20,284 Topics
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Hi, I want to know what is the earliest time to initiate a database connection while loading an application. The problem is that if i write the db connection initialization code in the MDI form Load event, it throws an exception. However, if i write the same code in the … | |
Hey everyone, I created a program for one of my clients which uses a back-end MS Access database with a front-end VB.net application that allows the user to enter details into various tables, search through the information already stored there and lastly, generated various reports based on specific criteria. My … | |
Hi everybody, I am working on a windows based application using vb.net 2005. I want to get our remote server's date and time.Our remote server is a linux machine. So how can i get the date and time of the remote server from an application which works on windows. Kindly … | |
Hi, this is a program that I'm coding for a project. The code is a bit messy, but I'm having trouble with resetting the variable to the original value. The variable "iBottle" is declared at the start of the program. It then gets subtracted by within the IF...ELSE structure in … | |
Hi guys, Having difficulty as to how to achieve the following Have a database with a table with a list of items and their prices now what i am thinking of doing is to be able to take orders using a datagrid and the datagrid would allow me to enter … | |
Hi everybody I am creating a application wherein i have to give customers right to open their document file edit it and save it without using word library. I am trying from last one month however i am not getting any clues. I tried html editor however the only one … | |
I have created a database in vb, I currently have 13 columns and 2 lines, I'm trying to add to that database through the VB form I have. When the user imputs information into a textbox I want that new info to appear in my database, is that possible or … | |
I wish to use VB net to construct stock market bar charts. Can anyone please guide me. Thanks. | |
Hello guys, Actually I am working on a software in .NET. The software objectives is to search for all music files in a specifies directory or the whole computer and display the files names in a list box. But the problem is with the directory. How can I used .Net … | |
hello , I am creating a bot ( for personal use ) to automate posting to my website . I have used the webbrowser control and i have managed to send data to the webform using the follwing code : [CODE=vb.net] Dim elm As System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement For i As Integer = … | |
hey frnds, I want to add all the favorite names & its URL in litsview.I m able to get favorite names but not its urls. Can somebody know how to get URLs. Code below gets the favorite names- [code] Private Sub GetFavorites() Dim di As DirectoryInfo Dim lPos As Integer … | |
i have been experimenting around with simple programs using ave and open dialogs for text document and things, but i problem that i have just encountered, is that i made a simple text editor with a richtextbox, and i tried to save it in *.c, but when i open it … | |
I want to validate text fields either carrying numbers or string that they should not be empty . how can i validate this before inserting data into database from form.... | |
So, I've been cruising these and many other forums and have found many who need help concerning this issue, but usually it's resolved using the New statement. What I'm doing here is I first add a 2D array of PictureBoxes during runtime with the following code [CODE]For i = 0 … | |
Hi Im devloping a form and i have used two combo boxes in it.. basically these combo boxes store numric code for them in databses[MS. ACCESS]... but i want to display relative string representation to user....i have populate items manually using collections in the propert window. but when i want … | |
I am begininner in DLL. I looked at following site to create dll in C. [url]http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms235636(VS.80).aspx[/url] Can anyone explain how to use the Mathfuncdll.dll in VB.net. Here is my VB code Public Class Form1 Public Declare Function MathFuncs Lib "MathFuncsDll.dll" () Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As … | |
I Am Using VB.NET 2008 Express Edition, and am trying to make a program that controls the mouse position with a joystick on the a nintendo classic controller, which returns a value between [ -.54 ] and [ +.54 ]. I wanted so that the position vertically of the mouse … | |
Hello, Could someone help me to resolve the problem in my code. I'm currently developing a application and the edit function of the system has some flaws in terms of the syntax. This system is developed using VB.Net. [code=vb] Private Sub cmdEdit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles … | |
how can validate empty data for text fields... i want to validate fields before inserting into database | |
hello, actually i need some help please, lets say i have a folder on my computer that contain only jpeg pictures and i wanna load them on a win form, and then have a next and previous button on the win form that will move among the images in the … | |
I have two Issue using a MDI app. 1-at this moment I'm able to open MDI child forms using the MDIparent except when the I opens form1 I'm also able to open forms 2 and 3 . but I only want one form to be open at a time. 2- … | |
OK so I have this WebBrowser1 and Button1 controls. After you click Button1, program will access website, takes some HTML data, removes unwanted HTML tags and then WebBrowser1.Navigate("about:blank") + writes my HTML to the blank page. Everything works great until.... Until you click the button 2nd time. Then you'll get … | |
Hi , I am trying to bind a drop down and checkbox with values from two tables from database. The 1st table has categories and is binded to the DDL and the 2nd table has sub categories and is binded to checkbox and inter related by using the category ID … | |
hi to all, can anyone plz send me the source code of apriori algo in vb. my email: [email]muh.kuh86@gmx.de[/email] | |
Dear All can we filter subset of DataSet.Table row collection in ADO.Net. Early days adodb's recordset was providing Filter method to get subset of its records, but i couldn't find a similar option in ado.net. thanks in advance and looking for your immediate suggestions Warun | |
Hello, I'm currently developing a application in VB.Net. I'm using the DataGridView to display my data on the form. I have a EDIT button on the module and I need to know how can I populate a selected record into the textboxes from the DataGridView. Hope you could understand my … | |
Hi, How do I add a subitem to a listview in WPF? I'm coding in VB and I do not see any subitem in it. Thanks | |
I'm trying to set the selected value from a combo box that is populated from my database, i cant seem to find a way to do that. I'm using this to populate my combo box: [I]Private Sub PopulateCountry() Dim country As New Client Dim contryList As OdbcDataReader = country.mpopulateCountry() Dim … | |
Hey guys, I'm writing a small client/server application. I've got it almost completely working, other than the fact that once the user disconeccts from the server using TcpClient.close he can not reconnect without restarting the app because clientSocket is disposed. Declaration: [CODE] Dim clientSocket As New System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient() [/CODE] Connect: [CODE] … | |
Hi, I want to create a kind of ribbon bar (almost like the one in Office 2007), and I want the ribbon bar to accept drag-drop input (just like panels, group boxes and the form itself does). I need to drag all other controls into the bar in design mode. … |
The End.