432 Topics

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Member Avatar for Mahen

Here are some little words that I have found about the progress of some of the most Exciting Software Development Stories. First of all, the most awaiting Operating System, Windows Vista has reached the RC1 Milestone. After the Beta1 and the recent Beta2, the development process has got “branched” to …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Italy may have won the soccer [URL="http://fifaworldcup.yahoo.com/"]World Cup[/URL] in a thrilling final yesterday, but they did not even make it through to the group matches as far as the Malware World Cup is concerned. [URL="http://www.webroot.com"]Webroot Software Inc[/URL]. has just released details of global average malware infection rates during June 2006 …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Just when [URL="http://www.microsoft.com"]Microsoft [/URL]had hoped things could not get any worse after the whole Windows Genuine Advantage phones home scandal, things have. Much worse, as the newly discovered Cuebot-K worm disguises itself as something called Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Notification. Intended as an anti-piracy measure, WGA has in fact been …

Member Avatar for kleinbaas
Member Avatar for happygeek

According to Symantec it would seem that security flaw + patch in 5 days = result. Certainly compared to the average 140 days it takes Microsoft to patch a vulnerability it’s to be applauded, but only with one hand. 5 days is 119 hours and 55 minutes too long in …

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Member Avatar for kc0arf

Akronix, a company that provides IM security and management tools, reports that Q3 2005 attacks on IM networks averaged more than one per day. The report mentions that IM borne viruses were "often mutations of other varients, however in September, we had seven new viruses." The report did not mention …

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Member Avatar for Catweazle

A plague has swept the online universe of popular game World of Warcraft! Cities have been wiped out. Travel became a dangerous activity indeed. Online gamers returned from a nature call to find themselves amidst desolation! When Blizzard Software released the version 1.7 Patch for the online game they included …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Catweazle

A new virus has been found and it is targetting all you porn purveyors out there! The trojan named Yusufali-A seeks to help, not harm people by interrupting their depraved activity. On an infected system, window titles are scanned for keywords such as: sex teen xx Phallus jegger Priapus Phallic …

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Member Avatar for kc0arf

Webroot, the makers of Spy Sweeper, are claiming that 8 out of 10 corporate PCs are infected with Spyware. Wow! That's a significant amount of computers. Looking at my personal experience troubleshooting and repairing computers, I have to agree with them. Before we go to deeply, let's define Spyware. According …

Member Avatar for Catweazle
Member Avatar for kc0arf

On August 17, CERT (Computer Emergency Response Team) released information about Apple Mac products facing several security Vulnerabilities. Systems affected: Mac OS X 10.3.9 and 10.4.2 (both workstation and server) Apps affected: Apple Safari Web browser. Apple has addressed these issues in "Apple Security Update 2005-007" According to CERT's writeup, …

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Member Avatar for kc0arf

Attention Microsoft Users -- As of late Tuesday afternoon Chicago time, major news networks are reporting being affected by a new bug called Zotob. It affects Microsoft systems, as described in a Microsoft Bulliton MS05-039, a document that was released earlier this month. CERT sources say that they have seen …

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Member Avatar for Danny

There’s a lot happening in the offices of Microsoft, the world’s most popular, and universally loved software company. [url=http://www.microsoft.com]Microsoft[/url] said Thursday on its TechNet website, that it will be releasing six new security bulletins that affect its Microsoft Windows operating system – one of which is rated critical. The software …

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Member Avatar for billy61788

where can i go to download a free spyware remover? ive fond pletny of sites that will scan for free but then charge you to remove. What sites/programs will remove it for free?

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The End.