10,991 Topics

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Member Avatar for gingank

Can you all help me slove this problem i using vb to get data from sql then display on Excel but while i click again the same button to display it to Excel it show run time error 91 and debug problem it [COLOR="Red"]AppExcel.ActiveWorkbook.Save[/COLOR] Below is the code please help …

Member Avatar for gingank

[B]Below is my code help me see got what error that make it got run time error . when debug it show [COLOR="Red"][B]AppExcel.ActiveWorkbook.Save[/B][/COLOR].[/B] [code=vb]Private Sub cmdPrint_Click() Dim sql As String Dim sql1 As String Dim rs As adodb.Recordset If Trim(Combo1.Text) = "ALL" Then sql = sql1 & " " ElseIf …

Member Avatar for Bikram Singh

Hi All, I am having problem regarding recordset. I am working in MS Access and VBA. I want to display records from the table(specific fields) depending upon the condition. I am very new to this and never used recordset because i am a database programmer now i have to develop. …

Member Avatar for Bikram Singh
Member Avatar for Jouni79

how about this sitsuation: =FormatNumber(Sum(Fields!TotalProductPrice.Value),2) it returns for exsample following: 1.2345. I need to replace . with , how can I do it ?

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for nokomoli

Hi guys, i am a problem when i doing my coding about format a number for normal number with 4 digit , i have idea which is e.g: Dim a As double a = 1/ 2946.33 ' its return is 0.00033940529 If i use format number function with 4digits, the …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for agrothe

I must be getting soft.... How the heck to do I programmatically add new rows to a datagrid / flexgrid or whatever grid using VBA? It's not bound to anything and I'm trying to add data on the fly. Any ideas?

Member Avatar for agrothe
Member Avatar for devpta

Hello. I'm using Windows 2000 O/S, VB6 SP6, and Outlook 2002. I'm trying to create a new email from VB6. When outlook is already running, the program works fine, but when it's not, errors come up. I would like to allow the users to preview the email and have them …

Member Avatar for smjabbar

Hi, I would like to save a barcode image in a folder by using VB code. How to write the vb code to do so. pls. reply me. thank u in advance

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for limesight18
Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for Lovemore

Can someone out there provide me with notes or information on using data reports in Visual Basic 6.0

Member Avatar for choudhuryshouvi
Member Avatar for twilightprincez

hi, i need some help with my hangman game. i have the whole thing down except i don't know how to get it to draw the head if the first letter is wrong, the body if the second, etc. i'm really new at visual basic and i could really use …

Member Avatar for Jupiter 2
Member Avatar for lyardson

hi am using many third party ocx in my vb 6 project...so some times it showing "Don't Send" error... what might be the problem..?? any body faced these problem....

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for sengreen

Hi.. I am not an expert of VB. I am very confused. I am good in java. But solution of my problem is not easy in java. The situation is something like that: The data that is coming on hyperterminal from a remote computer(connected through dial up modem on hyperterminal), …

Member Avatar for PinoyDev

hello guys.! I just have 1 problem right here. I have a variable declaration below: [code=vb] myVar ="Argie's" "Select * from [my Table] where [my Field] ='" & myVar & "';" [/code] When i execute the query, it returns error because the myVar value contains Quotes and sql server does …

Member Avatar for PinoyDev
Member Avatar for anandbe21

Hi, i am new in vb6.0 Data reports can anybody help me regarding my requirement is i need to display my Grand total for summarise total displaying in Group header,Group Footer section & they are displaying separate total for each employee Total my requirement i need to display all Sub-total …

Member Avatar for firoz.raj

can anyone tell me .why i got error object variable or with block variable not set .any help would be greately appreciated.here is the code what i have written.Kindly find the attachment also. [code=vb] Private Sub Command3_Click() Set CON = New ADODB.Connection [COLOR="Red"]If CON.state = adStateOpen Then[/COLOR] ' con.Open ("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Persist …

Member Avatar for Jupiter 2
Member Avatar for map0598

You know how you enter a command in windows 98/xp registry, for example: HKEY_CLASSES_Root\*\shell command = notepad.exe %1 and when you right click on a file it appears in notepad. I want to substitute "myvb6program.exe %1" for notepad.exe in the registry, but I need to know what vb6 code I …

Member Avatar for rola

I need to write a VB program which takes customer type, number of books purchased and cost of each book as an input.Then calculate the total sum after deducting discount that is to be paid by customer. Note that it needs to show both the total before discount and after …

Member Avatar for Jupiter 2
Member Avatar for elanch

Dear All, I have done a project in VBasic 10.0 for our product Design. Unfortunately the program was deleted while re-installing the OS. However we have managed to retrieve the files by using File Recovery software. [U]But now the .EXE file is working but the Vb program file is corrupted.[/U] …

Member Avatar for Jupiter 2
Member Avatar for icedece

hi, i'm trying to create an animation where an image will move left across the screen by 33 pixels at a time until it hits the other edge and goes back, however i', not sure how to write the coding for this timer, below is all i could think of …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for anil.dwivedi

Hi Guys, I want to convert .pptx/.pptm file into .ppsm file using VB6. As like we do Save as functionality in Microsoft Office PowerPoint Application. In PowerPoint, we open .pptx/.pptm files and then save as this file in .ppsm type. Now this file converted as .ppsm type and functional as …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for Jupiter 2

It's VBA if you use Excel or Word Its VB if you use Access There doesn't seem to be a forum/topic for Microsoft Products, not that I can find, anyhow, Bundling Excel into Visual Basic 4/5/6 is confusing many people, Questionewrs and Answerers. Perhaps an addon to the forum/Topic DaniWeb …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for bprabhumdu

How to retrieve a ith place of a table using query.suppose if table has 100 records ,i want to rerieve 93rd record? . please help me

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for Kecy

I am writing a macro for an excel document. it takes a string from a list of strings in column "R" and searches ALL through column "J" to find the string. If it finds the string, it serches the columns "L" and "N" to find out if the numbers are …

Member Avatar for Jupiter 2
Member Avatar for abu taher

I made a database project. when I run it another pc it was run. but when I see the report (in my project) it show a error msg. it is : error number: 713 application defined or object defined errro. another thing it is exe when i run it another …

Member Avatar for Jupiter 2
Member Avatar for jbfsantelices

Good day to everyone...I'm a newbie here and a novice in VB6 programming... I really having a hard time formulating the correct syntax on how to merge multiple tables in Access 2003 using VB6. All the tables that I want to merge had the same fields. For example Table1 includes …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for abu taher

I made a project (exe). I want when a user use it , after 6 month or 1 year it will expired. I mean the exe is use for 1 year. after 1 year it will show a msg. like: demo version for 1 year. contact with author.

Member Avatar for abu taher
Member Avatar for xXxWiredxXx

data's in datagrid is not all from database/recordset.. i have 2 columns coming from a textbox.. is it possible to move all the data's in my datagrid to an excel sheet?

Member Avatar for nyt1972

Hello Friends, I am trying this code to receive SMS through my GSM Modem but I just get this: [QUOTE]AT+CMGL="ALL" OK [/QUOTE] in the text2 box Please help [CODE]Private Sub Command2_Click() Dim buffer If MSComm1.PortOpen = True Then MSComm1.PortOpen = False With MSComm1 .CommPort = 3 .Settings = "9600,N,8,1" .InputLen …

Member Avatar for VIeditorlover
Member Avatar for Bisaye

Hello I have a data which was captured through serial port I need help on selecting specific datas from the data´s captured. The data format is as follows ...‚.20D20¨G...‚B02DA,20,2,L,50.06,11.96,3.30,2.45,2.65,865,255,93,1205.008,928,P.ñ...‚ .10D30«D...‚?01DA,30,2,S,P,L,P,S,P,M,P,P,R,N,N,D,E,S,80010.,99.999,0.08333¾Ÿ...‚ .20D30¥I...‚?02DA,30,2,L,P,L,P,N,P,M,P,P,R,N,N,D,E,S,1457.6,99.994,0.08333.W...‚.10D31©E...‚ 101DA,31,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,M,0,1¥:...‚.20D31£J...‚102DA,31,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,M,0,1vh...‚ .10D32§F...‚P01DA,32,0,1.00,15,85,31,27,250,27.0,56,0,3,2,E,N,P,O,P,O,O,P,P,O,P,O,P,P,P,P,F1Ù...‚.20D32¡K...‚ T02DA,32,54,1.53,15,19,29,38,250,27.0,47,58,75,52,E,N,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,F[²...‚ .10D17£G...‚.01DA,17,50.00,0,60,-85,0êM...‚ I only need the data's of a kind B02DA,20,2,L,50.06,11.96,3.30,2.45,2.65,865,255,93,1205.008,928,P.ñ and B01DA,20,2,L,50.06,11.96,3.30,2.45,2.65,865,255,93,1205.008,928,P.ñ which are by the …

Member Avatar for Bisaye

The End.