432 Topics

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Member Avatar for happygeek

You might not have heard about Dirt Jumper yet, but the bad guys have. In fact, the high-risk and highly-effective DDoS toolkit is probably the most aggressive of the malware tools being employed by DDoS attackers at the moment, and the situation is set to get much worse very quickly …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for happygeek

The latest VIPRE report, detailing the ten most prevalent malware threat detections spotted by [GFI Labs](http://malwareprotectioncenter.com/) and the ThreatNet Detection System, reveals that Google, LinkedIn, Skype and Mass Effect 3 were amongst the big brands being exploited by cybercriminals in order to leverage trust whilst distributing malware-laden emails. As a …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for happygeek

China may be odds-on to top the medal table at the London 2012 Olympic Games, with less than a week to go, but according to a new report South Korea has the Chinese well and truly beaten as far as malware infected PCs are concerned. And unlike at the Olympic …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for Kirsty123

Hi everyone, I wonder if you could help me since a couple of days ago i tried downloading a program and all it has gave me since is a pop up survey that wont go way ive tried clicking the 'x' but it will not shift it wont let me …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for kubyk

My computer has been severely hacked. Well 2 laptops actually. And it looks like my router also. Problems noted here: 1. Email accounts routinely hacked even after changing passwords and using keypass in the securist way. Suspected keyloggin occuring somewhere in the stream. 2. Something causing my typing to be …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for happygeek

With the London 2012 Olympics due to open in just a few days time, the expected push by the bad guys has started. No, I don't mean the banning of wearing Pepsi T-Shirts in the Olympic Stadium as it might upset official sponsors Coke, or the fact that nobody is …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for happygeek

An ongoing attack aimed at users of the Apple Mac platform is being reported by security researchers. [AlienVault,](http://www.alienvault.com) which has discovered these weaponised attacks in the wild, warns that regular Mac users without IT security software installed could be at risk of infection and hijacking. ![alien](/attachments/small/0/alien.jpg "align-right") The researchers suspect …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for slfisher

It's not unusual for a government IT department to warn its users about downloading malware onto their government-issued computers. It's more unusual, though, for the source of the malware to be the ads on the website of the newspaper of record. In July, the cyber security coordinators in the state …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for happygeek

Security vendor Malwarebytes has reported that a new variation of an old password stealing Trojan is out in the wild, but all is not as it may seem. Notably, this particular Trojan is signed with an apparently 'genuine' digital certificate that authenticates the file. Which rather prompts the question: "say …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for happygeek

The 'World's Greatest Anti-Malware Software' is the spurious claim being made by Malwarebiter, which just so happens to sound an awful lot like Malwarebytes which could perhaps justifiably lay claim to that accolade. Take a look at this forum and you will see that Malwarebytes is a very valuable tool …

Member Avatar for wisemaster
Member Avatar for happygeek

According to IT security outfit Kaspersky, which has just [published details](http://www.securelist.com/en/analysis/204792255/Kaspersky_Security_Bulletin_2012_The_overall_statistics_for_2012) of the information security landscape as it was shaped during 2012, 99% of all mobile malware threats now target Android devices. With 6300 new mobile malware samples discovered every month on average across 2012, Android has become the focus …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for Lightninghawk

I have an interesting browser hijacker that randomly redirects me whenever I click a search link, and recently even if I paste a direct url into the address bar it will redirect. I've been away from this field for a bit and am a little rusty, but I have ran …

Member Avatar for gerbil
Member Avatar for masocha

l recently installed Ubuntu 12 and on first start on Firefox everytime l type google.com on the address bar l am redireted to some funny websites. The websites seem random and this only happens when l type google.com if l type for example daniweb.com it works fine. l am new …

Member Avatar for JasonHippy
Member Avatar for ram_kumar8970

hi.... can you tell me how can i make the antivirus in visual basic 6? if you have somw source code it will be more benificial for me. thnaks in advance....

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for chyllz21

hello, desktop .ini has taken control of some of my folders and files. also, turned on pc and it said it couldn't load neccasary files and went into a scan. it seemed fake but nothing ever happened. Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.4 Scan saved at 10:50:23 AM, on 11/5/2012 …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for ysmtek

Hello people! This afternoon I've recieved a phonecall on my main line, not a cell, from scammers (I think they're from Eastern Europe). I've recorded a part of this conversation in which the scammers were warning me about a nonexistant malware in my computer by having me show myself some …

Member Avatar for BigPaw
Member Avatar for maxwellxii

should an antivirus be reving to 50% or even worse 65% of a **1.9ghz dualcore processor** comodo actually shut down one of my game by doing this. the game was sins of a solar empire -min requirements **1.9ghz pentium IV, GeForce 6600, 500mb ram ** I dont think its suppose …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for kapura.ftw

I am trying to understand the different types of protection that a computer needs. This is what I have learned: -You cannot have multiple anti-virus software on your computer, because they will interfere with each other -You need to stack up other anti-malware software, the more the better -You can …

Member Avatar for CimmerianX
Member Avatar for david17123

Hi! I've just realised a weird behaviour regarding Windows Defender in my laptop. Whenever I open (run) it, either by prompting to run a scan or just to open the GUI, it always closes itself immediately (even before it finishes scanning my computer if I open it to scan my …

Member Avatar for technoknol
Member Avatar for mechbas

September 18, 2012 **GenericPUP.z!oa(keygen.exe) in > CyberLink.PowerDVD.Ultra.v11.0.2024.Multilingual.Incl.Keymaker-CORE** (RE: McAfee This software is not a virus or a Trojan. It is detected as a "potentially unwanted program" (PUP). PUPs are any piece of software that a reasonably security- or privacy-minded computer user may want to be informed of and, in some …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for JamesG2

I would like to open this thread by saying that the anti-virus industry is a SCAM ! SCAM ! I say. The proof is in the pudding. My PC is the pudding. The pudding has gone over three months now with NO Snortin' $ NORTON $, no $ Smackabee $ …

Member Avatar for johhny-marshal
Member Avatar for happygeek

[ATTACH=RIGHT]22280[/ATTACH]Mobile phone security threats used to be mocked by everyone outside of vendors with mobile antivirus software to sell. That has changed, and how. The online media headlines have been full to bursting with reports that 'mobile malware' had grown by a staggering 273 percent in the first half of …

Member Avatar for today28
Member Avatar for happygeek

Mobile malware has moved from the security vendor testing labs, out of the realms of marketing hype and FUD, and [firmly onto your smartphone](http://www.daniweb.com/hardware-and-software/tablets-and-mobile-devices/news/382139/how-mobile-malware-actually-grew-by-1400-percent-in-the-last-12-months). The main target for the malware distributors would appear to be the Android platform, which is not surprising given the rapid growth in the userbase coupled …

Member Avatar for Aident364
Member Avatar for vistaman

Background: I had one of my users bring in a home PC that they said has been "very slow" and has additional pop ups etc. They had installed a bunch of products to try and fix it (SpyBot, AVG etc) but could no longer get to the internet. So I …

Member Avatar for gerbil
Member Avatar for happygeek

Everyone loves PHP these days it seems, and that includes the bad guys. So it should come as no surprise to learn that yet another remote access Trojan written using PHP has appeared. However, the fact that this particular bit of PHP backdoor code comes complete with a second, hidden, …

Member Avatar for Heinz Stapff
Member Avatar for akkbkht

Hello Everyone. I am making a tool in which I want a button to do the following job e.g; A=(1,2,3) Signature Guide B=(1,2,4) File Signature In short I am making an antivirus, every thing is done, except "clean" button. I want that the clean button should do the following job. …

Member Avatar for saseless
Member Avatar for code739

hi guys, i just wanna ask if you had known a link for free download for an anti virus that protects your usb i mean the anti virus that recides on your flash drives

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for Top_Hat

Hey there, I have invisible internet windows and audio ads going on in the background of my task manager in the processes tab, I did do some of my own virus scans and did remove some viruses by I still have it, can I get some help here please. Malwarebytes …

Member Avatar for Philomena
Member Avatar for -VLV-

Hi, Main problem: My Laptop (*Not the one I'm using now*) isn't accepting ant input, the mouse and the keyboard are both disabled... It must be due to Trojan attacks... I suspect they unninstalled some drivers... #------'The Story'------# 1. I was surfing the Net, when my 'Microsoft Security Essentials' popped …

Member Avatar for -VLV-
Member Avatar for ejohnson

My desktop's operating software is Windows Vista. It regularly freezes when I start the computer up, not all the time but ity's regular. I'm trying to follow the instruction "Read me before posting a request for assistance" However, I can't carryout step 3 because the GMER Rootkit scanner closes automatically …


The End.