20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for sonia sardana

hi frnds i want to ask that what is the format of cookies last modified..Coookies of Mozilla are saved in C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\x5ncmceb.default\cookies.sqlite If we read it last accessed date of cookie is in format 1244272348453125. How to convert it to date..Can somebody tell me?

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for mrclark

I am trying to make a drawing app integrated into a program that i am making, but i am having the problem of trying to save the drawing. [code] Private Sub SaveDrawingToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SaveDrawingToolStripMenuItem.Click SaveDrawing.ShowDialog() Try DrawPad.Image.Save(SaveDrawing.FileName, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp) Catch ex As Exception MessageBox.Show("Drawing …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for ptaylor965

I have a dataset (Private DS As New DataSet) and i need to make a Crystal Report from the data held within it The data comes from multiple tables then merge into a new table held in the dataset only How do i create the Crystal Report as the new …

Member Avatar for jerry32uk
Member Avatar for mohankumar554

hi can u tell me how to develop an web application using vb.net and the application's data is stored in the database .and the database is mssql...

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for itshibu

I tried to write a program that can open files from the server. But the shared folder in the Win2003 server is password protected. i tried the following code [CODE]System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("net.exe", "use K: \\Server\URI\path\here /USER:username password" ) Dim p = New System.Diagnostics.Process p.Start("k:\" & Filename) System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("net.exe", "use /delete K:" )[/CODE] And …

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Member Avatar for TheBrenda

Looking for log4net.dll - download will not unzip I have been to [url]http://logging.apache.org/log4net/download.html[/url] and downloaded both files: incubating-log4net-1.2.10.zip incubating-log4net-1.2.9-beta.zip. Neither one will unzip. I have tried downloading twice and have used WinZip 12 and whatever comes with XP. Can anyone send me a copy of log4net.dll? bgrossnickle at@ bellsouth dot. …

Member Avatar for TheBrenda
Member Avatar for ankiesiau

i hv 8 movies to select in my list but i show only 2 for example. [CODE]Public Class frmSelect Dim currenttotal As Integer Private Sub listPlaying_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles lstPlaying.SelectedIndexChanged If lstPlaying.SelectedIndex = 0 Then 'If the first movie is selected grpOverview.Visible = True 'Make …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for kerek2

Hi Alls, I need help regarding to rename my event file by current date. It's mean my file will be rename by date automaticly.....i can write to the text but the name not replace with the current date....can u help me...plz

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for ad65222

i am a newbie in this...can u plzz send me the code for....creating a file in the folder with userID & password. i:e if any one wants to access that file he should first enter the ID& password....please help me ASAP. keenly waiting for ur reply with "FULL CODE"

Member Avatar for samir_ibrahim
Member Avatar for nourbee

can anyone here can help me? i only want a simple program which is the user must enter the right serial number before enter into my program... im using VB 2005 and using PDA application (mobile pocket PC) plez help me.... i only want the simple code....

Member Avatar for summerishere
Member Avatar for mem81

Hi Guys, Spent lots of time looking around , reading MSDN help and whatnot. I don`t seem to get the right answer still. What I would like to do is To parse XML file to an array in vb.net console application.The XML file is very simple. The thing is that …

Member Avatar for mem81
Member Avatar for samir_ibrahim

I have this issue which I did not find an answer to it. I am creating a small app which SUPPOSE to be easy and it is about getting 4 things (User Name, Pc Name, Domain Name, and IP Address) I have over 35 pc's connected to a domain, and …

Member Avatar for samir_ibrahim
Member Avatar for Sylenas

Hey, i am making a program that will save some text from fields into a notepad, i have the save function worling perfectly but what i have no idea how to do is filling the fields with data from a saved notepad. I was planning to make a function that …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for kerek2

Hi, I have 1 textbox and button to insert value into sql server database 2008. But the problem is in database it not appear correctly when had zero front of value....example :- 00001.....in database just appear 1...i try to use nvarchar,varchar,nchar but still same...] Can anyone guide me...tq

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for pardeep3dec

I need a small code that can read a text file from LAN i.e. through IP address and there is no sharing folder on that pc is it possible to read a text file read and write on the same time by more than 2 pc Please help

Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for toko

Ok, I have one sub and I have it handleing different events of different objects. So my problem is I want to determine which event was triggered from which object. Can anyone help me out?

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for Craig2231

Hi guys, hope your all well, Ok, a few days ago, my VB EE 2008 has gone strange. What happened was the program crashed and i had to force close it. So i simply re-opened the program. Now i cannot get access to my property box. Also, there are never …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Cliffs0fdover

Ok, I am pretty new to Visual Basic 2005. I am taking a course in it and we are creating a Department Store program right now. I pretty much have 90% of the program done, its just that when I try and move information as strings (name, province, postal code, …

Member Avatar for toko
Member Avatar for fatwhitetree

Hi im pretty much a total vb nub at the moment but im trying to learn. Anyway I've been trying to find out how i could load a random http proxy like from a txt file. I know how to load a random url but Im failing at doing …

Member Avatar for parkeyparker
Member Avatar for zuve_fox

I write code using VB.net like: [code]Dim a As Thread Dim i As Integer [B] Private Sub Form1_Load[/B] For i = 1 To 5 a = New Thread(New ThreadStart(AddressOf coba)) a.Start() Next [B] End Sub[/B] [B]Sub coba()[/B] MsgBox(i) a.Sleep(500) [B]End Sub[/B] [/code] why result different sometimes: display MessageBox with text …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for DAWNIE

Hi, i have manage to add up the points from different checkboxes but load in form. but how do i make everything to work in tab instead of working in form? below is the codes but works in form. Public Class Trial Private GCS_Value As Integer = 0 Private Sub …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for *Lauren*

Hey i'm new here and i need help with a slot machine game that i want to make. So far i have three labels that should be generating random numbers but they won't appear. I also have a label which will total the players money. I have taken so ideas …

Member Avatar for Zandermander
Member Avatar for awo

I have problem with using reports (Not Crystal report) that came along with MS visual Studio (dot net) Like 1. I can not set the value of a text box from my code which is program code (at run time) 2. I can change the value of a Report parameter …

Member Avatar for zeeshan_khan

Hi, I want to know what is the earliest time to initiate a database connection while loading an application. The problem is that if i write the db connection initialization code in the MDI form Load event, it throws an exception. However, if i write the same code in the …

Member Avatar for Loony064

Hey everyone, I created a program for one of my clients which uses a back-end MS Access database with a front-end VB.net application that allows the user to enter details into various tables, search through the information already stored there and lastly, generated various reports based on specific criteria. My …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for hkarthik

Hi everybody, I am working on a windows based application using vb.net 2005. I want to get our remote server's date and time.Our remote server is a linux machine. So how can i get the date and time of the remote server from an application which works on windows. Kindly …

Member Avatar for samir_ibrahim
Member Avatar for gareth.nic

Hi, this is a program that I'm coding for a project. The code is a bit messy, but I'm having trouble with resetting the variable to the original value. The variable "iBottle" is declared at the start of the program. It then gets subtracted by within the IF...ELSE structure in …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for BlkR

Hi guys, Having difficulty as to how to achieve the following Have a database with a table with a list of items and their prices now what i am thinking of doing is to be able to take orders using a datagrid and the datagrid would allow me to enter …

Member Avatar for BlkR
Member Avatar for access@123

Hi everybody I am creating a application wherein i have to give customers right to open their document file edit it and save it without using word library. I am trying from last one month however i am not getting any clues. I tried html editor however the only one …


The End.