450 Topics

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Member Avatar for hefaz
Member Avatar for Afghan2
Member Avatar for Transcendent

I have a video meeting with a professor who possibility could give me an assistantship for graduate school and I need some advice. Any advice?

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for hefaz

How to design levels at all in FPS Creator? and how to insert a desert and trees? and please how to improve AI?

Member Avatar for Richard_24

Basically I have made this site: http://8animetv.co.vu/onepiece Here is a description of what is happening, with all of the code that has to do with it. jquery: `$('.episodeLink').click(function() { $(".episodeTitle").html($(this).clone()); document.getElementById('ifrm').src = $(this).attr("href"); $(".epChange").css('display', 'inherit') $('#youtube_iframe iframe').eq(0).attr('style','width: 728px;height: 420px;float: left;margin-left: 92px;margin-top: 30px;-ms-zoom: 0.833;-moz-transform: scale(0.8333);-moz-transform-origin: 0 0;-o-transform: scale(0.8333);-o-transform-origin: 0 0;-webkit-transform: scale(0.8333);-webkit-transform-origin: …

Member Avatar for sarthak25

How can I convert videos (flv, wmv, mov, m2v, etc..) to mp4 format ? Actually, I'm trying to embedd videos in my web application (on a web browser), but to play them (flv, wmv, mov, m2v, etc..), user needs to add plugin (vlc, wmp, etc). But HTML video tags plays …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for OsaMasw

Hello guys , am new to Android Development, I've created many test apps for learning, using webview and lists and creating multiple activities, I have an application that get URL with JSON data contain url with streaming video and when click on button open VLC with URL provided. JSon FILE …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for janda5

I have really enjoyed watching and listening to videos on YouTube for many years. But today when I went to the web site I couldn't get any sound when I was trying to listen to Susan Boyle sing. I even tried a Walter Cronkite video and couldn't hear anything. I …

Member Avatar for Warrens80
Member Avatar for scomx

i have a tabbed web browser so every time i close a tab the tab is closed but the process is still running for example one of my tabs there is a youtube page opened so if i close that tab the video is still runing you even can hear …

Member Avatar for scomx
Member Avatar for duchaine

Hi, No matter what I do I get the Access denied for user error.I watched the video but still get it. Are there any common errors I should be aware of in setting up a db user? Thanks, duchaine

Member Avatar for bugz313
Member Avatar for jemdev03

Hi everyone. Just call me Jem. I'm a college student studying about computer programming. Right now, I am focusing with web development and wanted to be a web developer someday. I know PHP, HTML5, CSS3, some JavaScript, Java, C, C++, VB .NET and SQL. Aside from my passion in coding, …

Member Avatar for danielmav
Member Avatar for Mr.M

Hi Dw I was just reading another article on video recording using AVICAP32 this shows how to use this library to record video from a video device such as webcam but what I would like to know is that how can I record internal video, I want to record my …

Member Avatar for Mr.M
Member Avatar for hasnen_1

hello,how i can share video on my website to facebook and to twitter by meta tags in html and to share image too to facebook and twitter but not all page only share for video and image

Member Avatar for Aeonix
Member Avatar for BrianVento

Hi everybody! I'm a newbie here and in C# as well :) I saw an articla about an sdk and I thouht I ask you about your experience. I would like to capture frames from video and I found this website: http://www.camera-sdk.com/p_261-how-to-implement-frame-capture-from-an-usb-camera-in-c-onvif.html Does anyone know it? Is it good or …

Member Avatar for Kiriti Peters
Member Avatar for jemdev03

The title explain itself :) Here goes mine: - Playing video games - Walking my dog - Watch some movies (craving for Horror genre) - Browse the web - Meet and chat with new people online

Member Avatar for advent_geek
Member Avatar for RikTelner

recently ive seen video of a man which showed on how A* works, that is some algorhythm for pathfinding in 2d in games, to show this he made a game in c# (visual studio only), where he could explore the "maze" board in 3d and could see the red square …

Member Avatar for RikTelner
Member Avatar for Gurjit_1

I am not sure why it is happening to only me or some others too , I have webstorm 9 and want to integrate it with angular js code hinting so i tried settings > plugins > typed angular js but nothing is showing there, that it is showing empty …

Member Avatar for RikTelner

Eh... I lost recently laptop to Windows, Microsoft made me cost about 700$, and that all in just 2 weeks. And even though I start hating it, I cannot deny the fact that many applications and certain games I rely on are runable only on Windows. Graphics card aren't really …

Member Avatar for RikTelner
Member Avatar for rubberman

The title is a take on Douglas Adams' quip in Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, when the Earth was about to be plowed under for a hyperspace bypass, and the only really intelligent species on the planet, dolphins, squeaked "Goodbye, and thanks for all the fish!" as they left …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Suzie999

When I add a particular form to my project (AdminConfirmForm.cs) I can no longer access design view of Form1. It appears to run a particular section of the code from a static class (Init()), but since the part of the code it runs should only occur if the folder it …

Member Avatar for TekknoDraykko
Member Avatar for man.chester.581

i need tutorial of how can i get the location and tracking it video with sample will be perfect

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for kubi081

Hi, I have two projects; First one is a asp.net web project and the second one is embedded http server library project. Embedded http server project is taken from : embedded http server project I want to save a video file from user's local to user's shared storage. I'm getting …

Member Avatar for kubi081
Member Avatar for janicemurby

hya im following a video for a conversation system for my site and when i try to post a status the post button isnt going anywhere heres code for it can someone see whats going off ty in advance <?php $status_ui = ""; $statuslist = ""; if($isOwner == "yes"){ $status_ui …

Member Avatar for janicemurby
Member Avatar for mmcdonald

Hi all, I've decided to work on a new project in my spare time and it involves capturing 30 seconds of video from each registered user. Does anyone have any suggestions as to the most widely accepted/compatible method of capturing video in the browser and storing it somewhere such as …

Member Avatar for mmcdonald
Member Avatar for janicemurby

hya im following a tutorial through a video and im having issues in the following line its showing a error in my editor $pm_ui .= '<button id="pmBtn" onclick="postPm(''.$u.'',''.$log_username.'','pmsubject','pmtext')">Send</button>'; see full code below including this line if anyone can help be much appreciated <?php // Protect this script from direct url …

Member Avatar for janicemurby
Member Avatar for Ali_46

I've been editing on a (windows based) desktop and now want and need to transition to notebook computers. I've been assured that notebook computers are now showing specs that can rival any desktop based system (if you have the $$$). Specially HP's Z-Book series which is built with video and …

Member Avatar for Kevin_14
Member Avatar for vizz

With following code I tried to upload image and video file at the same time but, image file is uploading & video file is not uploading <form class="pure-form pure-form-aligned" action="Processor.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" > <fieldset> <div class="pure-control-group"> <label for="image">Upload image</label> <input type="file" name="image" class="pure-input-1-4" /> </div> <div class="pure-control-group"> <label for="video">Upload video</label> …

Member Avatar for jj.dcruz
Member Avatar for vaibhavrohal

Hi Dear Friends, I am using Firefox & IE 6. My os is XP SP2. All my images & graphics on both the Internet Browsers are highly distorted.I have installed my video drivers & then installed without any relief. Photos which i import from my digicam or exist on …

Member Avatar for legionhoster
Member Avatar for kubi081

I need to play video files which are located under client pc. For this I need to use embedded http server which will be setup on client. [embedded http web server is taken from here](http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/20445/C-Customizable-Embedded-HTTPServer?msg=4370868#xx4370868xx)If there is more advanced one I would like to learn. I'm using jwplayer to play …

Member Avatar for kubi081
Member Avatar for kubi081

I'm using a Customizable-Embedded-HTTPServer for a project. Simply I'm calling response.SendFile(@"E:\folder\xx.mp4", "video/mp4") to play video files located at local folder. But it gives me "An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host" error. I've searched a lot but couldn't find a solution! using (FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(path)) { …

Member Avatar for kubi081
Member Avatar for Russ_1

Hi, So, I'm trying to do what's presented in this Quora thread: http://www.quora.com/How-can-I-export-YouTube-comments-into-a-spreadsheet I want to know how to frame the parameters for a YouTube video's comment feed, the comment author, and the comment text itself, using =ImportXML for Google Docs. My Xpath is weak -- can't figure out the …

Member Avatar for DaveAmour

The End.