last year, I'm not finding VB too easy...probably becasue I've never programmed this way before and I've …

Member Avatar for simonfoley
Member Avatar for like_bilal02

Dear Freinds Is it possible in vb.net that when my mouse focus in button it size increase the button or change like when we click on google images it comes in front

Member Avatar for ShahanDev
Member Avatar for yasho

I am working with Visual studio 2003. Have data grid , data adapter and dataset and an access data base In access database the one field "time" is defined as date/time and format as medium date. This field stores the time properly i.e. 3.00PM But when i load the datagrid, …

Member Avatar for ShahanDev
Member Avatar for mrclark

I have made a program consisting of about 15 smaller projects, each with their own .dll/.exe I need to make a custom installer that will prompt the user for different options, which the installer setup built into VS10 does not support. I need to be able to have this run …

Member Avatar for Luc001
Member Avatar for david56connor

Hi, I have been working on this for quite a few hours now and can't seem to find a solution! My knowledge of VB.Net is quite limited and I'm trying to jump in at the deep end, I'm trying to log in to a website (a game in which I …

Member Avatar for david56connor
Member Avatar for maty241

Hi I'm trying to make a form in which you would fill in information and then press a "Build" button and it would build another with the information in it so when you open it, it has all the info. Thank you for your help.

Member Avatar for ShahanDev
Member Avatar for amythist

Hi guys. I'm a newbie in vb. I'd like to learn how i can use my broadband to send sms with vb.net application. It's for a project. i will use vb 2008 express. Could anyone help me? tnx.

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for RC331133

Hello Daniweb. I've been working on a small POS termal printer, and now i've run into a problem. The problem is somewere deep down in the mystical depths of ESC commands. However, to the point... I've printed a barcode (EAN13), The barcode comes out but there is a small problem …

Member Avatar for RC331133
Member Avatar for bhagawatshinde

Hi, I want to display the data in the 2 column of PDF using iTextsharp. Like this way e.g. Q.1 aaaaaa Q.5 eeeeeeeeeee Q.2 bbbbbb Q.6 fffffffffff Q.3 cccccc Q.7 ggggggggggg Q.4 dddddd Q.8 hhhhhhhhhhh On next page Q.8 aaaaaa Q.12 eeeeeeeeeee Q.9 bbbbbb Q.13 fffffffffff Q.10 cccccc Q.14 ggggggggggg …

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Member Avatar for Steve Mac

Hi, everybody. I would really like to know if there is anyway in which I can package two or more set up files together with my vb.net application; so that after installing the application, it automatically starts installing the other applications from the other set-up files. In my case I …

Member Avatar for Steve Mac
Member Avatar for shredder2794

Hello all, I've been using SendKeys in a program I am making but its really glitchy and does not work properly. Is there an alternative way to simulate a key press within code? Thanks in advance!

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for jimJohnson

I have a couple quick questions with the program that I am doing. This program is a hi\lo program and here are my remaining issues... 1. When I click the high or low button in my program it does not make changes to my token (I want the default tokens …

Member Avatar for Unhnd_Exception
Member Avatar for gurupts

Plz any one can help me... i have only one table in an ms access database(2007).that table contain two fields only ID,Name.i want to search that table using ID(primary key) and result should show the name of particular id. In a vb.net(2008) form i put one text box,one button and …

Member Avatar for ShahanDev
Member Avatar for Unhnd_Exception

[code] ''' <summary> ''' Returns a new copy of the bitmap passed in. The new copy is rotated ''' to the specified degree and resized to fit its new bounding box. ''' </summary> ''' <remarks> ''' The Original Bitmap should be the bitmap that has never been rotated. ''' If …

Member Avatar for Unhnd_Exception
Member Avatar for like_bilal02

Dear Freinds I want to get two rows out of 6 columns in datagrid from database out of 6 columns so kindly give me a query of this programme but give me linq to sql query thanks

Member Avatar for ShahanDev
Member Avatar for Resentful

I apologize for the vague topic title, but the actual topic title would be very long. Is it possible that after you find a string, backup until you find a specific character and copy it? For example, I am looking for "bread". The text is milk8andbread. Would it be possible …

Member Avatar for Unhnd_Exception

The End.