20,284 Topics
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hi frnds, I want to add cross button image on the right hand side of tabPage...I m creating tabpages at Runtime.... Mine code is added image to the left...I want to add it to the right....I m also adding text to the tabPage... & second Probs is dat..On button click … | |
Hi I need to create an exec File. I believe I need to use deploy. But I can't find the command. thanks in advance | |
I have a treeview with two nodes..I m showing the contextmenu when the user clicks on any portion of treeview .... [code] Public Class Form2 Private Sub Form2_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Try Dim N As New TreeNode() Me.TreeViewCategories.Nodes.Clear() With Me.TreeViewCategories.Nodes N = .Add("", "Main", … | |
[code] Public Sub add_emp(ByVal emp As EmployeeObj) Dim con As New SqlConnection Dim sqlcmd As SqlCommand 'Dim sqlrdr As SqlDataReader Try If is_emp(emp.Id) = False Then con.ConnectionString = My.Resources.ConnString con.Open() sqlcmd = New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO [Employees] (" _ & "[Id], [SocialSecurity], [FirstName], " _ & "[MiddleName], [LastName], [Suffix], " _ … | |
Hi guys, I've been developing basic websites for the past 2 years. Recently, a relative of mine had started a vehicle leasing company and has asked me to create the website for him. Now the majority of the site will be no problem to create however, as it is vehicle … | |
I want to ask how add crossButton image to TabPage as in IE..To add left hand side image..I assign the imagelist property if tabcontrol to imagelistNAme & then slect the tabPage & change the imageIndex. I want to ask how to add Right Hand Side Cross Button Image & if … | |
How to windows Lock computer using vb.net? plz help me thanx | |
I'm seeking for help with storing and retrieving/calling numerous sound and picture files. I've about 200 both .bmp and .wav files and it might get bigger. So I'm not sure if it's wise to embed that many files in the Resources, or should I add them to a special directory … | |
I've designed a class diagram for my business entity library, in visual studio 2005, now I was wondering if theres any way to export it to a SQL Script to generate the corresponding tables ... I hope that it can be done... Omar | |
Hi, all i am new to this site please help for code given below when i executed it not updating it is giving error please help Thanks in Advance Private Sub UpdateButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles UpdateButton.Click Try Dim com As New OleDbCommand com.Connection = con … | |
Hi all, I am currently trying to figure out how to take column results from a datagridview and group them so I can see how many of each are in the column. I want to take this data and use it to populate a combo box. Example: If the column … | |
I am developing an application an am intrested in having to be able to backup and restore the full SQLServer database from the front end. i have succesfully done the the back up module using the code below [ICODE] Try Using dc As New SqlClient.SqlConnection(My.Settings.TRONICALConnectionString) dc.Open() Using dcom As New … | |
hi i got an error when the vb.net application is running.. the error is " the thread is being aborted " after clicking on that button the application is working ... how to avoid that error... | |
Hi, I already create connection to sql database and successfull. I need to know how to run two command together?...This is my problem:- [CODE] sqlcmd = New Sqlcommand ( "Select * from Staff_Main where Staff_id like '"&textbox1.text&"'",cn) dr = sqlcmd.executereader while dr.read() label1.text = dr.item(1) 'item 1 is name sqlcmd … | |
Hello everyone! Is it possible to embed a movie clip (.avi) to vb form? I have created one short movie clip in flash and export it as avi file. I expected (what fool i was) that visual studio 2008 will have support for avi files, just like it has for … | |
I have followed the instructions on MSDN to "Display Related Data in a Windows Application" ( [url]http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/57tx3hhe(VS.80).aspx[/url] ). I have a data source that has a Customers table and a related Orders table. I can easily create a form which allows the user to select a Customer and display the … | |
guys i just thought of a project using vb.net and I would like to know your opinions about it whether it could be done or not. I was thinking of a application that would integrate if not all, maybe some of the most used chat applications nowadays such as yahoo … | |
Hi..I am Fredy I want to access and get record from database mysql online( on internet) using vb.net could u help me how to connection and get record from database online. thanx Fredy ym:zuve_fox@yahoo.com.au | |
[code=vbnet]Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient Imports System.Data Imports System.Configuration Public Class frmMasterCode Dim conn As New MySqlConnection Dim myDataAdapter As New MySqlDataAdapter Dim sqlquery As String Dim cmd As New MySqlCommand() Dim myDataReader As MySqlDataReader Private aeps1DataSet As epsDataSet Private amasterCodeTableAdapter As epsDataSetTableAdapters.master_codeTableAdapter Private WithEvents amaster_codeBindingSource As BindingSource Private Sub frmMasterCode_Load(ByVal sender As … | |
Hi everyone! I'm writing trojan/virus for educational purposes only. That is my final practical work. The problem is that i need to fire up a .vbs file from disk.To do that i need path. How to find path and save it to string variable. Even bigger problem is how to … | |
Hi all I previously developed in Access and have recently decided to move over to SQL server back-end and vb2008 front-end. My Everest of problems which I can’t solve is the how to filter records by a user selected parameter. However, if the parameter is null then all records should … | |
Hi all Sorry- The title was wrong, My problem is when I type a the ID number in the text box for updating the record, it gives me an error "Data type mismatch in criteria expression." Could anyone help me please in solving this problem? This is my update code. … | |
Hey frnds, I m comparing two images in VB.Net..I get the code in C# & dat code is working 100 % Correctly..Now want to convert dat code to vb.net..& i need help in just converting two lines- C# EXAMPLE [code] private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Bitmap img1= new … | |
hi , I navigate the web browser to google ...i want to change the context menu..I want that when the user right click on google in Web Browser in project---I add my own context menu items..is it possible & change the default one? I hope u get mine question. [code] … | |
ho do i store information to a mysql database? what i am trying to do is to fill out some students information and when i try to click save it should be saved to a mysql database.... here is my code but every time i click save it couldn't connect … | |
Dear All, I have three datagrid in which we load excel files. The fourth datagrid we load after comparing b/w these grids after clicking Reconile button. Then I will drag and drop the values from first grid to second grid again click on reconcile button it will load all previous … | |
Hi, I am coding for a WPF application that has a ListView. I want to add values of one column of selected items in the listview to a string array. Is this possible? Thanks | |
Hi, can you please help me transfer this code from vb4 to vb.net...i have read everything but nothing helped me...there are somethings about how to check EOF but there is nothing for BOF... thank you very much...here's the code in vb4 [code] If (Evidset.EOF and Evidset.BOF) then Tmes = Month(Now) … | |
Hi all, With your help I have a perfectly working console application. Now I need to do it a bit more flexible. So far I have the file paths for all files involved in the applications execution hardcoded.I need to be able to execute the console application from anywhere. i.e … | |
am navigating the url through IE browser, when the IE is not been an default browser, i got an prompt "the IE is not an default browser whether you want to make it as default browser" as like that. is it possible to make the default browser as IE through … |
The End.